/* * MimeParserTest.cpp * * Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// @file MimeParserTest.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include "ACL/Transport/MessageConsumerInterface.h" #include #include "Common/TestableAttachmentManager.h" #include "TestableConsumer.h" #include "MockMessageRequest.h" #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/MimeUtils.h" #include "Common/TestableMessageObserver.h" namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace acl { namespace test { using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces; using namespace avsCommon::avs::attachment; /// The size of the data for directive and attachments we will use. static const int TEST_DATA_SIZE = 100; /// The number of segments that the MIME string will be broken into during simple testing. static const int TEST_MULTI_WRITE_ITERATIONS = 4; /// An upper bound that the feedParser logic may use to ensure we don't loop infinitely. static const int TEST_MULTI_MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; /// A test context id. static const std::string TEST_CONTEXT_ID = "TEST_CONTEXT_ID"; /// A test content id. static const std::string TEST_CONTENT_ID_01 = "TEST_CONTENT_ID_01"; /// A test content id. static const std::string TEST_CONTENT_ID_02 = "TEST_CONTENT_ID_02"; /// A test content id. static const std::string TEST_CONTENT_ID_03 = "TEST_CONTENT_ID_03"; /// A test boundary string, copied from a real interaction with AVS. static const std::string MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING = "84109348-943b-4446-85e6-e73eda9fac43"; /** * Our GTest class. */ class MimeParserTest : public ::testing::Test { public: /** * Construct the objects we will use across tests. */ void SetUp() override { m_attachmentManager = std::make_shared(); m_testableMessageObserver = std::make_shared(); m_testableConsumer = std::make_shared(); m_testableConsumer->setMessageObserver(m_testableMessageObserver); m_parser = std::make_shared(m_testableConsumer.get(), m_attachmentManager, TEST_CONTEXT_ID); m_parser->setBoundaryString(MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); } /** * A utility function to feed data into our MimeParser object. A result of this function is that the MimeParser * object will route Directives and Attachments to the appropriate objects as they are broken out of the * aggregate MIME string. * * @param data The MIME string to be parsed. * @param numberIterations The number of segments the MIME string is to be broken into, and then fed to the parser. */ void feedParser(const std::string & data, int numberIterations = 1) { // Here we're simulating an ACL stream. We've got a mime string that we will feed to the mime parser in chunks. // If any chunk fails (due to simulated attachment failing to write), we will re-drive it. int writeQuantum = data.length(); if (numberIterations > 1) { writeQuantum /= numberIterations; } size_t numberBytesWritten = 0; int iterations = 0; while (numberBytesWritten < data.length() && iterations < TEST_MULTI_MAX_ITERATIONS) { int bytesRemaining = data.length() - numberBytesWritten; int bytesToFeed = bytesRemaining < writeQuantum ? bytesRemaining : writeQuantum; if (MimeParser::DataParsedStatus::OK == m_parser->feed(const_cast(&(data.c_str()[numberBytesWritten])), bytesToFeed)) { numberBytesWritten += bytesToFeed; } iterations++; } } /** * A utility function to validate that each MimePart we're tracking was received ok at its expected destination. */ void validateMimePartsParsedOk() { for (auto mimePart : m_mimeParts) { ASSERT_TRUE(mimePart->validateMimeParsing()); } } /// Our MimePart vector. std::vector> m_mimeParts; /// The AttachmentManager. std::shared_ptr m_attachmentManager; /// The ACL consumer object which the MimeParser requires. std::shared_ptr m_testableConsumer; /// An observer which will receive Directives. std::shared_ptr m_testableMessageObserver; /// The MimeParser which we will be primarily testing. std::shared_ptr m_parser; }; /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in a single pass which only contains a JSON message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testDirectiveReceivedSingleWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared(TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_testableMessageObserver)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in multiple passes which only contains a JSON message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testDirectiveReceivedMultiWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared(TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_testableMessageObserver)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString, TEST_MULTI_WRITE_ITERATIONS); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in a single pass which only contains a binary attachment message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testAttachmentReceivedSingleWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared( TEST_CONTEXT_ID, TEST_CONTENT_ID_01, TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_attachmentManager)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in multiple passes which only contains a binary attachment message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testAttachmentReceivedMultiWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared( TEST_CONTEXT_ID, TEST_CONTENT_ID_01, TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_attachmentManager)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString, TEST_MULTI_WRITE_ITERATIONS); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in a single pass which contains a JSON message followed by * a binary attachment message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testDirectiveAndAttachmentReceivedSingleWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared(TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_testableMessageObserver)); m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared( TEST_CONTEXT_ID, TEST_CONTENT_ID_01, TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_attachmentManager)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } /** * Test feeding a MIME string to the parser in multiple passes which contains a JSON message followed by * a binary attachment message. */ TEST_F(MimeParserTest, testDirectiveAndAttachmentReceivedMultiWrite) { m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared(TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_testableMessageObserver)); m_mimeParts.push_back(std::make_shared( TEST_CONTEXT_ID, TEST_CONTENT_ID_01, TEST_DATA_SIZE, m_attachmentManager)); auto mimeString = constructTestMimeString(m_mimeParts, MIME_TEST_BOUNDARY_STRING); feedParser(mimeString, TEST_MULTI_WRITE_ITERATIONS); validateMimePartsParsedOk(); } } // namespace test } // namespace acl } // namespace alexaClientSDK int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }