/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifdef CRYPTO_FOUND #include #include namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace acsdkCodecUtils { namespace test { using namespace ::testing; // Test string. static const std::string TEST_STR{"A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."}; // Test string encoded in Base64. static const std::string TEST_STR_B64{"QSBxdWljayBicm93biBmb3gganVtcHMgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cu"}; // Test empty encoding works and resets buffer TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64EncodeEmpty) { std::string encoded; ASSERT_TRUE(encodeBase64(Bytes{}, encoded)); ASSERT_TRUE(encoded.empty()); } // Test encoding works and appends data TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64EncodeAppend) { std::string encoded{"prefix:"}; ASSERT_TRUE(encodeBase64(Bytes{0, 1, 2}, encoded)); ASSERT_EQ("prefix:AAEC", encoded); } // Test encoding works TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64EncodeTestStr) { std::string encoded; Bytes source{TEST_STR.data(), TEST_STR.data() + TEST_STR.size()}; ASSERT_TRUE(encodeBase64(source, encoded)); ASSERT_EQ(TEST_STR_B64, encoded); } // Test empty decoding works TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeEmpty) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_TRUE(decodeBase64("", decoded)); ASSERT_TRUE(decoded.empty()); } // Test decoding works and appends buffer TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeAppend) { Bytes decoded{1}; ASSERT_TRUE(decodeBase64("AAEC", decoded)); ASSERT_EQ((Bytes{1, 0, 1, 2}), decoded); } // Test decoding works TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeTestStr) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_TRUE(decodeBase64(TEST_STR_B64, decoded)); std::string decodedStr{decoded.data(), decoded.data() + decoded.size()}; ASSERT_EQ(TEST_STR, decodedStr); } // Test decoding works and appends buffer TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeAppendWhitespace) { Bytes decoded{1}; ASSERT_TRUE(decodeBase64(" \t\n\rA A\t\n\r E C\r\n\t ", decoded)); ASSERT_EQ((Bytes{1, 0, 1, 2}), decoded); } // Test decoding fails on error TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeError) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_FALSE(decodeBase64("....", decoded)); } // Test decoding fails on error TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeErrorBadTail) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_FALSE(decodeBase64("AA=C", decoded)); } // Test decoding fails on error TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeErrorDataAfterEnd) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_FALSE(decodeBase64("AA==AAEC", decoded)); } // Test decoding fails on error TEST(Base64CodecTest, test_base64DecodeErrorEarlyEnd) { Bytes decoded; ASSERT_FALSE(decodeBase64("A===", decoded)); } } // namespace test } // namespace acsdkCodecUtils } // namespace alexaClientSDK #endif // ifdef CRYPTO_FOUND