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* Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONGenerator.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONUtils.h>
#include <Settings/SettingStringConversion.h>
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace settings {
namespace test {
using namespace avsCommon::utils::json;
/// The key used for converting the hello object.
static const std::string KEY = "key";
/// The value used to initialize the hello object.
static const std::string INIT_VALUE = "value";
* Define an enumeration for testing string conversion.
enum class HelloEnum { HI, THERE };
* Define an operator<< for the test enum @c HelloEnum.
* @param os The output stream.
* @param hello The enumeration to be converted.
* @return The output stream. The failbit is set if the conversion fails.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const HelloEnum& hello) {
if (HelloEnum::HI == hello) {
os << "HI";
} else if (HelloEnum::THERE == hello) {
os << "THERE";
} else {
return os;
* Define an operator>> for the test enum @c HelloEnum.
* @param is The input stream.
* @param[out] hello The enum that will receive the new value.
* @return The input stream. The failbit is set if the conversion fails.
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, HelloEnum& hello) {
std::string str;
is >> str;
if ("HI" == str) {
hello = HelloEnum::HI;
} else if ("THERE" == str) {
hello = HelloEnum::THERE;
} else {
return is;
* Dummy class that only has a name key.
class HelloClass {
* The constructor.
* Compares two instances of HelloClass
* @param rhs The right hand size.
* @return @c true if name is the same and @c false otherwise.
bool operator==(const HelloClass& rhs) const;
/// Just a string to check the conversion succeeds.
std::string m_name = INIT_VALUE;
HelloClass::HelloClass() : m_name{INIT_VALUE} {
bool HelloClass::operator==(const HelloClass& rhs) const {
return m_name == rhs.m_name;
* Define an operator<< for the test class @c HelloClass.
* @param os The output stream.
* @param hello The object to be converted.
* @return The output stream. The failbit is set if the conversion fails.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const HelloClass& hello) {
JsonGenerator jsonGenerator;
EXPECT_TRUE(jsonGenerator.addMember(KEY, hello.m_name));
os << jsonGenerator.toString();
return os;
* Define an operator>> for the test class @c HelloClass.
* @param is The input stream.
* @param[out] hello The object that will receive the new value.
* @return The input stream. The failbit is set if the conversion fails.
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, HelloClass& hello) {
std::string json;
is >> json;
if (!jsonUtils::retrieveValue(json, KEY, &hello.m_name)) {
return is;
std::pair<bool, std::string> expected(bool result, std::string value) {
return {result, value};
/// Test boolean conversions.
TEST(SettingStringConversionTest, testBoolConversion) {
// Valid conversions
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<bool>(false), expected(true, "false"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<bool>(true), expected(true, "true"));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<bool>("false", true), std::make_pair(true, false));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<bool>("true", false), std::make_pair(true, true));
// Invalid conversion
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<bool>("not bool", false), std::make_pair(false, false));
TEST(SettingStringConversionTest, testIntegralByteSize) {
// Valid conversions
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int8_t>("10", 100).first, true);
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int8_t>("10", 100).second, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<uint8_t>("10", 100).second, 10u);
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<int8_t>(10), expected(true, "10"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<uint8_t>(10), expected(true, "10"));
// Invalid conversion
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int8_t>("not int", 10).first, false);
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int8_t>("not int", 10).second, 10);
TEST(SettingStringConversionTest, testArithmeticTypes) {
// Valid conversions
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<char>('a'), expected(true, "a"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<int>(10), expected(true, "10"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<int>(-10), expected(true, "-10"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<double>(10.2), expected(true, "10.2"));
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<double>(1.2e10), expected(true, "1.2e+10"));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<char>("a", 'b'), std::make_pair(true, 'a'));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int>("10", 100), std::make_pair(true, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int>("-10", 100), std::make_pair(true, -10));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<double>("10.2", 2.2), std::make_pair(true, 10.2));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<double>("1.2e10", 2.2), std::make_pair(true, 1.2e+10));
// Invalid conversion
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<int>("not int", 100), std::make_pair(false, 100));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<double>("not double", 2.2), std::make_pair(false, 2.2));
TEST(SettingStringConversionTest, testFromEnum) {
// Valid conversions
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<HelloEnum>(HelloEnum::HI), expected(true, R"("HI")"));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloEnum>(R"("THERE")", HelloEnum::HI), std::make_pair(true, HelloEnum::THERE));
// Invalid conversion
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloEnum>(R"("BLAH")", HelloEnum::HI), std::make_pair(false, HelloEnum::HI));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloEnum>("", HelloEnum::HI), std::make_pair(false, HelloEnum::HI));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloEnum>("-THERE-", HelloEnum::HI), std::make_pair(false, HelloEnum::HI));
TEST(SettingStringConversionTest, testFromClass) {
// Valid conversions
HelloClass newValue;
newValue.m_name = "newValue";
EXPECT_EQ(toSettingString<HelloClass>(HelloClass()), expected(true, R"({"key":"value"})"));
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloClass>(R"({"key":"newValue"})", HelloClass()), std::make_pair(true, newValue));
// Invalid conversion
EXPECT_EQ(fromSettingString<HelloClass>("invalid json", HelloClass()), std::make_pair(false, HelloClass()));
} // namespace test
} // namespace settings
} // namespace alexaClientSDK