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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Janak Jishnu 4def446a92 Version 1.0.3 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
    - Implemented `setOffSet` in `MediaPlayer`.
    - Updated `LoggerUtils.cpp` to address

    - Bug fix to address incorrect stop behavior caused when Audio Focus
      is set to `NONE` and released. This addresses
    - Bug fix for intermittent failure in `handleMultipleConsecutiveSpeaks`.
    - Bug fix for `jsonArrayExist` incorrectly parsing JSON when trying
      to locate array children.
    - Bug fix for ADSL test failures with `sendDirectiveWithoutADialogRequestId`.
    - Bug fix for `SpeechSynthesizer` showing the wrong UX state when a
      burst of `Speak` directives are received.
    - Bug fix for recursive loop in `AudioPlayer.Stop`.
2017-09-19 15:08:49 -07:00
avramson a62220d544 Version 1.0.1 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
 - Added a fix to the sample app so that the StateSynchronization event is the first that gets sent to AVS.
 - Added a POST_CONNECTED enum to ConnectionStatusObserver.
 - StateSychronizer now automatically sends a StateSynchronization event when it receives a notification that ACL is CONNECTED.
 - Added make install for installing the AVS Device SDK.
 - Added an optional make networkIntegration for integration tests for slow network (only on Linux platforms).
 - Added shutdown management which fully cleans up SDK objects during teardown.
 - Fixed an issue with AudioPlayer barge-in which was preventing subsequent audio from playing.
 - Changed Mediaplayer buffering to reduce stuttering.
 - Known Issues:
   - Connection loss during listening keeps the app in that state even after connection is regained. Pressing ‘s’ unsticks the state.
   - Play/Pause media restarts it from the beginning.
   - SpeechSynthesizer shows wrong UX state during a burst of Speaks.
   - Quitting the sample app while AudioPlayer is playing something causes a segmentation fault.
   - AudioPlayer sending PlaybackPaused during flash briefing.
   - Long Delay playing live stations on iHeartRadio.
   - Teardown warnings at the end of integration tests.
2017-08-16 17:13:40 -07:00
Mradula Nayak d9a0cb7fe4 Version 1.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
 - Added `AudioPlayer` capability agent.
   - Supports iHeartRadio.
 - `StateSynchronizer` has been updated to better enforce that `System.SynchronizeState`is the first Event sent on a connection to AVS.
 - Additional tests have been added to `ACL`.
 - The `Sample App` has been updated with several small fixes and improvements.
 - `ADSL` was updated such that all directives are now blocked while the handling of previous `SpeechSynthesizer.Speak`
    directives complete. Because any directive may now be blocked, the `preHandleDirective() / handleDirective()` path
    is now used for handling all directives.
 - Fixes for the following GitHub issues:
 - A bug causing `ACL` to not send a ping to AVS every 5 minutes, leading to periodic server disconnects, was fixed.
 - Subtle race condition issues were addressed in the `Executor` class, resolving some intermittent crashes.
2017-08-07 17:09:09 -07:00