/* * AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest.cpp * * Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ACL/AVSConnectionManager.h" #include "ACL/Transport/HTTP2MessageRouter.h" #include "AVSCommon/AVS/BlockingPolicy.h" #include "ADSL/DirectiveSequencer.h" #include "ADSL/MessageInterpreter.h" #include "AuthDelegate/AuthDelegate.h" #include "AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/AttachmentManager.h" #include "AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/InProcessAttachmentWriter.h" #include "AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/InProcessAttachmentReader.h" #include "AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/ExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface.h" #include "AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/DirectiveHandlerInterface.h" #include "AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/DirectiveHandlerResultInterface.h" #include "AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONUtils.h" #include "AVSCommon/AVS/Initialization/AlexaClientSDKInit.h" #include "AVSCommon/Utils/Logger/Logger.h" #include "Integration/AuthObserver.h" #include "Integration/ClientMessageHandler.h" #include "Integration/ConnectionStatusObserver.h" #include "Integration/ObservableMessageRequest.h" #include "Integration/TestDirectiveHandler.h" #include "Integration/TestExceptionEncounteredSender.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace integration { namespace test { using namespace acl; using namespace adsl; using namespace authDelegate; using namespace avsCommon; using namespace avsCommon::avs; using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces; using namespace avsCommon::avs::initialization; using namespace avsCommon::avs::attachment; using namespace avsCommon::utils::sds; using namespace avsCommon::utils::json; /// String to identify log entries originating from this file. static const std::string TAG("AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest"); /** * Create a LogEntry using this file's TAG and the specified event string. * * @param The event string for this @c LogEntry. */ #define LX(event) alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::utils::logger::LogEntry(TAG, event) /** * This string specifies a Recognize event using the specified profile. * * CLOSE_TALK performs end-of-speech detection on the client, so no directive is sent from AVS to stop recording. * NEAR_FIELD performs end-of-speech detection in AVS, so a directive is sent from AVS to stop recording. */ #define RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON(PROFILE, DIALOG_REQUEST_ID ) \ "{" \ "\"event\":{" \ "\"payload\":{" \ "\"format\":\"AUDIO_L16_RATE_16000_CHANNELS_1\"," \ "\"profile\":\"" #PROFILE "\"" \ "}," \ "\"header\":{" \ "\"dialogRequestId\":\"" DIALOG_REQUEST_ID "\"," \ "\"messageId\":\"messageId123\"," \ "\"name\":\"Recognize\"," \ "\"namespace\":\"SpeechRecognizer\"" \ "}" \ "}," \ "\"context\":[{" \ "\"payload\":{" \ "\"activeAlerts\":[]," \ "\"allAlerts\":[]" \ "}," \ "\"header\":{" \ "\"name\":\"AlertsState\"," \ "\"namespace\":\"Alerts\"" \ "}" \ "}," \ "{" \ "\"payload\":{" \ "\"playerActivity\":\"IDLE\"," \ "\"offsetInMilliseconds\":0," \ "\"token\":\"\"" \ "}," \ "\"header\":{" \ "\"name\":\"PlaybackState\"," \ "\"namespace\":\"AudioPlayer\"" \ "}" \ "}," \ "{" \ "\"payload\":{" \ "\"muted\":false," \ "\"volume\":0" \ "}," \ "\"header\":{" \ "\"name\":\"VolumeState\"," \ "\"namespace\":\"Speaker\"" \ "}" \ "}," \ "{" \ "\"payload\":{" \ "\"playerActivity\":\"FINISHED\"," \ "\"offsetInMilliseconds\":0," \ "\"token\":\"\"" \ "}," \ "\"header\":{" \ "\"name\":\"SpeechState\"," \ "\"namespace\":\"SpeechSynthesizer\"" \ "}" \ "}]" \ "}" /// This is a 16 bit 16 kHz little endian linear PCM audio file of "Joke" to be recognized. static const std::string RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "/recognize_joke_test.wav"; /// This is a 16 bit 16 kHz little endian linear PCM audio file of "Wikipedia" to be recognized. static const std::string RECOGNIZE_WIKI_AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "/recognize_wiki_test.wav"; /// This is a 16 bit 16 kHz little endian linear PCM audio file of "Lions" to be recognized. static const std::string RECOGNIZE_LIONS_AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "/recognize_lions_test.wav"; /// This is a 16 bit 16 kHz little endian linear PCM audio file of "What's up" to be recognized. static const std::string RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "/recognize_whats_up_test.wav"; //String to be used as a basic DialogRequestID. #define FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID "DialogRequestID123" //String to be used as a DialogRequestID when the first has already been used. #define SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID "DialogRequestID456" /// This string specifies a Recognize event using the CLOSE_TALK profile and uses the first DialogRequestID. static const std::string CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON = RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON(CLOSE_TALK, FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); /// This string specifies a Recognize event using the CLOSE_TALK profile and uses the first DialogRequestID. static const std::string CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON_NEAR = RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON(NEAR_FIELD, FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); /// This string specifies a Recognize event using the CLOSE_TALK profile and uses the second DialogRequestID. static const std::string CT_SECOND_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON = RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON(CLOSE_TALK, SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); // This string to be used for ClearQueue Directives which use the NAMESPACE_AUDIO_PLAYER namespace. static const std::string NAME_CLEAR_QUEUE = "ClearQueue"; // This string to be used for ExpectSpeech Directives which use the NAMESPACE_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER namespace. static const std::string NAME_EXPECT_SPEECH = "ExpectSpeech"; // This string to be used for Play Directives which use the NAMESPACE_AUDIO_PLAYER namespace. static const std::string NAME_PLAY = "Play"; // This string to be used for SetMute Directives which use the NAMESPACE_SPEAKER namespace. static const std::string NAME_SET_MUTE = "SetMute"; // This string to be used for Speak Directives which use the NAMESPACE_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER namespace. static const std::string NAME_SPEAK = "Speak"; // This string to be used for Stop Directives which use the NAMESPACE_AUDIO_PLAYER namespace. static const std::string NAME_STOP = "Stop"; // This String to be used to register the AudioPlayer namespace to a DirectiveHandler. static const std::string NAMESPACE_AUDIO_PLAYER = "AudioPlayer"; // This String to be used to register the Speaker namespace to a DirectiveHandler. static const std::string NAMESPACE_SPEAKER = "Speaker"; // This String to be used to register the SpeechRecognizer namespace to a DirectiveHandler. static const std::string NAMESPACE_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER = "SpeechRecognizer"; // This String to be used to register the SpeechSynthesizer namespace to a DirectiveHandler. static const std::string NAMESPACE_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER = "SpeechSynthesizer"; // This string to be used for StopCapture Directives which use the NAMESPACE_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER namespace. static const std::string NAME_STOP_CAPTURE = "StopCapture"; // This pair connects a ExpectSpeech name and SpeechRecognizer namespace for use in DirectiveHandler registration. static const NamespaceAndName EXPECT_SPEECH_PAIR(NAMESPACE_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER, NAME_EXPECT_SPEECH); // This pair connects a SetMute name and Speaker namespace for use in DirectiveHandler registration. static const NamespaceAndName SET_MUTE_PAIR(NAMESPACE_SPEAKER, NAME_SET_MUTE); // This pair connects a Speak name and SpeechSynthesizer namespace for use in DirectiveHandler registration. static const NamespaceAndName SPEAK_PAIR(NAMESPACE_SPEECH_SYNTHESIZER, NAME_SPEAK); // This pair connects a StopCapture name and SpeechRecognizer namespace for use in DirectiveHandler registration. static const NamespaceAndName STOP_CAPTURE_PAIR(NAMESPACE_SPEECH_RECOGNIZER, NAME_STOP_CAPTURE); // This Integer to be used to specify a timeout in seconds for a directive to reach the DirectiveHandler. static const std::chrono::seconds WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION(5); // This Integer to be used to specify a timeout in seconds for AuthDelegate to wait for LWA response. static const std::chrono::seconds SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION(20); /// JSON key to get the directive object of a message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_DIRECTIVE_KEY = "directive"; /// JSON key to get the header object of a message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY = "header"; /// JSON key to get the namespace value of a header. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_KEY = "namespace"; /// JSON key to get the name value of a header. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAME_KEY = "name"; /// JSON key to get the messageId value of a header. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY = "messageId"; /// JSON key to get the dialogRequestId value of a header. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY = "dialogRequestId"; /// JSON key to get the payload object of a message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY = "payload"; /// Path to configuration file (from command line arguments). std::string configPath; /// Path to directory containing input data (from command line arguments). std::string inputPath; class AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { std::ifstream infile(configPath); ASSERT_TRUE(infile.good()); ASSERT_TRUE(AlexaClientSDKInit::initialize({&infile})); m_authObserver = std::make_shared(); m_authDelegate = AuthDelegate::create(); m_authDelegate->addAuthObserver(m_authObserver); m_attachmentManager = std::make_shared( AttachmentManager::AttachmentType::IN_PROCESS); m_connectionStatusObserver = std::make_shared(); m_clientMessageHandler = std::make_shared(m_attachmentManager); bool isEnabled = false; m_messageRouter = std::make_shared(m_authDelegate, m_attachmentManager); m_exceptionEncounteredSender = std::make_shared(); m_directiveSequencer = DirectiveSequencer::create(m_exceptionEncounteredSender); m_messageInterpreter = std::make_shared( m_exceptionEncounteredSender, m_directiveSequencer, m_attachmentManager); // note: No DirectiveHandlers have been registered with the DirectiveSequencer yet. Registration of // handlers is deferred to individual test implementations. m_avsConnectionManager = AVSConnectionManager::create( m_messageRouter, isEnabled, { m_connectionStatusObserver }, { m_messageInterpreter }); // TODO: ACSDK-421: Remove the callback when m_avsConnection manager is no longer an observer to // StateSynchronizer. m_avsConnectionManager->onStateChanged(StateSynchronizerObserverInterface::State::SYNCHRONIZED); connect(); } void TearDown() override { disconnect(); m_directiveSequencer->shutdown(); AlexaClientSDKInit::uninitialize(); } /** * Connect to AVS. */ void connect() { ASSERT_TRUE(m_authObserver->waitFor(AuthObserver::State::REFRESHED)) << "Retrieving the auth token timed out."; m_avsConnectionManager->enable(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_connectionStatusObserver->waitFor(ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::CONNECTED)) << "Connecting timed out."; } /** * Disconnect from AVS. */ void disconnect() { m_avsConnectionManager->disable(); ASSERT_TRUE(m_connectionStatusObserver->waitFor(ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::DISCONNECTED)) << "Connecting timed out."; } /** * Send and event to AVS. Blocks until a status is received. * * @param message The message to send. * @param expectStatus The status to expect from the call to send the message. * @param timeout How long to wait for a result from delivering the message. */ void sendEvent(const std::string & jsonContent, std::shared_ptr attachmentReader, MessageRequest::Status expectedStatus, std::chrono::seconds timeout) { auto messageRequest = std::make_shared(jsonContent, attachmentReader); m_avsConnectionManager->sendMessage(messageRequest); ASSERT_TRUE(messageRequest->waitFor(expectedStatus, timeout)); } /** * Function to setup a message and send it to AVS. * * @param json A JSON string containing the message to send. * @param expectStatus The status to expect from the call to send the message. * @param timeout How long to wait for a result from delivering the message. */ void setupMessageAndSend( const std::string& json, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status expectedStatus, std::chrono::seconds timeout) { sendEvent(json, nullptr, expectedStatus, timeout); } /** * Function to setup a message with an attachment and send it to AVS. * * @param json A JSON string containing the message to send. * @param file Name of the file to read the attachment from. * @param expectStatus The status to expect from the call to send the message. * @param timeout How long to wait for a result from delivering the message. */ void setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( const std::string& json, std::string& file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status expectedStatus, std::chrono::seconds timeout) { auto is = std::make_shared(file, std::ios::binary); ASSERT_TRUE(is->is_open()); const int mbBytes = 1024 * 1024; std::vector localBuffer(mbBytes); auto bufferSize = InProcessSDS::calculateBufferSize(localBuffer.size()); auto buffer = std::make_shared(bufferSize); std::shared_ptr sds = InProcessSDS::create(buffer); auto attachmentWriter = InProcessAttachmentWriter::create(sds); while (*is) { is->read(localBuffer.data(), mbBytes); size_t numBytesRead = is->gcount(); AttachmentWriter::WriteStatus writeStatus = AttachmentWriter::WriteStatus::OK; attachmentWriter->write(localBuffer.data(), numBytesRead, &writeStatus); // write status should be either OK or CLOSED bool writeStatusOk = (AttachmentWriter::WriteStatus::OK == writeStatus || AttachmentWriter::WriteStatus::CLOSED == writeStatus); ASSERT_TRUE(writeStatusOk); } attachmentWriter->close(); std::shared_ptr attachmentReader = InProcessAttachmentReader::create(AttachmentReader::Policy::NON_BLOCKING, sds); ASSERT_NE(attachmentReader, nullptr); sendEvent(json, attachmentReader, expectedStatus, std::chrono::seconds(timeout)); } /** * Helper function to check that a directive with the given name is an exception. * * @param Pointer to a exception encountered sender to receive exceptions through. * @param String of the name of the directive that should be an exception. */ void assertExceptionWithName(const std::string name) { TestExceptionEncounteredSender::ExceptionParams params; bool nameFound = false; do { params = m_exceptionEncounteredSender->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.directive->getName() == name) { nameFound = true; } } while (params.type != TestExceptionEncounteredSender::ExceptionParams::Type::TIMEOUT && !nameFound); ASSERT_TRUE(nameFound); ASSERT_NE (params.type, TestExceptionEncounteredSender::ExceptionParams::Type::TIMEOUT); } /// Object to monitor the status