# Commmon build settings across all AlexaClientSDK modules. # Append custom CMake modules. list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake) # Convenience function to get similar behaviour as CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION # for non boolean variables. # Will mark "target" as advanced (hidden by default in most tools) unless # "dependency" is defined and not equal to "". function(mark_as_dependent target dependency) if (${dependency}) mark_as_advanced(CLEAR ${target}) elseif (NOT ${dependency}) mark_as_advanced(FORCE ${target}) endif() endfunction(mark_as_dependent) macro(include_once module) if(NOT DEFINED "BuildDefaults_Include_${module}_Set") set("BuildDefaults_Include_${module}_Set" ON) include("${module}") endif() endmacro() # Disallow out-of-source-builds. include_once(DisallowOutOfSourceBuilds) # Setup default build options, like compiler flags and build type. include_once(BuildOptions) # Setup code coverage environment. This must be called after BuildOptions since it uses the variables defined there. include_once(CodeCoverage/CodeCoverage) # Setup package requirement variables. include_once(PackageConfigs) # Allow for overriden library names include_once(DefaultLibNames) # Setup logging variables. include_once(Logger) # Setup keyword requirement variables. include_once(KeywordDetector) # Setup media player variables. include_once(MediaPlayer) # Setup PortAudio variables. include_once(PortAudio) # Setup Curl variables. include_once(Curl) # Setup SQLite variables. include_once(Sqlite) # Setup Crypto variables. include_once(Crypto) # Setup Test Options variables. include_once(TestOptions) # Setup Bluetooth variables. include_once(Bluetooth) # Setup platform dependant variables. include_once(Platforms) # Setup Comms variables. include_once(Comms) # Setup PCC variables. include_once(PCC) # Setup MCC variables. include_once(MCC) # Setup android variables. include_once(Android) # Setup ffmpeg variables. include_once(FFmpeg) # Setup MRM variables. include_once(MRM) # Setup A4B variables. include_once(A4B) # Setup speech encoder variables. include_once(SpeechEncoder) # Setup Metrics variables. include_once(Metrics) # Setup Captions variables. include_once(Captions) # Setup Customized SDS traits variables. include_once(CustomSDSTraits) # Setup diagnostics variables. include_once(Diagnostics) # Setup Endpoint Controller capabilities include_once(EndpointControllers) # Speed up compilation using ccache include_once(Ccache) # Include ACS utilities include_once(ACSUtils) # Allow use of RTTI include_once(UseRTTI) # Setup rpath for target include_once(Rpath) # Setup rapidjson memory options. include_once(Rapidjson) # Setup Low Power Mode variables. include_once(LowPowerMode) # Setup External Media Player Adapters variables. include_once(ExternalMediaPlayerAdapters) # Setup ducking options. include_once(LocalDucking)