/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file JSONUtilTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include "AVSCommon/AVS/AVSDirective.h" #include "AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONUtils.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace avsCommon { namespace utils { namespace json { namespace test { using namespace ::testing; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon; using namespace rapidjson; using namespace jsonUtils; /// The header key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_HEADER_STRING = "header"; /// The namespace key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_STRING = "namespace"; /// The name key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAME_STRING = "name"; /// The messageId key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_ID_STRING = "messageId"; /// The dialogRequestId key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_STRING = "dialogRequestId"; /// The payload key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_STRING = "payload"; /// The directive key in the JSON content of an AVS message static const std::string DIRECTIVE_KEY = "directive"; /// The namespace in AVS message. static const std::string NAMESPACE_TEST = "SpeechSynthesizer"; /// The name field in AVS message. static const std::string NAME_TEST = "Speak"; /// The messageId in AVS message. static const std::string MESSAGE_ID_TEST = "testMessageId"; /// The dialogRequestId in AVS message. static const std::string DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST = "dialogRequestIdTest"; /// The payload in AVS message. static const std::string PAYLOAD_TEST = R"({"url":"cid:testCID","format":"testFormat","token":"testToken"})"; /// A random text to test the output value modification. static const std::string OUTPUT_DEFAULT_TEXT_STRING = "defaultString"; /// A random integer to test the output value modification. static const int OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE = 42; /// Expected string value. static const std::string EXPECTED_STRING_VALUE = "expectedValue"; /// Expected int value. static const int EXPECTED_INT_VALUE = 123; /// Expected uint64_t value. static const uint64_t EXPECTED_UNSIGNED_INT64_VALUE = UINT64_MAX; /// Expected int value converted to a string. static const std::string EXPECTED_INT_VALUE_STRINGIFIED = "123"; /// An invalid AVS directive JSON.`` static const std::string EMPTY_DIRECTIVE = R"({ "directive": { } })"; /// A sample AVS speak directive with all valid JSON keys. // clang-format off static const std::string SPEAK_DIRECTIVE = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":")" + NAMESPACE_TEST + R"(", "name": ")" + NAME_TEST + R"(", "messageId": ")" + MESSAGE_ID_TEST + R"(", "dialogRequestId": ")" + DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST + R"(" }, "payload": )" + PAYLOAD_TEST + R"( } })"; // clang-format on /// The JSON key used in value reading tests. static const std::string VALUE_KEY = "anInt64"; /// A JSON key *not* used in value reading tests. static const std::string MISSING_KEY = "missingKey"; /// An invalid JSON string for testing. static const std::string INVALID_JSON = "invalidTestJSON"; // clang-format off /// A valid JSON string with scalar string value. static const std::string VALID_JSON_STRING_VALUE = R"({")" + VALUE_KEY + R"(":")" + EXPECTED_STRING_VALUE + R"("})"; /// A valid JSON string with integer value. static const std::string VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE = R"({")" + VALUE_KEY + R"(":)" + EXPECTED_INT_VALUE_STRINGIFIED + R"(})"; // clang-format on /// A double. static const double A_DOUBLE = 1.0; /// A bool used for construction of rapidjson::Value objects. static const bool A_BOOL = false; /// A valid string JSON Value. static const std::string STRING_VALUE = "stringValue"; /// A valid empty string JSON Value. static const std::string STRING_VALUE_EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT = "{}"; /// Define test fixture for testing AVSMessage. class JSONUtilTest : public ::testing::Test {}; /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = std::string for getting child object as a string. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_validJsonChildObjectAsString) { std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::retrieveValue(EMPTY_DIRECTIVE, DIRECTIVE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, STRING_VALUE_EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = std::string for getting value of a scalar string. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_validJsonScalarString) { std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::retrieveValue(VALID_JSON_STRING_VALUE, VALUE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, EXPECTED_STRING_VALUE); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 for getting an integer value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_validJsonInteger) { int64_t value = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::retrieveValue(VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE, VALUE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, EXPECTED_INT_VALUE); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and an invalid JSON. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueStringBasedInt64FromInvalidJSON) { int64_t value = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(INVALID_JSON, VALUE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = std::string and an invalid JSON. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueStringBasedStringFromInvalidJSON) { std::string value = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_TEXT_STRING; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(INVALID_JSON, VALUE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, OUTPUT_DEFAULT_TEXT_STRING); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and an incorrect key. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueStringBasedWithIncorrectKey) { int64_t value = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE, MISSING_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INT_VALUE); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const std::string jsonString, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and a null output param. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueStringBasedWithNull) { int64_t* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE, VALUE_KEY, value)); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const rapidjson::Value& jsonNode, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and a value of invalid type. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueDocumentBasedWithInvalidValueType) { Document doc; doc.Parse(VALID_JSON_STRING_VALUE); int64_t value; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(doc, VALUE_KEY, &value)); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const rapidjson::Value& jsonNode, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and a null output param. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueDocumentBasedWithNull) { Document doc; doc.Parse(VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE); int64_t* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(retrieveValue(doc, VALUE_KEY, value)); } /** * Tests retrieveValue(const rapidjson::Value& jsonNode, const std::string& key, T* value) * with T = int64 and a valid value. Returns true and obtains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveValueDocumentBasedWithValidInt64) { Document doc; doc.Parse(VALID_JSON_INTEGER_VALUE); int64_t value; ASSERT_TRUE(retrieveValue(doc, VALUE_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, EXPECTED_INT_VALUE); } /** * Tests findNode with a Null output param. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_findNodeNull) { Document doc; doc.Parse(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE); ASSERT_FALSE(findNode(doc, JSON_MESSAGE_HEADER_STRING, nullptr)); } /** * Tests findNode with a valid key. Returns true with iterator != MemberEnd(). */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_findNodeKeyExists) { Document doc; doc.Parse(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE); Value::ConstMemberIterator iterator; ASSERT_TRUE(findNode(doc, DIRECTIVE_KEY, &iterator)); ASSERT_NE(iterator, doc.MemberEnd()); } /** * Tests findNode with a non-existent key. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_findNodeKeyMissing) { Document doc; doc.Parse(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE); Value::ConstMemberIterator iterator; ASSERT_FALSE(findNode(doc, MISSING_KEY, &iterator)); } /** * Tests parseJSON with a null output param. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_parseJSONNullOutputParam) { ASSERT_FALSE(parseJSON(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE, nullptr)); } /** * Tests parseJSON with a valid json. Returns true. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_parseJSONValidJSON) { Document doc; ASSERT_TRUE(parseJSON(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE, &doc)); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.HasParseError()); } /** * Tests parseJSON with an invalid json. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_parseJSONInvalidJSON) { Document doc; ASSERT_FALSE(parseJSON(INVALID_JSON, &doc)); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.HasParseError()); } /** * Tests convertToValue with Value of rapidjson::Type::kStringType. Returns * true and contains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToStringValueWithString) { rapidjson::Value expected; expected.SetString(STRING_VALUE.c_str(), STRING_VALUE.length()); std::string actual; ASSERT_TRUE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); ASSERT_EQ(expected.GetString(), actual); } /** * Tests convertToValue with Value of rapidjson::Type::kObjectType. * Returns true and contains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToStringValueWithObject) { rapidjson::Value emptyObject(kObjectType); std::string actual; ASSERT_TRUE(convertToValue(emptyObject, &actual)); ASSERT_EQ(STRING_VALUE_EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT, actual); } /** * Tests convertToValue with and invalid Value of rapidjson::Type::kNullType. * Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToStringValueWithInvalidValue) { rapidjson::Value nullValue(kNullType); std::string value; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(nullValue, &value)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with null output param. * Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToStringValueWithNullOutputParam) { rapidjson::Value node; node.SetString(STRING_VALUE.c_str(), STRING_VALUE.length()); std::string* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(node, value)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with valid int64_6. Returns true and contains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToInt64ValueWithInt64) { rapidjson::Value expected(EXPECTED_INT_VALUE); int64_t actual; ASSERT_TRUE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); ASSERT_EQ(expected.GetInt64(), actual); } /** * Tests convertToValue with double. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToInt64ValueWithDouble) { rapidjson::Value expected(A_DOUBLE); int64_t actual; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with null output param. * Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToUint64ValueWithNullOutputParam) { rapidjson::Value node(EXPECTED_UNSIGNED_INT64_VALUE); uint64_t* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(node, value)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with valid uint64_t. Returns true and contains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToUint64ValueWithUint64) { rapidjson::Value expected(EXPECTED_UNSIGNED_INT64_VALUE); uint64_t actual; ASSERT_TRUE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); ASSERT_EQ(expected.GetUint64(), actual); } /** * Tests convertToValue with double. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToUint64ValueWithDouble) { rapidjson::Value expected(A_DOUBLE); uint64_t actual; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with null output param. * Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToInt64ValueWithNullOutputParam) { rapidjson::Value node(EXPECTED_INT_VALUE); int64_t* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(node, value)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with null output param. * Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToBoolValueWithNullOutputParam) { rapidjson::Value node(A_BOOL); bool* value = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(node, value)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with a nonbool. Returns false. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToBoolValueWithNonBool) { rapidjson::Value expected(A_DOUBLE); bool actual; ASSERT_FALSE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); } /** * Tests convertToValue with valid bool. Returns true and contains the correct value. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToBoolValueWithBool) { rapidjson::Value expected(A_BOOL); bool actual; ASSERT_TRUE(convertToValue(expected, &actual)); ASSERT_EQ(expected.GetBool(), actual); } /** * Test convert to string set with valid entry. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveStringArraySucceed) { auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"(["ONE","TWO"])"); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 2u); ASSERT_NE(entries.find("ONE"), entries.end()); ASSERT_NE(entries.find("TWO"), entries.end()); } /** * Test convert to string set with empty entry. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveStringArrayEmpty) { auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"([])"); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with non-array. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveStringArrayNonArray) { auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":"value"})"); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with invalid json. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveStringArrayNonJson) { auto entries = retrieveStringArray>("Not json"); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with an array with elements that are not string. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveStringArrayWithNonStringArrayFails) { auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"([true,1])"); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with empty set. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToJsonStringFromEmptySet) { auto jsonString = convertToJsonString>(std::set()); ASSERT_EQ(jsonString, std::string("[]")); } /** * Test convert to string set with non-empty set. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToJsonStringFromStringSet) { auto jsonString = convertToJsonString>(std::set({"ONE", "TWO"})); ASSERT_EQ(jsonString, std::string(R"(["ONE","TWO"])")); } /** * Test convert to json list with non-empty string vector. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_convertToJsonFromStringVector) { auto jsonString = convertToJsonString>(std::vector({"ONE", "TWO", "THREE"})); ASSERT_EQ(jsonString, std::string(R"(["ONE","TWO","THREE"])")); } /** * Test convert to string set with valid entry. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveElementsWithKeySucceed) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":["ONE","TWO"]})", key); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 2u); EXPECT_NE(entries.find("ONE"), entries.end()); EXPECT_NE(entries.find("TWO"), entries.end()); } /** * Test convert to string set with mix of string and non-strings entries. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveMixStringNonStringElementsWithKeySucceed) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":["ONE",2]})", key); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 1u); EXPECT_NE(entries.find("ONE"), entries.end()); } /** * Test convert to string set with empty entry. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveElementsWithKeyEmptyArray) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":[]})", key); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with non-array. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveElementsWithKeyNonArray) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":"value"})", key); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string set with non-array. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveElementsWithKeyMissing) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"anotherKey":"value"})", key); ASSERT_TRUE(entries.empty()); } /** * Test convert to string array with valid entry. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, test_retrieveArrayOfElementsWithKeySucceed) { std::string key{"key"}; auto entries = retrieveStringArray>(R"({"key":["ONE","TWO","THREE"]})", key); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 3u); EXPECT_EQ(entries[0], std::string("ONE")); EXPECT_EQ(entries[1], std::string("TWO")); EXPECT_EQ(entries[2], std::string("THREE")); } } // namespace test } // namespace json } // namespace utils } // namespace avsCommon } // namespace alexaClientSDK