/* * Copyright 2018-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file VisualActivityTrackerTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AFML/VisualActivityTracker.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace afml { namespace test { using namespace avsCommon::avs; using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces; using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test; using namespace avsCommon::utils::json; using namespace ::testing; /// Plenty of time for a test to complete. static std::chrono::milliseconds WAIT_TIMEOUT(1000); /// Namespace for AudioActivityTracke. static const std::string NAMESPACE_AUDIO_ACTIVITY_TRACKER("VisualActivityTracker"); /// The @c NamespaceAndName to send to the @c ContextManager. static const NamespaceAndName NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_STATE{NAMESPACE_AUDIO_ACTIVITY_TRACKER, "ActivityState"}; /// Provide State Token for testing. static const unsigned int PROVIDE_STATE_TOKEN_TEST{1}; /// The default Visual Channel name. static const std::string VISUAL_CHANNEL_NAME{"Visual"}; /// The default Visual Interface name. static const std::string VISUAL_INTERFACE_NAME{"TempateRuntime"}; /// The default Visual Channel priority. static unsigned int VISUAL_CHANNEL_PRIORITY{100}; /// The default Invalid Channel name. static const std::string INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME{"Invalid"}; /// The default Channel priority for the invalid channel. static unsigned int INVALID_CHANNEL_PRIORITY{300}; /// Timeout to sleep before asking for provideState(). static const std::chrono::milliseconds SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS = std::chrono::milliseconds(5); /// Test harness for @c VisualActivityTrackerTest class. class VisualActivityTrackerTest : public ::testing::Test { public: /// A constructor which initializes the promises and futures needed for the test class. VisualActivityTrackerTest(); /// Set up the test harness for running a test. void SetUp() override; /// Clean up the test harness after running a test. void TearDown() override; /// @c VisualActivityTracker to test std::shared_ptr m_VisualActivityTracker; /// @c ContextManager to provide state and update state. std::shared_ptr m_mockContextManager; /// A visualChannel used for testing. std::shared_ptr m_visualChannel; /** * Verify that the provided state matches the expected state * * @param jsonState The state to verify * @param channels The set of channels that's passed into the VisualActivityTracker */ void verifyState(const std::string& providedState, const std::vector& channels); /** * A helper function to verify the context provided by the VisualActivityTracker matches the set the channels * notified via notifyOfActivityUpdates(). * * @param channels The set of channels that's passed into the VisualActivityTracker */ void provideUpdate(const std::vector& channels); /** * This is invoked in response to a @c setState call. * * @return @c SUCCESS. */ SetStateResult wakeOnSetState(); /// Promise to be fulfilled when @c setState is called. std::promise m_wakeSetStatePromise; /// Future to notify when @c setState is called. std::future m_wakeSetStateFuture; }; VisualActivityTrackerTest::VisualActivityTrackerTest() : m_wakeSetStateFuture{m_wakeSetStatePromise.get_future()} { } void VisualActivityTrackerTest::SetUp() { m_mockContextManager = std::make_shared>(); m_VisualActivityTracker = VisualActivityTracker::create(m_mockContextManager); ASSERT_TRUE(m_mockContextManager != nullptr); m_visualChannel = std::make_shared(VISUAL_CHANNEL_NAME, VISUAL_CHANNEL_PRIORITY); m_visualChannel->setInterface(VISUAL_INTERFACE_NAME); ASSERT_TRUE(m_visualChannel != nullptr); } void VisualActivityTrackerTest::TearDown() { m_VisualActivityTracker->shutdown(); } void VisualActivityTrackerTest::verifyState( const std::string& providedState, const std::vector& channels) { rapidjson::Document jsonContent; jsonContent.Parse(providedState); // VisualActivityTracker should return empty context if otherwise if the vector is empty. if (channels.size() == 0) { ASSERT_TRUE(providedState.empty()); return; } // VisualActivityTracker should return empty context if any channel is not VISUAL_CHANNEL. for (auto& channel : channels) { if (FocusManagerInterface::VISUAL_CHANNEL_NAME != channel.name) { ASSERT_TRUE(providedState.empty()); return; } } // Get the last element of the channels vector as that's the most recent updates. const auto& channel = channels.back(); // If