/* * Copyright 2017-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file MessageInterpreterTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ADSL/MockDirectiveSequencer.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace adsl { namespace test { using namespace ::testing; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::attachment; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test; /// The namespace in AVS message. static const std::string NAMESPACE_TEST = "SpeechSynthesizer"; /// The name field in AVS message. static const std::string NAME_TEST = "Speak"; /// The messageId in AVS message. static const std::string MESSAGE_ID_TEST = "testMessageId"; /// The dialogRequestId in AVS message. static const std::string DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST = "dialogRequestIdTest"; /// The payload in AVS message. static const std::string PAYLOAD_TEST = R"({"url":"cid:testCID","format":"testFormat","token":"testToken"})"; /// An invalid JSON string for testing. static const std::string INVALID_JSON = "invalidTestJSON }}"; static const std::string TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID = "testContextId"; /// A sample AVS speak directive with all valid JSON keys. // clang-format off static const std::string SPEAK_DIRECTIVE = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":")" + NAMESPACE_TEST + R"(", "name": ")" + NAME_TEST + R"(", "messageId": ")" + MESSAGE_ID_TEST + R"(", "dialogRequestId": ")" + DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST + R"(" }, "payload": )" + PAYLOAD_TEST + R"( } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid directive JSON keys. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_DIRECTIVE_KEY = R"({ "Foo_directive": { "header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid header key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_HEADER_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "Foo_header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid namespace key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAMESPACE_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "Foo_namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid name key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAME_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "Foo_name": "name_test", "messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid messageId key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_MESSAGEID_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "Foo_messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with no payload key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_NO_PAYLOAD = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "messageId": "messageId_test" } } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with invalid payload key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_INVALID_PAYLOAD_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":"namespace_test", "name": "name_test", "Foo_messageId": "messageId_test", "dialogRequestId": "dialogRequestId_test" }, "Foo_payload":{} } })"; // clang-format on /// A sample AVS speak directive with no dialogRequestId key. // clang-format off static const std::string DIRECTIVE_NO_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":")" + NAMESPACE_TEST + R"(", "name": ")" + NAME_TEST + R"(", "messageId": ")" + MESSAGE_ID_TEST + R"(" }, "payload": )" + PAYLOAD_TEST + R"( } })"; // clang-format on /** * Test fixture for testing MessageInterpreter class. */ class MessageIntepreterTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender = std::make_shared(); m_mockDirectiveSequencer = std::make_shared(); m_attachmentManager = std::make_shared(AttachmentManager::AttachmentType::IN_PROCESS); m_messageInterpreter = std::make_shared( m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, m_mockDirectiveSequencer, m_attachmentManager); } /// The mock ExceptionEncounteredSender. std::shared_ptr m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender; /// The attachment manager. std::shared_ptr m_attachmentManager; /// The mock directive sequencer. std::shared_ptr m_mockDirectiveSequencer; /// The message interpreter under test. std::shared_ptr m_messageInterpreter; }; /** * Test when the content of message is invalid JSON format. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageIsInValidJSON) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, INVALID_JSON); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the directive key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidDirectiveKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_DIRECTIVE_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the header key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidHeaderKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_HEADER_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the namespace key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidNamespaceKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAMESPACE_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the name key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidNameKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAME_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the messageId key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidMessageIdKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_MESSAGEID_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the dialogRequestId key in JSON content. DialogRequestId is optional, so * AVSDirective should be created and passed to the directive sequencer. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasNoDialogRequestIdKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(0); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)) .Times(1) .WillOnce(Invoke([](std::shared_ptr avsDirective) -> bool { EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getNamespace(), NAMESPACE_TEST); EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getName(), NAME_TEST); EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getMessageId(), MESSAGE_ID_TEST); EXPECT_TRUE(avsDirective->getDialogRequestId().empty()); return true; })); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_NO_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY); } /** * Test when the message doesn't contain the payload key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasNoPayloadKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_NO_PAYLOAD); } /** * Test when the message contains an invalid payload key in JSON content. The AVSDirective shouldn't be created and * and passed to directive sequencer. ExceptionEncounteredEvent should be sent to AVS. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidPayloadKey) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)).Times(0); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, DIRECTIVE_INVALID_PAYLOAD_KEY); } /** * Test when the message is valid JSON content with all keys required in the header. An AVSDirective should be created * and passed to the directive sequencer. */ TEST_F(MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageIsValidDirective) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender, sendExceptionEncountered(_, _, _)).Times(0); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, onDirective(_)) .Times(1) .WillOnce(Invoke([](std::shared_ptr avsDirective) -> bool { EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getNamespace(), NAMESPACE_TEST); EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getName(), NAME_TEST); EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getMessageId(), MESSAGE_ID_TEST); EXPECT_EQ(avsDirective->getDialogRequestId(), DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST); return true; })); m_messageInterpreter->receive(TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID, SPEAK_DIRECTIVE); } } // namespace test } // namespace adsl } // namespace alexaClientSDK