Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
* Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockSpeakerManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockUserInactivityMonitor.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/SpeakerInterface.h>
#include "MRM/MRMCapabilityAgent.h"
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace capabilityAgents {
namespace mrm {
namespace test {
using namespace avsCommon::avs;
using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces;
using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test;
using namespace ::testing;
/// Test version string which our dummy MRMHandler will return.
static const std::string TEST_MRM_HANDLER_VERSION_STRING = "test_version_string";
/// A timeout for things which we expect to occur (so it's long enough for reasonable latency)
static const auto WAIT_FOR_INVOCATION_LONG_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::milliseconds{100};
/// A timeout for things which we do not expect to occur (so, we will expect this duration to elapse).
static const auto WAIT_FOR_INVOCATION_SHORT_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::milliseconds{5};
/// A sample Directive JSON string for the purposes of creating an AVSDirective object.
static const std::string TEST_DIRECTIVE_JSON_STRING = R"delim(
"directive": {
"header": {
"namespace": "MRM",
"name": "TestDirective",
"messageId": "12345"
"payload": {
* A utility class to simplify capturing that the invocation of an event has occurred. This class expects that
* two threads are involved - thread A waits for the invocation, while thread B performs the invocation.
class SynchronizedInvocation {
* Constructor.
SynchronizedInvocation() : m_hasBeenInvoked{false} {
* Record that the invocation has occurred. Calling this function will wake any waiting threads.
void invoke() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_hasBeenInvoked = true;
* Wait for an invocation to occur. If it has already occurred, this function will immediately return true.
* If the invocation did occur, then this function resets its tracking data, allowing this object to be used
* repeatedly.
* @param timeout How long the caller wishes to wait for the invocation to occur.
* @return Whether the invocation occurred within the timeout, or if it has already occurred before the call.
bool wait(const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_cv.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this]() { return m_hasBeenInvoked; })) {
m_hasBeenInvoked = false;
return true;
return false;
/// The mutex controlling access to the boolean.
std::mutex m_mutex;
/// The condition variable which may be waited upon.
std::condition_variable m_cv;
/// A boolean variable to capture an event occurring.
bool m_hasBeenInvoked;
* WaitableExceptionEncounteredSender is a mock of the @c ExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface and allows tests
* to wait for invocations upon those interfaces and inspect the parameters of those invocations.
class WaitableExceptionEncounteredSender : public ExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface {
void sendExceptionEncountered(
const std::string& unparsedDirective,
avsCommon::avs::ExceptionErrorType error,
const std::string& message) override {
* Allows the caller to wait until an exception has been sent, up to a maximum timeout.
* Also returns true if an exception has been previously sent which was not waited upon.
* @return Whether the exception was sent within the specified timeout, or if an exception has been previously sent,
* which was not waited upon.
bool wait(const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
return m_invocation.wait(timeout);
/// Our invocation object to track when an exception has been sent.
SynchronizedInvocation m_invocation;
* Class with which to mock a connection to AVS.
class MockMRMHandler : public MRMHandlerInterface {
* Constructor.
MockMRMHandler() : MRMHandlerInterface{"MockMRMHandler"} {
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(getVersionString, std::string());
MOCK_METHOD1(handleDirective, bool(std::shared_ptr<AVSDirective> directive));
MOCK_METHOD0(doShutdown, void());
* overridden function, minus the explicit override, since gtest does not use override.
void onSpeakerSettingsChanged(const SpeakerInterface::Type& type) {
m_lastSpeakerType = type;
* overridden function, minus the explicit override, since gtest does not use override.
void onUserInactivityReportSent() {
* Function to wait for a speaker setting of a particular type to change. Will return true if a speaker of the
* desired type did change within the timeout, or if a non-waited-upon change occurred before this call was made.
* @param expectedType The type of the speaker we are waiting for.
* @param timeout How long we wish to wait for the change to occur.
* @return Whether the change occurred within the timeout, or if a non-waited-upon change occurred before this call.
bool waitForSpeakerSettingChanged(
const SpeakerInterface::Type& expectedType,
const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
if (m_speakerSettingUpdatedInvocation.wait(timeout)) {
return expectedType == m_lastSpeakerType;
return false;
* Function to wait for a System.UserInactivityReport to be sent. Will return true if an exception was sent
* within the timeout, or if a non-waited-upon report occurred before this call was made.
* @param timeout How long we wish to wait for the report to occur.
* @return Whether the report occurred within the timeout, or if a non-waited-upon report occurred before this call.
bool waitForUserInactivityReport(const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
return m_userInactivityInvocation.wait(timeout);
/// Our invocation object to track the sending of a System.UserInactivityReport.
SynchronizedInvocation m_userInactivityInvocation;
/// Our invocation object to track the changing of a speaker type.
SynchronizedInvocation m_speakerSettingUpdatedInvocation;
/// A tracking variable for the most recently changed speaker type.
SpeakerInterface::Type m_lastSpeakerType;
/// Test harness for @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
class MRMCapabilityAgentTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
/// Our MRM CA.
std::shared_ptr<MRMCapabilityAgent> m_mrmCA;
/// A pointer to a dummy MRMHandler. Since the CA takes the Handler by unique_ptr, we will keep the raw pointer.
