/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file TimerTest.cpp #include #include #include "AVSCommon/Utils/Timing/Timer.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace avsCommon { namespace utils { namespace timing { namespace test { /// Specifies the expected timing accuracy (timestamps must be within +/- ACCURACY of expected values). #ifdef _WIN32 static const auto ACCURACY = std::chrono::milliseconds(30); #else static const auto ACCURACY = std::chrono::milliseconds(15); #endif /// Used for cases where the task should return immediately, without delay. static const auto NO_DELAY = std::chrono::milliseconds(0); /// Used for cases where the task duration or timer period should be shorter than MEDIUM_DELAY and LONG_DELAY. static const auto SHORT_DELAY = ACCURACY * 2; /// Used for cases where the task duration or timer period should be greater than SHORT_DELAY and less than LONG_DELAY. static const auto MEDIUM_DELAY = SHORT_DELAY + ACCURACY; /** * Used for cases where the task duration or timer period should be greater than MEDIUM_DELAY, and greater than two * SHORT_DELAYs. */ static const auto LONG_DELAY = SHORT_DELAY * 2 + ACCURACY; /** * Used to limit the amount of time tests will wait for an operation to finish. This timeout will only be hit if a * test is failing. */ static const auto TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(1); /// Number of task iterations to run for multi-shot tests static const size_t ITERATIONS = 5; /// Test harness for Timer class. class TimerTest : public ::testing::Test { public: /// Set up the test harness for running a test. void SetUp() override; /** * A simple task to test Timer instances with. This task records its start time in @c m_timestamps and then waits * for the specified duration before returning. * * @param duration The number of milliseconds to sleep before returning. */ void simpleTask(std::chrono::milliseconds duration); protected: /** * Utility function which verifies the size and values of @c m_timestamps after runnning a timer. * * @param startTime The start time for a timer, against which @c m_timestamps should be verified. * @param period The period of the timer. * @param periodType The type of period used for the timer. * @param duration The runtime duration of the timer task. * @param iterations The expected number of task calls made by the timer. */ void verifyTimestamps( std::chrono::time_point startTime, std::chrono::milliseconds delay, std::chrono::milliseconds period, Timer::PeriodType periodType, std::chrono::milliseconds duration, size_t iterations = 1); /** * Utility function which polls for a timer to go inactive. This function will time out and fail if the timer * does not go inactive within SHORT_DELAY. * * @return @c true if timer is inactive, else @c false. */ bool waitForInactive(); /// Mutex which protects access to @c m_timestamps. std::mutex m_mutex; /// Condition variable to notify about changes to @c m_timestamps. std::condition_variable m_conditionVariable; /// This deque accumulates timestamps from timer calls to simpleTask(). std::deque> m_timestamps; /// The timer to use in the tests. std::shared_ptr m_timer; }; void TimerTest::SetUp() { m_timer = std::shared_ptr(new Timer); } void TimerTest::simpleTask(std::chrono::milliseconds duration) { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_timestamps.push_back(now); m_conditionVariable.notify_all(); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); } void TimerTest::verifyTimestamps( std::chrono::time_point startTime, std::chrono::milliseconds delay, std::chrono::milliseconds period, Timer::PeriodType periodType, std::chrono::milliseconds duration, size_t iterations) { // For ABSOLUTE periods, the actual number of task calls may be less than iterations if duration exceeds // period. size_t expectedTaskCalls = iterations; if (periodType == Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE) { size_t callsSkippedPerIteration = duration / period; expectedTaskCalls = (iterations - 1) / (callsSkippedPerIteration + 1) + 1; } std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); ASSERT_TRUE(m_conditionVariable.wait_for( lock, TIMEOUT, [this, expectedTaskCalls] { return m_timestamps.size() == expectedTaskCalls; })); // First timestamp should always occur after an elapsed time of delay. auto timestamp = m_timestamps.begin(); auto elapsed = delay; auto taskRuntimeRemaining = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero(); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { // Only check timestamps if the task would have finished by this iteration. if (taskRuntimeRemaining <= std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) { // Make sure this task call started on schedule. auto delta = std::chrono::duration_cast(*timestamp - startTime); EXPECT_GE(delta, elapsed - ACCURACY); EXPECT_LE(delta, elapsed + ACCURACY); // For ABSOLUTE periods, note how much task runtime remains after the first period. if (periodType == Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE) { taskRuntimeRemaining = duration - period; } // For RELATIVE periods, the cadence can vary, and advances relative to the previous task // end (start + duration) by one period. if (periodType == Timer::PeriodType::RELATIVE) { elapsed = delta + duration + period; } // We're done with this timestamp. ++timestamp; } else { // Update task runtime after another period has elapsed. taskRuntimeRemaining -= period; } // For ABSOLUTE periods, the cadence is fixed, and consistently advances by one period. if (periodType == Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE) { elapsed += period; } } // note: can't ASSERT_EQ on iterators with older GCC versions - see https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/742 bool timestampEqualsEnd = (timestamp == m_timestamps.end()); ASSERT_TRUE(timestampEqualsEnd); } bool TimerTest::waitForInactive() { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0 < TIMEOUT) { if (!m_timer->isActive()) { return true; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY); } return false; } /// This test runs a single-shot timer and verifies that the task is called once, at the expected time. TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_singleShot) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_EQ( m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).wait_for(TIMEOUT), std::future_status::ready); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); } /** * This test runs a multi-shot ABSOLUTE timer and verifies that the task is called the expected number of times, * and that each call occurred at the expected time. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_multiShot) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY, ITERATIONS); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test runs a multi-shot ABSOLUTE timer with different initial delay and verifies that the task is called * the expected number of times, and that each call occurred at the expected time. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_multiShotWithDelay) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( MEDIUM_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, MEDIUM_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY, ITERATIONS); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test runs a continuous ABSOLUTE timer, verifies that it remains active through several iterations, * verifies that it stops when requested, and verifies that the expected number of calls occurred at their expected * times. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_forever) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, Timer::FOREVER, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY, ITERATIONS); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test runs a slow task with an ABSOLUTE timer, but one which completes in less than a period, and verifies * that the slow task does not change the number of calls or their period. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_slowTaskLessThanPeriod) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( MEDIUM_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, MEDIUM_DELAY, MEDIUM_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, SHORT_DELAY, ITERATIONS); } /** * This test runs a slow task with an ABSOLUTE timer which does not complete within a period, and verifies that * the slow task results in skipped calls, but on a consistent period. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_slowTaskGreaterThanPeriod) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, MEDIUM_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, MEDIUM_DELAY, ITERATIONS); } /** * This test runs a slow task with an ABSOLUTE timer which does not complete within multiple periods, and verifies * that the slow task results in skipped calls, but on a consistent period. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_slowTaskGreaterThanTwoPeriods) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, LONG_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, LONG_DELAY, ITERATIONS); } /** * This test runs a slow task with a RELATIVE timer which does not complete within a period, and verifies that * the slow task does not result in skipped calls, but calls have a consistent between-task delay. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_endToStartPeriod) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::RELATIVE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, MEDIUM_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::RELATIVE, MEDIUM_DELAY, ITERATIONS); } /** * This test verifies that a call to stop() before the task is called results in an inactive timer which does not * execute the task. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_stopSingleShotBeforeTask) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(MEDIUM_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timestamps.empty()); } } /** * This test verifies that a call to stop() while a task is executing results in an inactive timer after that task * finishes executing. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_stopSingleShotDuringTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, SHORT_DELAY); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test verifies that a call to stop() after a task has finished executing leaves the timer inactive and * unchanged. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_stopSingleShotAfterTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, SHORT_DELAY); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY + SHORT_DELAY / 2); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test verifies that a call to stop() on a multi-shot timer results in an inactive timer with the expected * number of calls. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_stopMultiShot) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, ITERATIONS, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY, ITERATIONS - 1); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test verifies that a call to start() fails on a timer which is active but has not called a task yet, but does * not interfere with the previously scheduled task. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_startRunningBeforeTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); ASSERT_EQ(m_timestamps.size(), 0U); } ASSERT_FALSE(m_timer->start(LONG_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); } /** * This test verifies that a call to start() fails on a timer which is currently executing a task, but does * not interfere with that task. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_startRunningDuringTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY + SHORT_DELAY / 2); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); ASSERT_FALSE(m_timer->start(LONG_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); } /** * This test verifies that a call to start() succeeds on a timer which was previously used to run a task, but which is * inactive at the time the new start() is called. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_startRunningAfterTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); m_timestamps.clear(); auto t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_EQ( m_timer->start(MEDIUM_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).wait_for(TIMEOUT), std::future_status::ready); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); verifyTimestamps(t1, MEDIUM_DELAY, MEDIUM_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); } /// This test verifies that a timer which is deleted while active, but before running its task, does not run the task. TEST_F(TimerTest, test_deleteBeforeTask) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(SHORT_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); m_timer.reset(); { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); ASSERT_EQ(m_timestamps.size(), 0U); } } /// This test verifies that a timer which is deleted while running a task completes the task. TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_deleteDuringTask) { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start( SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, Timer::FOREVER, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, SHORT_DELAY))); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY + SHORT_DELAY / 2); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, SHORT_DELAY); m_timer.reset(); verifyTimestamps(t0, SHORT_DELAY, SHORT_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, SHORT_DELAY); } /** * This test verifies that a call to start() succeeds on a timer which was previously stopped while running a task, but * which is inactive at the time the new start() is called. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_startRunningAfterStopDuringTask) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(NO_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, MEDIUM_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY); m_timer->stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); m_timestamps.clear(); auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); ASSERT_EQ( m_timer->start(MEDIUM_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).wait_for(TIMEOUT), std::future_status::ready); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); verifyTimestamps(t0, MEDIUM_DELAY, MEDIUM_DELAY, Timer::PeriodType::ABSOLUTE, NO_DELAY); } /** * This test verifies that multiple calls to stop does not result in a deadlock. */ TEST_F(TimerTest, testTimer_multipleStopsDoesntDeadlock) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->start(MEDIUM_DELAY, std::bind(&TimerTest::simpleTask, this, NO_DELAY)).valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_DELAY); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timer->isActive()); // Start multiple calls to stop on different threads std::thread t(&Timer::stop, m_timer); std::thread t2(&Timer::stop, m_timer); t.join(); t2.join(); ASSERT_TRUE(waitForInactive()); { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); ASSERT_TRUE(m_timestamps.empty()); } } } // namespace test } // namespace timing } // namespace utils } // namespace avsCommon } // namespace alexaClientSDK