channel is not active, VisualActivityTracker should return empty context as well. if (FocusState::NONE == channel.focusState) { ASSERT_TRUE(providedState.empty()); return; } // Get "focused" node. rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator focusNode; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::findNode(jsonContent, "focused", &focusNode)); // Get and verify interface name. std::string interfaceName; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::retrieveValue(focusNode->value, "interface", &interfaceName)); ASSERT_EQ(interfaceName, channel.interfaceName); } void VisualActivityTrackerTest::provideUpdate(const std::vector& channels) { EXPECT_CALL( *(m_mockContextManager.get()), setState(NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_STATE, _, StateRefreshPolicy::SOMETIMES, PROVIDE_STATE_TOKEN_TEST)) .Times(1) .WillOnce(DoAll( // need to include all four arguments, but only care about jsonState Invoke([this, &channels]( const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName& namespaceAndName, const std::string& jsonState, const avsCommon::avs::StateRefreshPolicy& refreshPolicy, const unsigned int stateRequestToken) { verifyState(jsonState, channels); }), InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &VisualActivityTrackerTest::wakeOnSetState))); m_VisualActivityTracker->notifyOfActivityUpdates(channels); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS); m_VisualActivityTracker->provideState(NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_STATE, PROVIDE_STATE_TOKEN_TEST); ASSERT_TRUE(std::future_status::ready == m_wakeSetStateFuture.wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT)); } SetStateResult VisualActivityTrackerTest::wakeOnSetState() { m_wakeSetStatePromise.set_value(); return SetStateResult::SUCCESS; } /// Test if there's no activity updates, VisualActivityTracker will return an empty context. TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_noActivityUpdate) { EXPECT_CALL( *(m_mockContextManager.get()), setState(NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_STATE, "", StateRefreshPolicy::SOMETIMES, PROVIDE_STATE_TOKEN_TEST)) .Times(1) .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &VisualActivityTrackerTest::wakeOnSetState)); m_VisualActivityTracker->provideState(NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_STATE, PROVIDE_STATE_TOKEN_TEST); ASSERT_TRUE(std::future_status::ready == m_wakeSetStateFuture.wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT)); } /// Test if there's an empty vector of activity updates, VisualActivityTracker will return an empty context. TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_emptyActivityUpdate) { std::vector channels; provideUpdate(channels); } /// Test if there's an activityUpdate for one idle channel, VisualActivityTracker will return an empty context. TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_oneIdleChannel) { std::vector channels; m_visualChannel->setFocus(FocusState::NONE); channels.push_back(m_visualChannel->getState()); provideUpdate(channels); } /// Test if there's an activityUpdate for one active channel, context will be reported correctly. TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_oneActiveChannel) { std::vector channels; m_visualChannel->setFocus(FocusState::FOREGROUND); channels.push_back(m_visualChannel->getState()); provideUpdate(channels); } /* * Test if there's an vector of activity updates with one valid and one invalid channel, VisualActivityTracker will * return an empty context. */ TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_invalidChannelActivityUpdate) { std::vector channels; auto invalidChannel = std::make_shared(INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME, INVALID_CHANNEL_PRIORITY); m_visualChannel->setFocus(FocusState::FOREGROUND); channels.push_back(m_visualChannel->getState()); channels.push_back(invalidChannel->getState()); provideUpdate(channels); } /* * Test if there's an vector of activity updates with one valid channel, VisualActivityTracker take the state from the * last element of the vector. */ TEST_F(VisualActivityTrackerTest, test_validChannelTwoActivityUpdates) { std::vector channels; m_visualChannel->setFocus(FocusState::FOREGROUND); channels.push_back(m_visualChannel->getState()); m_visualChannel->setFocus(FocusState::BACKGROUND); channels.push_back(m_visualChannel->getState()); provideUpdate(channels); } } // namespace test } // namespace afml } // namespace alexaClientSDK