#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright 2018-2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # A copy of the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed # on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # set -o errexit # Exit the script if any statement fails. set -o nounset # Exit the script if any uninitialized variable is used. CLONE_URL=${CLONE_URL:- 'git://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk.git'} PORT_AUDIO_FILE="pa_stable_v190600_20161030.tgz" PORT_AUDIO_DOWNLOAD_URL="http://www.portaudio.com/archives/$PORT_AUDIO_FILE" CURL_VER=7.67.0 CURL_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://github.com/curl/curl/releases/download/curl-7_67_0/curl-${CURL_VER}.tar.gz" TEST_MODEL_DOWNLOAD="https://github.com/Sensory/alexa-rpi/blob/master/models/spot-alexa-rpi-31000.snsr" BUILD_TESTS=${BUILD_TESTS:-'true'} CURRENT_DIR="$(pwd)" INSTALL_BASE=${INSTALL_BASE:-"$CURRENT_DIR"} SOURCE_FOLDER=${SDK_LOC:-''} THIRD_PARTY_FOLDER=${THIRD_PARTY_LOC:-'third-party'} BUILD_FOLDER=${BUILD_FOLDER:-'build'} SOUNDS_FOLDER=${SOUNDS_FOLDER:-'sounds'} DB_FOLDER=${DB_FOLDER:-'db'} SOURCE_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/$SOURCE_FOLDER" THIRD_PARTY_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/$THIRD_PARTY_FOLDER" BUILD_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/$BUILD_FOLDER" SOUNDS_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/$SOUNDS_FOLDER" DB_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/$DB_FOLDER" CONFIG_DB_PATH="$DB_PATH" UNIT_TEST_MODEL_PATH="$INSTALL_BASE/avs-device-sdk/KWD/inputs/SensoryModels/" UNIT_TEST_MODEL="$THIRD_PARTY_PATH/alexa-rpi/models/spot-alexa-rpi-31000.snsr" INPUT_CONFIG_FILE="$SOURCE_PATH/avs-device-sdk/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json" OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE="$BUILD_PATH/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json" TEMP_CONFIG_FILE="$BUILD_PATH/Integration/tmp_AlexaClientSDKConfig.json" TEST_SCRIPT="$INSTALL_BASE/test.sh" LIB_SUFFIX="a" ANDROID_CONFIG_FILE="" # Default device serial number if nothing is specified DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER="123456" # Default device manufacturer name DEVICE_MANUFACTURER_NAME=${DEVICE_MANUFACTURER_NAME:-"Test Manufacturer"} # Default device description DEVICE_DESCRIPTION=${DEVICE_DESCRIPTION:-"Test Device"} GSTREAMER_AUDIO_SINK="autoaudiosink" build_port_audio() { # build port audio echo echo "==============> BUILDING PORT AUDIO ==============" echo pushd $THIRD_PARTY_PATH wget -c $PORT_AUDIO_DOWNLOAD_URL tar zxf $PORT_AUDIO_FILE pushd portaudio ./configure --without-jack make popd popd } get_platform() { uname_str=`uname -a` result="" if [[ "$uname_str" == "Linux "* ]] && [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] then sys_id=`cat /etc/os-release | grep "^ID="` if [[ "$sys_id" == "ID=raspbian" ]] then echo "Raspberry pi" fi elif [[ "$uname_str" == "MINGW64"* ]] then echo "Windows mingw64" fi } show_help() { echo 'Usage: setup.sh [OPTIONS]' echo 'The can be downloaded from developer portal and must contain the following:' echo ' "clientId": ""' echo ' "productId": ""' echo '' echo 'Optional parameters' echo ' -s If nothing is provided, the default device serial number is 123456' echo ' -a The file that contains Android installation configurations (e.g. androidConfig.txt)' echo ' -d The description of the device.' echo ' -m The device manufacturer name.' echo ' -h Display this help and exit' } if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then show_help exit 1 fi CONFIG_JSON_FILE=$1 if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_JSON_FILE" ]; then echo "Config json file not found!" show_help exit 1 fi shift 1 OPTIONS=s:a:m:d:h while getopts "$OPTIONS" opt ; do case $opt in s ) DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER="$OPTARG" ;; a ) ANDROID_CONFIG_FILE="$OPTARG" if [ ! -f "$ANDROID_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "Android config file is not found!" exit 1 fi source $ANDROID_CONFIG_FILE ;; d ) DEVICE_DESCRIPTION="$OPTARG" ;; m ) DEVICE_MANUFACTURER_NAME="$OPTARG" ;; h ) show_help exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ ! "$DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER" =~ [0-9a-zA-Z_]+ ]]; then echo 'Device serial number is invalid!' exit 