MockMRMHandler* m_mockMRMHandlerPtr;
/// A mock speaker manager.
std::shared_ptr<MockSpeakerManager> m_mockSpeakerManager;
/// A mock user inactivity monitor.
std::shared_ptr<MockUserInactivityMonitor> m_mockUserInactivityMonitor;
/// A waitable exception sender.
std::shared_ptr<WaitableExceptionEncounteredSender> m_exceptionSender;
void MRMCapabilityAgentTest::SetUp() {
// Create our main objects.
auto mrmHandler = std::unique_ptr<MRMHandlerInterface>(new MockMRMHandler());
m_mockMRMHandlerPtr = static_cast<MockMRMHandler*>(mrmHandler.get());
m_mockSpeakerManager = std::make_shared<MockSpeakerManager>();
m_mockUserInactivityMonitor = std::make_shared<MockUserInactivityMonitor>();
m_exceptionSender = std::make_shared<WaitableExceptionEncounteredSender>();
// Instantiate the capability agent.
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockSpeakerManager, addSpeakerManagerObserver(_)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, addObserver(_)).Times(1);
m_mrmCA = MRMCapabilityAgent::create(
std::move(mrmHandler), m_mockSpeakerManager, m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, m_exceptionSender);
ASSERT_NE(m_mrmCA, nullptr);
void MRMCapabilityAgentTest::TearDown() {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMRMHandlerPtr, doShutdown()).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockSpeakerManager, removeSpeakerManagerObserver(_)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, removeObserver(_)).Times(1);
* Test to verify the @c create function of @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, createTest) {
/// A dummy MRMHandler.
auto mrmHandler = std::unique_ptr<MRMHandlerInterface>(new MockMRMHandler());
/// Test all the bad cases. The good case is already tested in SetUp.
MRMCapabilityAgent::create(nullptr, m_mockSpeakerManager, m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, m_exceptionSender));
MRMCapabilityAgent::create(std::move(mrmHandler), nullptr, m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, m_exceptionSender));
nullptr, MRMCapabilityAgent::create(std::move(mrmHandler), m_mockSpeakerManager, nullptr, m_exceptionSender));
MRMCapabilityAgent::create(std::move(mrmHandler), m_mockSpeakerManager, m_mockUserInactivityMonitor, nullptr));
* Test to verify the @c getConfiguration function of @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, getConfigurationTest) {
auto config = m_mrmCA->getConfiguration();
ASSERT_NE(true, config.empty());
* Test to verify the @c getVersionString function of @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, getVersionStringTest) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMRMHandlerPtr, getVersionString()).WillOnce(Return(TEST_MRM_HANDLER_VERSION_STRING));
std::string versionString = m_mrmCA->getVersionString();
ASSERT_NE(true, versionString.empty());
* Test to verify the @c handleDirective function of @c MRMHandler class, invoked by the @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, handleMRMDirectiveTest) {
// Create a dummy AVSDirective.
auto directivePair = AVSDirective::create(TEST_DIRECTIVE_JSON_STRING, nullptr, "");
std::shared_ptr<AVSDirective> directive = std::move(directivePair.first);
// Test that the MRMHandler will receive the Directive and fail to handle it.
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMRMHandlerPtr, handleDirective(_)).WillOnce(Return(false));
// Test that the MRMHandler will receive the Directive and successfully handle it.
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMRMHandlerPtr, handleDirective(_)).WillOnce(Return(true));
* Test to verify the @c onSpeakerSettingsChanged function of @c MRMHandler class, invoked by the @c MRMCapabilityAgent
* class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, onSpeakerSettingsChangedTest) {
SpeakerInterface::SpeakerSettings dummySpeakerSettings;
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
// Test that the AVS_ALERTS_VOLUME option works.
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
// Test that the AVS_SPEAKER_VOLUME option works.
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
2018-07-09 21:07:31 +00:00
Version 1.8 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:
Added local stop functionality. This allows a user to stop an active function, such as an alert or timer, by uttering "Alexa, stop" when an Alexa-enabled product is offline.
Alerts in the background now stream in 10 sec intervals, rather than continuously.
Added support for France to the sample app.
friendlyName can now be updated for BlueZ implementations of BlueZBluetoothDevice and BlueZHostController.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bluetooth agent didn't clear user data upon reset, including paired devices and the uuidMapping table.
Fixed MediaPlayer threading issues. Now each instance has it's own glib main loop thread, rather than utilizing the default main context worker thread.
Fixed segmentation fault issues that occurred when certain static initializers needed to be initialized in a certain order, but the order wasn't defined.
Known Issues
The ACL may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
SpeechSynthesizerState currently uses GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
The Alexa app doesn't always indicate when a device is successfully connected via Bluetooth.
Connecting a product to streaming media via Bluetooth will sometimes stop media playback within the source application. Resuming playback through the source application or toggling next/previous will correct playback.
When a source device is streaming silence via Bluetooth, the Alexa companion app indicates that audio content is streaming.
The Bluetooth agent assumes that the Bluetooth adapter is always connected to a power source. Disconnecting from a power source during operation is not yet supported.
On some products, interrupted Bluetooth playback may not resume if other content is locally streamed.
On Raspberry Pi, when streaming audio via Bluetooth, sometimes the audio stream stutters.
On Raspberry Pi, BlueALSA must be terminated each time the device boots. See Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide for more information.
2018-06-27 21:41:15 +00:00
* Test to verify the @c waitForUserInactivityReport function of @c MRMHandler class, invoked by the
* @c MRMCapabilityAgent class.
TEST_F(MRMCapabilityAgentTest, onUserInactivityReportTest) {
// Verify that our Inactivity Report is sent by MRMHandler when invoked by the MRM CA.
// Verify that the Inactivity Report is only sent once.
} // namespace test
} // namespace mrm
} // namespace capabilityAgents
} // namespace alexaClientSDK
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
if (argc < 1) {
std::cerr << "USAGE: " << std::string(argv[0]) << std::endl;
return 1;
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();