/* * AVSMessageTest.cpp * * Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file AVSMessageTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include "AVSCommon/AVS/AVSDirective.h" #include "AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONUtils.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace avsCommon { namespace utils { namespace json { namespace test { using namespace ::testing; using namespace alexaClientSDK::avsCommon; /// The header key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_HEADER_STRING = "header"; /// The namespace key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_STRING = "namespace"; /// The name key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_NAME_STRING = "name"; /// The messageId key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_ID_STRING = "messageId"; /// The dialogRequestId key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_STRING = "dialogRequestId"; /// The payload key in the JSON content of an AVS message. static const std::string JSON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_STRING = "payload"; /// The directive key in the JSON content of an AVS message static const std::string DIRECTIVE_TEST = "directive"; /// The namespace in AVS message. static const std::string NAMESPACE_TEST = "SpeechSynthesizer"; /// The name field in AVS message. static const std::string NAME_TEST = "Speak"; /// The messageId in AVS message. static const std::string MESSAGE_ID_TEST = "testMessageId"; /// The dialogRequestId in AVS message. static const std::string DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST = "dialogRequestIdTest"; /// The payload in AVS message. static const std::string PAYLOAD_TEST = R"({"url":"cid:testCID","format":"testFormat","token":"testToken"})"; /// An invalid JSON string for testing. static const std::string INVALID_JSON = "invalidTestJSON"; /// An invalid AVS directive JSON. static const std::string INVALID_DIRECTIVE = R"({ "directive": { } })"; /// A sample AVS speak directive with all valid JSON keys. static const std::string SPEAK_DIRECTIVE = R"({ "directive": { "header": { "namespace":")" + NAMESPACE_TEST + R"(", "name": ")" + NAME_TEST + R"(", "messageId": ")" + MESSAGE_ID_TEST + R"(", "dialogRequestId": ")" + DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST + R"(" }, "payload": )" + PAYLOAD_TEST + R"( } })"; /// The JSON key used in @c int64Json(). static const std::string INT64_KEY = "anInt64"; /// A JSON key *not* used in @c int64Json(). static const std::string INT64_MISSING_KEY = "missingKey"; // A JSON value which does not convert to an int64. static const std::string NOT_AN_INT64 = R"("not a number")"; /// A function to generate JSON containing the key @c INT64_KEY with the provided @c value. static const std::string int64Json(const std::string& value) { return R"({")" + INT64_KEY + R"(": )" + value + R"(})"; } /// Define test fixture for testing AVSMessage. class JSONUtilTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() override { } }; /** * Test with invalid JSON format, it should not crash the AVSMessage. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, invalidJson) { std::string value; ASSERT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(INVALID_JSON, DIRECTIVE_TEST, &value)); ASSERT_TRUE(value.empty()); } /** * Test with invalid directive, it should not crash the AVSMessage and return the empty. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, invalidDirective) { std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(INVALID_DIRECTIVE, DIRECTIVE_TEST, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "{}"); ASSERT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(value, NAMESPACE_TEST, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "{}"); } /** * Test extracting header with valid AVS directive. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, extractHeaderFromValidDirective) { std::string jsonContent; std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE, DIRECTIVE_TEST, &jsonContent)); ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_HEADER_STRING, &jsonContent)); jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_STRING, &value); EXPECT_EQ(value, NAMESPACE_TEST); jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_NAME_STRING, &value); EXPECT_EQ(value, NAME_TEST); jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_ID_STRING, &value); EXPECT_EQ(value, MESSAGE_ID_TEST); jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_STRING, &value); EXPECT_EQ(value, DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST); } /** * Test extracting payload with valid AVS directive. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, extractPayloadFromValidDirective) { std::string jsonContent; std::string value; std::string payload; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(SPEAK_DIRECTIVE, DIRECTIVE_TEST, &jsonContent)); ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupStringValue(jsonContent, JSON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_STRING, &payload)); ASSERT_EQ(payload, PAYLOAD_TEST); } /** * Test failure to extract an int64. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, extractValidInt64Failures) { int64_t expected = 0; int64_t value; // Verify lookup fails with a null value pointer. EXPECT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(int64Json(std::to_string(expected)), INT64_KEY, nullptr)); // Verify lookup fails with invalid json. EXPECT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(INVALID_JSON, INT64_KEY, &value)); // Verify lookup fails with incorrect key. EXPECT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(int64Json(std::to_string(expected)), INT64_MISSING_KEY, &value)); // Verify lookup fails with non-numeric value. EXPECT_FALSE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(int64Json(NOT_AN_INT64), INT64_KEY, &value)); } /** * Test extracting min int64. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, extractMinInt64) { int64_t expected = std::numeric_limits::min(); int64_t value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(int64Json(std::to_string(expected)), INT64_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, expected); } /** * Test extracting max int64. */ TEST_F(JSONUtilTest, extractMaxInt64) { int64_t expected = std::numeric_limits::max(); int64_t value; ASSERT_TRUE(jsonUtils::lookupInt64Value(int64Json(std::to_string(expected)), INT64_KEY, &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, expected); } } // namespace test } // namespace json } // namespace utils } // namespace avsCommon } // namespace alexaClientSDK