1 fi # The target platform for the build. PLATFORM=${PLATFORM:-$(get_platform)} if [ "$PLATFORM" == "Raspberry pi" ] then source pi.sh elif [ "$PLATFORM" == "Windows mingw64" ] then source mingw.sh else PLATFORM_LOWER=$(echo "${PLATFORM}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [ "$PLATFORM_LOWER" == "android" ] then PLATFORM="Android" source android.sh else echo "The installation script doesn't support current system. (System: $(uname -a))" exit 1 fi fi echo "################################################################################" echo "################################################################################" echo "" echo "" echo "AVS Device SDK $PLATFORM Script - Terms and Agreements" echo "" echo "" echo "The AVS Device SDK is dependent on several third-party libraries, environments, " echo "and/or other software packages that are installed using this script from " echo "third-party sources (\"External Dependencies\"). These are terms and conditions " echo "associated with the External Dependencies " echo "(available at https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/wiki/Dependencies) that " echo "you need to agree to abide by if you choose to install the External Dependencies." echo "" echo "" echo "If you do not agree with every term and condition associated with the External " echo "Dependencies, enter \"QUIT\" in the command line when prompted by the installer." echo "Else enter \"AGREE\"." echo "" echo "" echo "################################################################################" echo "################################################################################" read input input=$(echo $input | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ $input == 'quit' ] then exit 1 elif [ $input == 'agree' ] then echo "################################################################################" echo "Proceeding with installation" echo "################################################################################" else echo "################################################################################" echo 'Unknown option' echo "################################################################################" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$BUILD_PATH" ] then # Make sure required packages are installed echo "==============> INSTALLING REQUIRED TOOLS AND PACKAGE ============" echo install_dependencies # create / paths echo echo "==============> CREATING PATHS AND GETTING SOUND FILES ============" echo mkdir -p $SOURCE_PATH mkdir -p $THIRD_PARTY_PATH mkdir -p $SOUNDS_PATH mkdir -p $DB_PATH run_os_specifics if [ ! -d "${SOURCE_PATH}/avs-device-sdk" ] then #get sdk echo echo "==============> CLONING SDK ==============" echo cd $SOURCE_PATH git clone --single-branch $CLONE_URL avs-device-sdk fi # make the SDK echo echo "==============> BUILDING SDK ==============" echo mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH cd $BUILD_PATH cmake "$SOURCE_PATH/avs-device-sdk" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG \ "${CMAKE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC[@]}" cd $BUILD_PATH make SampleApp -j2 make PreviewAlexaClient -j2 else cd $BUILD_PATH make SampleApp -j2 make PreviewAlexaClient -j2 fi echo echo "==============> SAVING CONFIGURATION FILE ==============" echo # Create configuration file with audioSink configuration at the beginning of the file cat << EOF > "$OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE" { "gstreamerMediaPlayer":{ "audioSink":"$GSTREAMER_AUDIO_SINK" }, EOF cd $INSTALL_BASE bash genConfig.sh config.json $DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER $CONFIG_DB_PATH $SOURCE_PATH/avs-device-sdk $TEMP_CONFIG_FILE \ -DSDK_CONFIG_MANUFACTURER_NAME="$DEVICE_MANUFACTURER_NAME" -DSDK_CONFIG_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION="$DEVICE_DESCRIPTION" # Delete first line from temp file to remove opening bracket sed -i -e "1d" $TEMP_CONFIG_FILE # Append temp file to configuration file cat $TEMP_CONFIG_FILE >> $OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE # Delete temp file rm $TEMP_CONFIG_FILE echo echo "==============> FINAL CONFIGURATION ==============" echo cat $OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE generate_start_script generate_test_script echo " **** Completed Configuration/Build ***"