/* * Copyright 2017-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ALEXA_CLIENT_SDK_ACL_TEST_TRANSPORT_MESSAGEROUTERTEST_H_ #define ALEXA_CLIENT_SDK_ACL_TEST_TRANSPORT_MESSAGEROUTERTEST_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "AVSCommon/Utils/Threading/Executor.h" #include "AVSCommon/Utils/Memory/Memory.h" #include "MockMessageRouterObserver.h" #include "MockAuthDelegate.h" #include "MockTransport.h" #include "ACL/Transport/MessageRouter.h" #include "ACL/Transport/MessageConsumerInterface.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace acl { namespace test { using namespace transport; using namespace transport::test; using namespace avsCommon::avs::attachment; using namespace avsCommon::utils::threading; using namespace avsCommon::utils::memory; using namespace ::testing; class TestableMessageRouter : public MessageRouter { public: TestableMessageRouter( std::shared_ptr authDelegate, std::shared_ptr attachmentManager, std::shared_ptr factory, const std::string& avsGateway) : MessageRouter(authDelegate, attachmentManager, factory, avsGateway) { } /** * Check if the underlying executor is in ready state within a given wait time. * * @param time to wait up to specified milliseconds. * @return Whether the underlying executor is ready or not. */ bool isExecutorReady(std::chrono::milliseconds millisecondsToWait) { auto future = m_executor.submit([]() { ; }); auto status = future.wait_for(millisecondsToWait); return status == std::future_status::ready; } }; class MockTransportFactory : public TransportFactoryInterface { public: MockTransportFactory(std::shared_ptr transport) : m_mockTransport{transport} { } void setMockTransport(std::shared_ptr transport) { m_mockTransport = transport; } private: std::shared_ptr createTransport( std::shared_ptr authDelegate, std::shared_ptr attachmentManager, const std::string& avsGateway, std::shared_ptr messageConsumerInterface, std::shared_ptr transportObserverInterface) override { return m_mockTransport; } std::shared_ptr m_mockTransport; }; class MessageRouterTest : public ::testing::Test { public: const std::string AVS_ENDPOINT = "AVS_ENDPOINT"; MessageRouterTest() : m_mockMessageRouterObserver{std::make_shared()}, m_mockAuthDelegate{std::make_shared()}, m_attachmentManager{std::make_shared(AttachmentManager::AttachmentType::IN_PROCESS)}, m_mockTransport{std::make_shared>()}, m_transportFactory{std::make_shared(m_mockTransport)}, m_router{std::make_shared( m_mockAuthDelegate, m_attachmentManager, m_transportFactory, AVS_ENDPOINT)} { m_router->setObserver(m_mockMessageRouterObserver); } void TearDown() { // Wait on MessageRouter to ensure everything is finished waitOnMessageRouter(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS); } std::shared_ptr createMessageRequest() { return std::make_shared(MESSAGE); } void waitOnMessageRouter(std::chrono::milliseconds millisecondsToWait) { auto status = m_router->isExecutorReady(millisecondsToWait); ASSERT_EQ(true, status); } void setupStateToPending() { initializeMockTransport(m_mockTransport.get()); m_router->enable(); } void setupStateToConnected() { setupStateToPending(); m_router->onConnected(m_mockTransport); connectMockTransport(m_mockTransport.get()); } // Ensure the length of MESSAGE always matches MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1 (one for each char and a null terminator) static const std::string MESSAGE; static const int MESSAGE_LENGTH; static const std::chrono::milliseconds SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS; static const std::string CONTEXT_ID; std::shared_ptr m_mockMessageRouterObserver; std::shared_ptr m_mockAuthDelegate; std::shared_ptr m_attachmentManager; std::shared_ptr> m_mockTransport; std::shared_ptr m_transportFactory; std::shared_ptr m_router; // TestableMessageRouter m_router; }; const std::string MessageRouterTest::MESSAGE = "123456789"; const int MessageRouterTest::MESSAGE_LENGTH = 10; const std::chrono::milliseconds MessageRouterTest::SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000); const std::string MessageRouterTest::CONTEXT_ID = "contextIdString"; } // namespace test } // namespace acl } // namespace alexaClientSDK #endif // ALEXA_CLIENT_SDK_ACL_TEST_TRANSPORT_MESSAGEROUTERTEST_H_