Commit Graph

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
avramson a62220d544 Version 1.0.1 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
 - Added a fix to the sample app so that the StateSynchronization event is the first that gets sent to AVS.
 - Added a POST_CONNECTED enum to ConnectionStatusObserver.
 - StateSychronizer now automatically sends a StateSynchronization event when it receives a notification that ACL is CONNECTED.
 - Added make install for installing the AVS Device SDK.
 - Added an optional make networkIntegration for integration tests for slow network (only on Linux platforms).
 - Added shutdown management which fully cleans up SDK objects during teardown.
 - Fixed an issue with AudioPlayer barge-in which was preventing subsequent audio from playing.
 - Changed Mediaplayer buffering to reduce stuttering.
 - Known Issues:
   - Connection loss during listening keeps the app in that state even after connection is regained. Pressing ‘s’ unsticks the state.
   - Play/Pause media restarts it from the beginning.
   - SpeechSynthesizer shows wrong UX state during a burst of Speaks.
   - Quitting the sample app while AudioPlayer is playing something causes a segmentation fault.
   - AudioPlayer sending PlaybackPaused during flash briefing.
   - Long Delay playing live stations on iHeartRadio.
   - Teardown warnings at the end of integration tests.
2017-08-16 17:13:40 -07:00
Kenneth Chan c3a4c8640e Version 0.6 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
- Added a sample app that leverages the SDK.
- Added an implementation of the `Alerts` capability agent.
- Added the `DefaultClient` class.
- Added the following classes to support directives and events in the
  `StateSynchronizer`, `EndpointHandler`, and `ExceptionEncounteredSender`.
- Added unit tests for `ACL`.
- Updated `MediaPlayer` to play local files given an `std::istream`.
- Changed build configuration from `Debug` to `Release`.
- Removed `DeprecatedLogger` class.
2017-07-19 15:09:05 -07:00
Mradula Nayak 724797b264 Version 0.5 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update
- Added a getConfiguration() method to DirectiveHandlerInterface to register Capability Agents with Directive Sequencer.
- Fix race condition with reading attachments before a writer exists.
- Use of new Logging abstraction layer in modules - ADSL,AFML,ContextManager,AuthDelegate,AIP,KWD,Mediaplayer.
- Added ACL stream processing with Pause and redrive.
- Removed the dependency of ACL Library on Authdelegate.
- Added and interface to allow ACL to Add/Remove ConnectionStatusObserverInterface.
- Fixed compile errors in KittAi, DirectiveHandler and compiler warnings in AIP test.
- Corrected formatting on the files.
- Fixes for the following Github issues
2017-06-23 16:26:34 -07:00
Scott Heath 6217dae47a Version 0.2.1 of alexa-client-sdk
This update:
- Tightens up the use of libcural by ACL and AuthDelegate.
- Improves the interface of ADSL.
2017-05-05 10:36:44 -07:00
Hao Hu b0f63965a6 Version 0.2 - Alexa Interaction Manager - Comprised of three components, the Alexa Communications Library (ACL), the Alexa Directive Sequencer Library (ADSL), and Activity Focus Manager Library (AFML), it handles communications with AVS and message routing to capability agents. 2017-03-09 16:01:46 -08:00
Sanjay Devireddy aad0fd37f8 Version 0.1 - Alexa Communications Library - This component serves as the main communications channel between the client and Alexa Voice Service, providing an interface with which to send and receive messages. 2017-02-10 15:39:10 -08:00