# # Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # A copy of the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed # on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # from flask import Flask, redirect, request import requests import json import commentjson import re from os.path import abspath, isfile, dirname import sys from urllib import urlencode # Shuts down the web-server. def shutdown(): func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: return 'You can close this window and terminate the script.' else: func() return 'Server is shutting down, so you can close this window.' app = Flask(__name__) # Static redirect_uri. redirectUri = 'http://localhost:3000/authresponse' # Static JSON key for the config file. authDelegateKey = 'authDelegate' # Amazon LWA API URL. amazonLwaApiUrl = 'https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token' # Amazon LWA API Request header. amazonLwaApiHeaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} # Default configuration filename, to be filled by CMake defaultConfigFilename = "${SDK_CONFIG_FILE_TARGET}" # JSON keys for config file CLIENT_ID = 'clientId' CLIENT_SECRET = 'clientSecret' PRODUCT_ID = 'productId' DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER = 'deviceSerialNumber' REFRESH_TOKEN = 'refreshToken' # Read the configuration filename from the command line arguments -if it exists. if 2 == len(sys.argv): configFilename = abspath(sys.argv[1]) else: # Assuming the script hasn't moved from the original location # use the default location of SDKConfig.json using relative paths configFilename = defaultConfigFilename # Check if the configuration file exists. if not isfile(configFilename): print 'The file "' + \ configFilename + \ '" does not exists. Please create this file and fill required data.' sys.exit(1) try: configFile = open(configFilename,'r') except IOError: print 'File "' + configFilename + '" not found!' sys.exit(1) else: with configFile: configData = commentjson.load(configFile) if not configData.has_key(authDelegateKey): print 'The config file "' + \ configFilename + \ '" is missing the field "' + \ authDelegateKey + \ '".' sys.exit(1) else: authDelegateDict = configData[authDelegateKey] # Check if all required keys are parsed. requiredKeys = [CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, PRODUCT_ID, DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER] try: missingKey = requiredKeys[map(authDelegateDict.has_key,requiredKeys).index(False)]; print 'Missing key: "' + missingKey + '". The list of required keys are:' print ' * ' + '\n * '.join(requiredKeys) print 'Exiting.' sys.exit(1) except ValueError: pass # Refresh the refresh token to check if it really is a refresh token. if authDelegateDict.has_key(REFRESH_TOKEN): postData = { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': authDelegateDict[REFRESH_TOKEN], 'client_id': authDelegateDict[CLIENT_ID], 'client_secret': authDelegateDict[CLIENT_SECRET]} tokenRefreshRequest = requests.post( amazonLwaApiUrl, data=urlencode(postData), headers=amazonLwaApiHeaders) defaultRefreshTokenString = authDelegateDict[REFRESH_TOKEN]; if 200 == tokenRefreshRequest.status_code: print 'You have a valid refresh token already in the file.' sys.exit(0) else: print 'The refresh request failed with the response code ' + \ str(tokenRefreshRequest.status_code) + \ ('. This might be due to a bad refresh token or bad client data. ' 'We will continue with getting a refresh token, discarding the one in the file.\n') else: print 'Missing key: "' + REFRESH_TOKEN sys.exit(0) # The top page redirects to LWA page. @app.route('/') def index(): scopeData = ('{{"alexa:all":' '{{"productID":"{productId}",' '"productInstanceAttributes":' '{{"deviceSerialNumber":"{deviceSerialNumber}"}}}}}}').format( productId=authDelegateDict[PRODUCT_ID], deviceSerialNumber=authDelegateDict[DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER]) lwaUrl = 'https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa/?' + urlencode({ 'scope': 'alexa:all', 'scope_data': scopeData, 'client_id': authDelegateDict[CLIENT_ID], 'response_type': 'code', 'redirect_uri': redirectUri, }) return redirect(lwaUrl) # The `authresponse` received from the redirect through LWA makes a POST to LWA API to get the token. @app.route('/authresponse') def get_refresh_token(): postData = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': request.args.get('code',''), 'client_id': authDelegateDict[CLIENT_ID], 'client_secret': authDelegateDict[CLIENT_SECRET], 'redirect_uri': redirectUri, } tokenRequest = requests.post( amazonLwaApiUrl, data=urlencode(postData), headers=amazonLwaApiHeaders) if not tokenRequest.json().has_key('refresh_token'): return 'LWA did not return a refresh token, with the response code ' + \ str(tokenRequest.status_code) + \ '. This is most likely due to an error. Check the following JSON response:
' + \ tokenRequest.text + \ '
' + shutdown() authDelegateDict['refreshToken'] = tokenRequest.json()['refresh_token'] try: configFile = open(configFilename,'r') except IOError: print 'File "' + configFilename + '" cannot be opened!' return '

The file "' + \ configFilename + \ '" cannot be opened, please check if the file is open elsewhere.
' + \ shutdown() + \ '

' else: fileContent = configFile.read() try: configFile = open(configFilename,'w') except IOError: print 'File "' + configFilename + '" cannot be opened!' return '

The file "' + \ configFilename + \ '" cannot be opened, please check if the file is open elsewhere.
' + \ shutdown() + \ '

' replaceWith = '\n\t\t\"refreshToken\":' + '\"' + tokenRequest.json()['refresh_token'] + '\",' stringToFind = r"\s*\"\s*{}\s*\"\s*:\s*\"\s*".format(REFRESH_TOKEN) + \ re.escape(defaultRefreshTokenString) + r"\s*\"\s*," fileContent = re.sub(stringToFind, replaceWith, fileContent) configFile.write(fileContent) return '

The file is written successfully.
' + shutdown() + '

' app.run(host='',port=3000)