Commit Graph

11 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Woo f0c606d457 Version 1.25.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2021-08-24 13:46:00 -07:00
Keith Huang e40477e9f5 Version 1.24.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2021-06-04 10:48:01 -07:00
Caleigh Minshall f2dab7ee26 Version 1.23.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2021-03-29 12:59:51 -07:00
Michael Woo 6840059a10 Version 1.21 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2020-10-26 17:14:11 -07:00
Mahesh Velegonda 4bb0d23cd9 Version 1.20.1 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2020-08-06 16:24:47 -07:00
Alexandre Mendonca f82767c783 Version 1.20.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2020-06-22 16:50:05 -07:00
Michael Woo c381bd8f94 Version 1.19.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from all releases are available on the [Amazon developer portal](
2020-04-13 15:56:35 -07:00
Caleigh Minshall f300eab99a Version 1.17.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:


- Added support for [captions for TTS]( This enhancement allows you to print onscreen captions for Alexa voice responses.
- Added support for [SpeechSynthesizer Interface 1.3]( This interface supports the new `captions` parameter.
- Added support for [AudioPlayer Interface 1.3]( This interface supports the new `captions` parameter.
- Added support for [Interaction Model 1.2](
- Added support for [System 2.0](
- Added support for Alarm Volume Ramp. This feature lets you to fade in alarms for a more pleasant experience. You enable alarm volume ramp in the sample app through the settings menu.
- Added support for using certified senders for URI path extensions. This change allows you to specify the URI path extension when sending messages with [`CertifiedSender::sendJSONMessage`](
- Added new [`Metrics`]( interfaces and helper classes. These additions help you create and consume [`Metrics`]( events.
 - **Interfaces** - `MetricRecorderInterface`, `MetricSinkInterface`.
 - **Helper Classes** - `DataPointStringBuilder`, `DataPointCounterBuilder`, `DataPointDurationBuilder`, `MetricEventBuilder`.

- Added support for the following AVS [endpoint](../avs-device-sdk/endpoints.html) controller capabilities:
 - [Alexa.ModeController](
 - [Alexa.RangeController](
 - [Alexa.PowerController](
 - [Alexa.ToggleController](

- Added `PowerResourceManagerInterface`. This interface allows the SDK to control power resource levels for components such as the `AudioInputProcessor` and `SpeechSynthesizer`.
- Added `AlexaInterfaceCapabilityAgent`. This Capability Agent handles common directives and endpoint controller capabilities support by [`Alexa.AlexaInterface`](../alexa-voice-service/alexa.html).
- Added `AlexaInterfaceMessageSenderInterface`. This interface is required to send common events defined by the `Alexa.AlexaInterface` interface.
- Added `BufferingComplete` to [`MediaPlayerObserverInterface`]( This method helps improve performance in poor networking conditions by making sure `MediaPlayer` pre-buffers correctly.
- Added `SendDTMF` to `CallManagerInterface`. This method allows you to send DTMF tones during calls.

**New build options**

 - **ADDED** [`CAPTIONS`](
 - **ADDED** [`METRICS`](

**New dependencies**

- To use captions, you must install a [new dependency]( – the [libwebvtt parsing library]( Webvtt is a C/C++ library for interpreting and authoring conformant WebVTT content. WebVTT is a caption and subtitle format designed for use with HTML5 audio and video elements.

**Bug fixes**

- Fixed [`MimeResponseSink::onReceiveNonMimeData`]( [data issue]( that returned invalid data.
- Fixed [data type issue]( that incorrectly used `finalResponseCode` instead of [`FinalResponseCodeId`](
- Fixed [`UrlContentToAttachmentConverter`]( issue that used the incorrect range parameter.
- Fixed `FinallyGuard` [linking issue]( that caused problems compiling the SDK on iOS.
- Fixed a [Bluetooth Capability Agent]( bug that prevented devices from initializing.

**Known Issues**

* The WebVTT dependency required for `captions` isn't supported for Windows/Android.
* Music playback history isn't displayed in the Alexa app for certain account and device types.
* When using Gnu Compiler Collection 8+ (GCC 8+), `-Wclass-memaccess` triggers warnings. You can ignore these, they don't cause the build to fail.
* Android error ` not found` might occur. Resolve this by upgrading to ADB version 1.0.40.
* If a device loses a network connection, the lost connection status isn't returned via local TTS.
* ACL encounters issues if it receives audio attachments but doesn't consume them.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate states.
* Media steamed through Bluetooth might abruptly stop. To restart playback, resume the media in the source application or toggle next/previous.
* If a connected Bluetooth device is inactive, the Alexa app might indicates that audio is playing.
* The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation isn't yet supported.
* When using some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback might not resume if other content is locally streamed.
* `make integration` isn't available for Android. To run Android integration tests, manually upload the test binary and input file and run ADB.
* Alexa might truncate the beginning of speech when responding to text-to-speech (TTS) user events. This only impacts Raspberry Pi devices running Android Things with HDMI output audio.
* A reminder TTS message doesn't play if the sample app restarts and loses a network connection. Instead, the default alarm tone plays twice.
* `ServerDisconnectIntegratonTest` tests are disabled until they are updated to reflect new service behavior.
* Bluetooth initialization must complete before connecting devices, otherwise devices are ignored.
* The `DirectiveSequencerTest.test_handleBlockingThenImmediatelyThenNonBockingOnSameDialogId` test fails intermittently.
* On some devices, Alexa gets stuck in a permanent listening state. Pressing `t` and `h` in the Sample App doesn't exit the listening state.
* Exiting the settings menu doesn't provide a message to indicate that you're back in the main menu.
2019-12-10 13:02:09 -08:00
David Henry c7b3142592 Version 1.13 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

Release Version 1.13 of Alexa C++ SDK
2019-05-22 19:06:18 -04:00
Marco Visaya 7bea05a9c7 Version 1.7.0 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:

* `AuthDelegate` and `` have been replaced by `CBLAUthDelegate`, which provides a more straightforward path to authorization.
* Added a new configuration property called [`cblAuthDelegate`]( This object specifies parameters for `CBLAuthDelegate`.
* Added a new configuration property called [`miscDatabase`](, which is a generic key/value database to be used by various components.
* Added a new configuration property called [`dcfDelegate`]( This object specifies parameters for `DCFDelegate`. Within this object, values were added for the 'endpoint' and `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`. 'endpoint' is the endpoint to connect to in order to send device capabilities. `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`is the message that will get sent out to the Capabilities API. Note: values within the `dcfDelegate` object will only work in `DEBUG` builds.
* Added a new configuration property called [`deviceInfo`]( which specifies device-identifying information for use by the Device Capability Framework (DCF), and for authorization (CBLAuthDelegate).
* Updated the Directive Sequencer to support wildcard directive handlers. This allows a handler for a given AVS interface to register at the namespace level, rather than specifying the names of all directives within that namespace.
* Updated the Raspberry Pi installation script to include `alsasink` in the configuration file.
* Added `audioSink` as a configuration option. This allows users to override the audio sink element used in `Gstreamer`.
* Added an interface for monitoring internet connection status: `InternetConnectionMonitorInterface.h`.
* The Alexa Communications Library (ACL) is no longer required to wait until authorization has succeeded before attempting to connect to AVS. Instead, `HTTP2Transport` handles waiting for authorization to complete.
* Added the Device Capabilities Framework (DCF) delegate. Device capabilities can now be sent for each capability interface using DCF publish messages.
* The sample app has been updated to send DCF publish messages, which will automatically occur when the sample app starts. Note: a DCF publish message must be successfully sent in order for communication with AVS to occur.
* The SDK now supports HTTP PUT messages.
* Added support for opt-arg style arguments and multiple configuration files. Now, the sample app can be invoked by either of these commands: `SampleApp <configfile> <debuglevel>` OR `SampleApp -C file1 -C file2 ... -L loglevel`.

**Bug Fixes**
* Issues [447]( and [553]( Fixed the `AttachmentRenderSource`'s handling of `BLOCKING` `AttachmentReaders`.
* Updated the `Logger` implementation to be more resilient to `nullptr` string inputs.
* Fixed a `TimeUtils` utility-related compile issue.
* Fixed a bug in which alerts failed to activate if the system was restarted without network connection.
* Fixed Android 64-bit build failure issue.

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Some ERROR messages may be printed during start-up event if initialization proceeds normally and successfully.
* If an unrecoverable authorization error or an unrecoverable DCF error is encountered, the sample app may crash on shutdown.
* If a non-CBL `clientId` is included in the `deviceInfo` section of `AlexaClientSDKConfig.json`, the error will be reported as an unrecoverable authorization error, rather than a more specific error.
2018-04-18 15:17:28 -07:00
Sanjay Devireddy 46fd5482bc Verison 1.6 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:

* `rapidJson` is now included with "make install".
* Updated the `TemplateRuntimeObserverInterface` to support clearing of `displayCards`.
* Added Windows SDK support, along with an installation script (MinGW-w64).
* Updated `ContextManager` to ignore context reported by a state provider.
* The `SharedDataStream` object is now associated by playlist, rather than by URL.
* Added the `RegistrationManager` component. Now, when a user logs out all persistent user-specific data is cleared from the SDK. The log out functionality can be exercised in the sample app with the new command: `k`.

**Bug Fixes**
* [Issue 400]( Fixed a bug where the alert reminder did not iterate as intended after loss of network connection.
* [Issue 477]( Fixed a bug in which Alexa's weather response was being truncated.
* Fixed an issue in which there were reports of instability related to the Sensory engine. To correct this, the `portAudio` [`suggestedLatency`]( value can now be configured.

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Music playback doesn't immediately stop when a user barges-in on iHeartRadio.
* The Windows sample app sometimes hangs on exit.
* GDP receives a `SIGPIPE` when troubleshooting the Windows sample app.
2018-03-08 16:55:39 -08:00