Commit Graph

9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
David Henry c7b3142592 Version 1.13 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Release Version 1.13 of Alexa C++ SDK
2019-05-22 19:06:18 -04:00
Federico Rozenberg 32f85e26a1 Version 1.7.1 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

* Added the Bluetooth interface, which manages the Bluetooth connection between Alexa-enabled products and peer devices. This release supports A2DP-SINK and AVRCP profiles. Note: Bluetooth is optional and is currently limited to Raspberry Pi and Linux platforms.
* Added new Bluetooth dependencies for Linux and Raspberry Pi.
* Device Capability Framework (DCF) renamed to Capabilities.
* Updated the non-CBL client ID error message to be more specific.
* Updated the sample app to enter a limited interaction mode after an unrecoverable error.

Bug Fixes
* Issue 597 - Fixed a bug where the sample app did not respond to locale change settings.

* Fixed issue where GStreamer 1.14 MediaPlayerTest failed on Windows.
* Fixed an issue where a segmentation fault was triggered after unrecoverable error handling.

Known Issues
* The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
* Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
* When streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app will sometimes indicate that media content is streaming.
* The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
* On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
* When streaming content via Bluetooth, under certain conditions playback will fail to resume and the sample app hangs on exit. This is due to a conflict between the GStreamer pipeline and the Bluetooth agent.
* On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
* On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-05-04 15:45:54 -07:00
Marco Visaya 7bea05a9c7 Version 1.7.0 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:

* `AuthDelegate` and `` have been replaced by `CBLAUthDelegate`, which provides a more straightforward path to authorization.
* Added a new configuration property called [`cblAuthDelegate`]( This object specifies parameters for `CBLAuthDelegate`.
* Added a new configuration property called [`miscDatabase`](, which is a generic key/value database to be used by various components.
* Added a new configuration property called [`dcfDelegate`]( This object specifies parameters for `DCFDelegate`. Within this object, values were added for the 'endpoint' and `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`. 'endpoint' is the endpoint to connect to in order to send device capabilities. `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`is the message that will get sent out to the Capabilities API. Note: values within the `dcfDelegate` object will only work in `DEBUG` builds.
* Added a new configuration property called [`deviceInfo`]( which specifies device-identifying information for use by the Device Capability Framework (DCF), and for authorization (CBLAuthDelegate).
* Updated the Directive Sequencer to support wildcard directive handlers. This allows a handler for a given AVS interface to register at the namespace level, rather than specifying the names of all directives within that namespace.
* Updated the Raspberry Pi installation script to include `alsasink` in the configuration file.
* Added `audioSink` as a configuration option. This allows users to override the audio sink element used in `Gstreamer`.
* Added an interface for monitoring internet connection status: `InternetConnectionMonitorInterface.h`.
* The Alexa Communications Library (ACL) is no longer required to wait until authorization has succeeded before attempting to connect to AVS. Instead, `HTTP2Transport` handles waiting for authorization to complete.
* Added the Device Capabilities Framework (DCF) delegate. Device capabilities can now be sent for each capability interface using DCF publish messages.
* The sample app has been updated to send DCF publish messages, which will automatically occur when the sample app starts. Note: a DCF publish message must be successfully sent in order for communication with AVS to occur.
* The SDK now supports HTTP PUT messages.
* Added support for opt-arg style arguments and multiple configuration files. Now, the sample app can be invoked by either of these commands: `SampleApp <configfile> <debuglevel>` OR `SampleApp -C file1 -C file2 ... -L loglevel`.

**Bug Fixes**
* Issues [447]( and [553]( Fixed the `AttachmentRenderSource`'s handling of `BLOCKING` `AttachmentReaders`.
* Updated the `Logger` implementation to be more resilient to `nullptr` string inputs.
* Fixed a `TimeUtils` utility-related compile issue.
* Fixed a bug in which alerts failed to activate if the system was restarted without network connection.
* Fixed Android 64-bit build failure issue.

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Some ERROR messages may be printed during start-up event if initialization proceeds normally and successfully.
* If an unrecoverable authorization error or an unrecoverable DCF error is encountered, the sample app may crash on shutdown.
* If a non-CBL `clientId` is included in the `deviceInfo` section of `AlexaClientSDKConfig.json`, the error will be reported as an unrecoverable authorization error, rather than a more specific error.
2018-04-18 15:17:28 -07:00
Sanjay Devireddy 46fd5482bc Verison 1.6 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:

* `rapidJson` is now included with "make install".
* Updated the `TemplateRuntimeObserverInterface` to support clearing of `displayCards`.
* Added Windows SDK support, along with an installation script (MinGW-w64).
* Updated `ContextManager` to ignore context reported by a state provider.
* The `SharedDataStream` object is now associated by playlist, rather than by URL.
* Added the `RegistrationManager` component. Now, when a user logs out all persistent user-specific data is cleared from the SDK. The log out functionality can be exercised in the sample app with the new command: `k`.

**Bug Fixes**
* [Issue 400]( Fixed a bug where the alert reminder did not iterate as intended after loss of network connection.
* [Issue 477]( Fixed a bug in which Alexa's weather response was being truncated.
* Fixed an issue in which there were reports of instability related to the Sensory engine. To correct this, the `portAudio` [`suggestedLatency`]( value can now be configured.

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Music playback doesn't immediately stop when a user barges-in on iHeartRadio.
* The Windows sample app sometimes hangs on exit.
* GDP receives a `SIGPIPE` when troubleshooting the Windows sample app.
2018-03-08 16:55:39 -08:00
Celina G. Val add1956688 Version 1.5.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

* Added the `ExternalMediaPlayer` Capability Agent. This allows playback from music providers that control their own playback queue. Example: Spotify.
* Added support for AU and NZ to the `SampleApp`.
* Firmware version can now be sent to Alexa via the `SoftwareInfo` event. The firmware version is specified in the config file under the `sampleApp` object as an integer value named [`firmwareVersion`](
* The new `f` command was added to the `SampleApp` which allows the firmware version to be updated at run-time.
* Optional configuration changes have been introduced. Now a [default log level]( can be set for `ACSDK_LOG_MODULE` components, globally or individually. This value is specified under a new root level configuration object called `logger`, and the value itself is named `logLevel`. This allows you to limit the degree of logging to that default value, such as `ERROR`or `INFO`.

**Bug Fixes**
* Fixed bug where `AudioPlayer` progress reports were not being sent, or were being sent incorrectly.
* [Issue 408]( - Irrelevant code related to `UrlSource` was removed from the `GStreamer-based MediaPlayer` implementation.
* The `TZ` variable no longer needs to be set to `UTC` when building the `SampleApp`.
* Fixed a bug where `CurlEasyHandleWrapper` logged unwanted data on failure conditions.
* Fixed a bug to improve `SIGPIPE` handling.
* Fixed a bug where the filename and classname were mismatched. Changed `UrlToAttachmentConverter.h` to `UrlContentToAttachmentConverter.h`,and `UrlToAttachmentConverter.cpp` to `UrlContentToAttachmentConverter.cpp`

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* Display Cards for Kindle don't render.
* If using the GStreamer-based `MediaPlayer` implementation, after muting and un-muting an audio item, the next item in the queue will begin playing rather than continuing playback of the originally muted audio item.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Music playback doesn't immediately stop when a user barges-in on iHeartRadio.
2018-02-12 15:34:18 -08:00
Celina G. Val 5259a2f62e Version 1.4.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

* Added the Notifications Capability Agent. This allows a client to receive notification indicators from Alexa.
* Added support for the `SoftwareInfo` event. This code is triggered in the `SampleApp` by providing a positive decimal integer as the "firmwareVersion" value in "sampleApp" object of the `AlexaClientSDKConfig.json`. The reported firmware version can be updated after starting the `SampleApp` by calling `SoftwareInfoSender::setFirmwareVersion()`. This code path can be exercised in the `SampleApp` with the new command: `f`.
* Added unit tests for Alerts.
* The GStreamer-based pipeline allows for the configuration of `MediaPlayer` output based on information provided in `Config`.
* Playlist streaming now uses a `BLOCKING` writer, which improves streaming efficiency.

**Bug Fixes**
* Fixed bug where `SpeechSynthesizer` would not stop playback when a state change timeout was encountered.
* Fixed the `SampleApplication` destructor to avoid segfaults if the object is not constructed correctly.
* Fixed bug where `AudioPlayer` would erroneously call `executeStop()` in `cancelDirective()`.
* [Issue 396]( - Fixed bug for compilation error with GCC7 in `AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/include/AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/Audio/AlertsAudioFactoryInterface.h`
* [Issue 384]( - Fixed bug that caused `` to crash.
* Fixed bug where a long delay was encountered after pausing and resuming a large Audible chapter.
* Fixed bug that caused named timers and reminders to loop for an additional `loopCount` .
* Fixed memory corruption bug in `MessageInterpreter`.
* Fixed illegal memory accesses in `MediaPlayer` logging.

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* Display Cards for Kindle don't render.
* If using the GStreamer-based `MediaPlayer` implementation, after muting and un-muting an audio item, the next item in the queue will begin playing rather than continuing playback of the originally muted audio item.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Music playback doesn't immediately stop when a user barges-in on iHeartRadio.
2018-01-12 15:45:42 -08:00
Ken Cecka 1b712a1e97 v1.3.0 released 12/08/2017:
* ContextManager now passes the namespace/name of the desired state to StateProv
iderInterface::provideState().  This is helpful when a single StateProvider obje
ct provides multiple states, and needs to know which one ContextManager is askin
g for.
* The mime parser was hardened against duplicate boundaries.
* Added functionality to add and remove AudioPlayer observers to the DefaultClie
* Unit tests for Alerts were added.
* Added en-IN, en-CA and ja-JP to the SampleApp locale selection menu.
* Added default alert and timer audio data to the SDK SampleApp.  There is no lo
nger a requirement to download these audio files and configure them in the json
configuration file.
* Added support in SDS Reader and AttachmentReader for seeking into the future.
 This allows a reader to move to an index which has not yet arrived in the SDS a
nd poll/block until it arrives.
* Added support for blocking Writers in the SharedDataStream class.
* Changed the default status code sent by MessageRequestObserverInterface::onSen
dCompleted() to SERVER_OTHER_ERROR, and mapped HTTP code 500 to SERVER_INTERNAL_
* Added support for parsing stream duration out of playlists.
* Added a configuration option ("sampleApp":"displayCardsSupported") that allows
 the displaying of display cards to be enabled or disabled.
* Named Timers and Reminders have been updated to fall back to the on-device bac
kground audio sound when cloud urls cannot be accessed or rendered.

**Bug Fixes**
* Removed floating point dependencies from core SDK libraries.
* Fixed bug in SpeechSynthesizer where it's erroneously calling stop more than once.
* Fixed an issue in ContentFetcher where it could hang during destruction until an active GET request completed.
* Fixed a couple of parsing bugs in LibCurlHttpContentFetcher related to case-sensitivity and mime-type handling.
* Fixed a bug where MediaPlayerObserverInterface::onPlaybackResumed() wasn't being called after resuming from a pause with a pending play/resume.
* Fixed a bug in LibCurlContentFetcher where it could error out if data is written to the SDS faster than it is consumed.
* The GStreamer-based MediaPlayer reference implementation now uses the ACL HTTP configured client.
  * An API change has been made to MediaPlayerInterface::setSource(). This method now takes in an optional offset as well to allow for immediately streaming to the offset if possible.
  * Next and Previous buttons now work with Audible.
  * Pandora resume stuttering is addressed.
  * Pausing and resuming Amazon music no longer seeks back to the beginning of the song.
* libcurl CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL option is set to 1 ( to avoid crashes  observed in SampleApp.
* Fixed the timing of the PlaybackReportIntervalEvent and PlaybackReportDelayEvent as specified in the directives.
* Fixed potential deadlocks in MediaPlayer during shutdown related to queued callbacks.
* Fixed a crash in MediaPlayer that could occur if the network is disconnected during playback.
* Fixed a bug where music could keep playing while Alexa is speaking.
* Fixed a bug which was causing problems with pause/resume and next/previous with Amazon Music.
* Fixed a bug where music could briefly start playing between speaks.
* Fixed a bug where HLS playlists would stop streaming after the initial playlist had been played to completion.
* Fixed a bug where Audible playback could not advance to the next chapter.
* Fixed some occurrences of SDK entering the IDLE state during the transition between Listening and Speaking states.
* Fixed a bug where PlaybackFinished events were not reporting the correct offset.
  * An API change has been made to MediaPlayerInterface::getOffset().  This method is now required to return the final offset when called after playback has stopped.
* Fixed a problem where AIP was erroneously resetting its state upon getting a cancelDirective() callback.

**Known Issues**
* Capability agent for Notifications is not included in this release.
* `ACL`'s asynchronous receipt of audio attachments may manage resources poorly in scenarios where attachments are received but not consumed.
* GUI cards don't show for Kindle.
* The new SpeechSynthesizerState state values GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS were added as part of a work-around.  The will likely be removed in subsequent releases.
* With the gstreamer-based MediaPlayer, after muting and unmuting, the next item starts playing rather than continuing with the current item.
2017-12-08 16:07:37 -08:00
Andken 2cc16d8cc4 Version 1.2.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
* **Enhancements**
  * Updated MediaPlayer to solve stability issues
  * All capability agents were refined to work with the updated MediaPlayer
  * Added the TemplateRuntime capability agent
  * Added the SpeakerManager capability agent
  * Added a configuration option ("sampleApp":"endpoint") that allows the endpoint that SampleApp connects to to be specified without changing code or rebuilding
  * Added very verbose capture of libcurl debug information
  * Added an observer interface to observer audio state changes from AudioPlayer
  * Added support for StreamMetadataExtracted Event. Stream tags found in the stream are represented in JSON and sent to AVS
  * Added to the SampleApp a simple GuiRenderer as an observer to the TemplateRuntime Capability Agent
  * Moved shared libcurl functionality to AVSCommon/Utils
  * Added a CMake option to exclude tests from the "make all" build. Use "cmake <absolute-path-to-source>
  -DACSDK_EXCLUDE_TEST_FROM_ALL=ON" to enable it. When this option is enabled "make unit" and "make integration" still could be used to build and run the tests

* **Bug fixes**:
  * Previously scheduled alerts now play following a restart
  * General stability fixes
  * Bug fix for CertifiedSender blocking forever if the network goes down while it's trying to send a message to AVS
  * Fixes for known issue of Alerts integration tests fail: AlertsTest.UserLongUnrelatedBargeInOnActiveTimer and AlertsTest.handleOneTimerWithVocalStop
  * Attempting to end a tap-to-talk interaction with the tap-to-talk button wouldn't work
  * SharedDataStream could encounter a race condition due to a combination of a blocking Reader and a Writer closing before writing any data
  * Bug-fix for the ordering of notifications within alerts scheduling. This fixes the issue where a local-stop on an alert would also stop a subsequent alert if it were to begin without delay

* **Known Issues**

* Capability agent for Notifications is not included in this release
* Inconsistent playback behavior when resuming content ("Alexa, pause." / "Alexa, resume."). Specifically, handling playback offsets, which causes the content to play from the start. This behavior is also occasionally seen with "Next" /
* `ACL`'s asynchronous receipt of audio attachments may manage resources poorly in scenarios where attachments are received but not consumed.
2017-10-31 07:36:26 -07:00
Federico Rozenberg 81c81b431e Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk
- Changes in this update:

	- Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report   `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`.
	- Codebase has been formatted for easier reading.
	- `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not.
	- Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects.
	- `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret.
	- `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored.
		- Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class.
	- Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class.
	- Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests.
	- Added Settings interface with unit tests.
	- Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`.
	- Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests.
	- Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts.
	- Implemented PlaylistParser.

- Bug fixes:

	- AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage.
	- SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect.
	- Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing.
	- Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS.
	- GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup.
	- Crashing when playing one URL after another.
	- Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer.
	- [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](
	- [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](
	- [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](
	- [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](
2017-10-02 15:59:05 -07:00