of the authorization to communicate with @c AVS. std::shared_ptr m_authObserver; /// Object to acquire authorization to communicate with @c AVS. std::shared_ptr m_authDelegate; /// The Attachment Manager. std::shared_ptr m_attachmentManager; /// Object to monitor the status of the connection with @c AVS. std::shared_ptr m_connectionStatusObserver; /// Object that routs messages from @c AVS. std::shared_ptr m_messageRouter; /// Object that manages the connection to @c AVS. std::shared_ptr m_avsConnectionManager; /// The @c DirectiveSequencer instance to test. std::shared_ptr m_directiveSequencer; /// Object to convert messages from @c AVS in to directives passed to the @c DirectiveSequencer. std::shared_ptr m_messageInterpreter; /// Object to proxy messages from AVS to the @c MessageInterpreter. std::shared_ptr m_clientMessageHandler; std::shared_ptr m_exceptionEncounteredSender; }; /** * Test DirectiveSequencer's ability to pass an @c AVSDirective to a @c DirectiveHandler. * * This test is intended to test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to pass an @c AVSDirective to a @c DirectiveHandler * that has been registered to handle an @c AVSDirective. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, sendEventWithDirective) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt SetMute and Speak. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Wait for the first directive to route through to our handler. auto params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to pass a group of no-blocking @c AVSDirectives to a @c DirectiveHandler. * * This test registers @c NON_BLOCKING handling for a suite of directives expected in response to recognize * request. It then verifies that handleDirective() is called for the subsequent directives without waiting for * completion of handling of any of the directives. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, sendDirectiveGroupWithoutBlocking) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt SetMute and Speak. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Look for SetMute and Speak without completing the handling of any directives. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams setMuteParams; TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams speakParams; while (true) { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.isTimeout()) { break; } if (params.directive->getName() == NAME_SET_MUTE) { setMuteParams = params; } else if (params.directive->getName() == NAME_SPEAK) { speakParams = params; } } ASSERT_TRUE(setMuteParams.isHandle()); ASSERT_TRUE(speakParams.isHandle()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to drop directives that do not match the current @c dialogRequestId. * * The test first sets the @c dialogRequestId, sends an event with that @c dialopRequestId, flushes the resulting * directives, then (without updating the current @c dialogRequestId) sends an event with a new @c dialogRequestId. * It then verifies that the directive handler was not called for the @c AVSDirectives expected to result from the * second event. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, sendDirectiveWithDifferentDialogRequestID) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio for a flashbriefing which will send back at least SetMute, Speak, SetMute, Play and Play. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Drain the directive results until we get a timeout. There should be no cancels or exceptions. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isCancel()); } while (!params.isTimeout()); // Send an event that has a different dialogRequestID, without calling setDialogRequestId(). file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_SECOND_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Directives from the second event do not reach the directive handler because they do no have // the current dialogRequestId. params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_TRUE(params.isTimeout()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to drop queued @c AVSDirectives after Barge-In. * * This test registers handlers, including a blocking handler for @c AVSDirectives known to come from a canned * @c Recognize event. It then consumes the handling events up to the point of handling the blocking @c AVSDirective. * Then the @c dialogRequestId is changed (canceling the blocking @c AVSDirective and any subsequent @c AVSDirectives * in that group. Finally, a new @c Recognize event with the new @c dialogRequestId is sent. The events * are then consumed verifying cancellation of @c AVSDirectives from the first group and handling of @c AVSDirectives * in the second group. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, dropQueueAfterBargeIn) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio for a flashbriefing which will send back (at least) SetMute, Speak, SetMute, Play and Play. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; // Consume up to the blocking directive. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } while (!params.isHandle() || params.directive->getName() != NAME_SPEAK); ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getDialogRequestId(), FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); // Call setDialogRequestId(), canceling the previous group. Then send a new event with the new dialogRequestId. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string differentFile = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_SECOND_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, differentFile, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Consume cancellations and the new directives. bool cancelCalled = false; bool handleCalled = false; do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.isCancel()) { ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getDialogRequestId(), FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); cancelCalled = true; } else if (params.isHandle()) { ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getDialogRequestId(), SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); ASSERT_TRUE(params.result); params.result->setCompleted(); handleCalled = true; } } while (!params.isTimeout()); ASSERT_TRUE(cancelCalled); ASSERT_TRUE(handleCalled); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to handle a Directive without a DialogRequestID. * * This test sends a @c NEAR_FIELD @c Recognize event to AVS to trigger delivery of a @c StopCapture directive. * @c StopCapture directives do not have a @c dialogRequestId value. This test uses that fact to verify that * @c AVSDirectives with no @c dialogRequestId are processed properly. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, sendDirectiveWithoutADialogRequestID) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[STOP_CAPTURE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt SetMute and Speak. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON_NEAR, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; // Make sure we get preHandle followed by handle for StopCapture. params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_TRUE(params.isPreHandle()); ASSERT_TRUE(params.directive->getDialogRequestId().empty()); ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getName(), NAME_STOP_CAPTURE); params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_TRUE(params.isHandle()); ASSERT_TRUE(params.directive->getDialogRequestId().empty()); ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getName(), NAME_STOP_CAPTURE); params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); while (!params.isTimeout()) { // Make sure no other calls for StopCapture are made except for the initial handleImmediately. ASSERT_NE(params.directive->getName(), NAME_STOP_CAPTURE); params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); } } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to make both preHandleDirective() and handleDirective() call for * @c AVSDirectives with a non-empty @c dialogRequestId. * * This test registers handlers for the directives expected in response to a @c Recognize event. It then counts the * number of @c preHandleDirective() and @c handleDirective() callbacks verifying that the counts come out to the * same value in the end. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, sendDirectivesForPreHandling) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio for a flashbriefing which will send back SetMute, Speak, SetMute, Play and Play. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Count each preHandle and handle that arrives. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); int preHandleCounter = 0; int onHandleCounter = 0; while (!params.isTimeout()) { if (params.isPreHandle()) { ++preHandleCounter; } else if (params.isHandle()) { ++onHandleCounter; ASSERT_TRUE(params.result); params.result->setCompleted(); } ASSERT_TRUE(preHandleCounter >= onHandleCounter); params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); } // Verify there were the same number of calls for each. ASSERT_EQ(preHandleCounter, onHandleCounter); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to drop the head of a @c dialogRequestId group. * * This test registers handlers (including a blocking handler) for the @c AVSDirectives expected in response to a * canned @c Recognize request. When @c handleDirective() is called for the blocking @c AVSDirective, setFailed() * is called to trigger the cancellation of subsequent @c AVSDirectives in the same group. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, cancelDirectivesWhileInQueue) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio for a flashbriefing which will send back (at least) SetMute, Speak, SetMute, Play, and Play. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } while (!params.isHandle() || params.directive->getName() != NAME_SPEAK); // Send back error for the speak handler. ASSERT_TRUE(params.result); params.result->setFailed("Test Error"); // Check that no other directives arrive for handling. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); } while (params.isCancel() || params.isPreHandle()); ASSERT_TRUE(params.isTimeout()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to sequence a group that has a Blocking Directive before other directives. * * This test is intended to verify the Directive Sequencer's ability to handle a dialogRequestID group that has a * blocking directive, followed by non-blocking directives. Expect that the directive handler will receive a SetMute * directive and then nothing until setComplete() is called for that directive. Then expect the directive handler * to receive at least one subsequent directive. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, oneBlockingDirectiveAtTheFront) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt a stream of directives including SetMute. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Expect set-mute which is blocking and no other handles after that (timeout reached because SetMute blocks). TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams blockingParams; while (true) { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.isTimeout()) { break; } if (params.isHandle()) { if (params.directive->getName() == NAME_SET_MUTE) { // Note the blocking params from handle so we can unblock below. blockingParams = params; } else { ASSERT_FALSE(blockingParams.isHandle()); } } } ASSERT_TRUE(blockingParams.isHandle()); // Unblock the queue. blockingParams.result->setCompleted(); // Expect subsequent directives, including Speak. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams speakParams; do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.isHandle() && params.directive->getName() == NAME_SPEAK) { // Remember that we saw a speak param. speakParams = params; } } while (!params.isTimeout()); ASSERT_TRUE(speakParams.isHandle()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to sequence a group that has one @c BLOCKING @c AVSDirective in the middle. * * This test is intended to test the @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to handle a @c dialogRequestID group that has at * least one non-blocking directive, followed by a blocking directive, followed by non-blocking directives. * @c preHandleDirective() and @c handleDirective() should be called for directives before the Speak directive, * whose handling blocks further handling of directives. Once @c setComplete() is called for the @c BLOCKING * @c AVSDirective, @c handleDirective() should be called for the subsequent (and @c NON_BLOCKING) @c AVSDirectives * without waiting for the completion of any subsequent @c AVSDirectives. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, oneBlockingDirectiveInTheMiddle) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio for a flashbriefing which will send back SetMute, Speak, SetMute, Play and Play. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WHATS_UP_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; // Expect SetMute which is non-blocking. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } while (!params.isHandle() || params.directive->getName() != NAME_SET_MUTE); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams blockingParams; // Expect Speak which is blocking. do { blockingParams = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(blockingParams.isTimeout()); } while (!blockingParams.isHandle() || blockingParams.directive->getName() != NAME_SPEAK); // Expect a timeout because we're blocked. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isHandle()); } while (!params.isTimeout()); // Unblock the queue. ASSERT_TRUE(blockingParams.result); blockingParams.result->setCompleted(); // See things that were previously blocked in the queue come through afterward. params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to drop a directive when no handler is registered for it. * * To do this, no handler is set for a directive (@c SetMute) that is known to come down consistently in response to * a Recognize event, instead an exception encountered is expected. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, noDirectiveHandlerRegisteredForADirectiveAtTheFront) { // Don't Register a DirectiveHandler for SetMute. DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will trigger SetMute and possibly others. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Make sure no SetMute directives are given to the handler, and that they result in exception encountered. assertExceptionWithName(NAME_SET_MUTE); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to drop a directive in the middle when no handler is registered for it. * * To do this, no handler is set for a directive (@c SetMute) that is known to come down consistently in response to * a Recognize event, instead an exception encountered is expected. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, noDirectiveHandlerRegisteredForADirectiveInTheMiddle) { // Don't Register a DirectiveHandler for Speak. DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will trigger SetMute and speak. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Make sure no Speak directives are given to the handler, and that they result in exception encountered. assertExceptionWithName(NAME_SPEAK); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to refuse to overwrite registration of a directive handler. * * To do this, an attempt is made to set two different handlers for the same directive. The @c DirectiveSequencer * is expected to refuse the second handler. This directive is known to come down consistently in response to a * Recognize event. The Handler that was first set is the only one that should receive the directive. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, twoDirectiveHandlersRegisteredForADirective) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration handlerAConfig; handlerAConfig[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandlerA = std::make_shared(handlerAConfig); DirectiveHandlerConfiguration handlerbConfig; handlerbConfig[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandlerB = std::make_shared(handlerbConfig); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandlerA)); // Attempt to overwrite one of the handlers ASSERT_FALSE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandlerB)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt SetMute. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // A received the SetMute directive. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams paramsA; do { paramsA = directiveHandlerA->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(paramsA.isTimeout()); } while (!paramsA.isHandle() && paramsA.directive->getName() != NAME_SET_MUTE); // B receives nothing. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams paramsB = directiveHandlerB->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_TRUE(paramsB.isTimeout()); } /** * Test @c DirectiveSequencer's ability to handle a multi-turn scenario * * This test is intended to test the Directive Sequencer's ability to go through a full loop of sending a recognize * event that will prompt a multi-turn directive, receiving a directive group that contains ExpectSpeech, sending a * recognize event to respond to Alexa's question, and receiving the final directive group. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, multiturnScenario) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SET_MUTE_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; config[EXPECT_SPEECH_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "wikipedia" which will prompt a SetMute, a Speak, and an ExpectSpeech. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_WIKI_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; // Check we're being told to ExpectSpeech. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getDialogRequestId(), FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); if (params.isHandle()) { params.result->setCompleted(); } } while ( !params.isHandle() || params.directive->getName() != NAME_EXPECT_SPEECH); // Send back a recognize event. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string differentFile = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_LIONS_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_SECOND_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, differentFile, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Just the wikipedia directive group in response. do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); if (params.isHandle()) { ASSERT_EQ(params.directive->getDialogRequestId(), SECOND_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); params.result->setCompleted(); } } while (!params.isTimeout()); } /** * Test ability to get an attachment from @c AttachmentManager. */ TEST_F(AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest, getAttachmentWithContentId) { DirectiveHandlerConfiguration config; config[SPEAK_PAIR] = BlockingPolicy::BLOCKING; auto directiveHandler = std::make_shared(config); ASSERT_TRUE(m_directiveSequencer->addDirectiveHandler(directiveHandler)); // Send audio of "Joke" that will prompt SetMute and Speak. m_directiveSequencer->setDialogRequestId(FIRST_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID); std::string file = inputPath + RECOGNIZE_JOKE_AUDIO_FILE_NAME; setupMessageWithAttachmentAndSend( CT_FIRST_RECOGNIZE_EVENT_JSON, file, avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest::Status::SUCCESS, SEND_EVENT_TIMEOUT_DURATION); // Wait for the directive to route through to our handler. TestDirectiveHandler::DirectiveParams params; do { params = directiveHandler->waitForNext(WAIT_FOR_TIMEOUT_DURATION); ASSERT_FALSE(params.isTimeout()); } while (!params.isPreHandle() || params.directive->getName() != NAME_SPEAK); auto directive = params.directive; std::string payloadUrl; jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(directive->getPayload(), "url", &payloadUrl); ASSERT_TRUE(!payloadUrl.empty()); auto stringIndex = payloadUrl.find(":"); ASSERT_TRUE(stringIndex != std::string::npos); ASSERT_TRUE(stringIndex != payloadUrl.size() - 1); auto contentId = payloadUrl.substr(payloadUrl.find(':') + 1); auto attachmentReader = directive->getAttachmentReader(contentId, AttachmentReader::Policy::BLOCKING); ASSERT_NE(attachmentReader, nullptr); } } // namespace test } // namespace integration } // namespace alexaClientSDK int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); if (argc < 3) { std::cerr << "USAGE: AlexaDirectiveSequencerLibraryTest " << std::endl; return 1; } else { alexaClientSDK::integration::test::configPath = std::string(argv[1]); alexaClientSDK::integration::test::inputPath = std::string(argv[2]); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } }