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// Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pryon_lite_common_client_properties.h"
#include "pryon_lite_PRL2000.h"
#define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME (160)
#define false 0
#define true 1
// global flag to stop processing, set by application
static int quit = 0;
// engine handle
static PryonLiteV2Handle sHandle = {0};
#define ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
static char* engineBuffer = { 0 }; // should be an array large enough to hold the largest engine
//---- Application functions to be implemented by the client -------------------
// ---- Wakeword ----
// binary model buffer, allocated by application
// this buffer can be read-only memory as PryonLite will not modify the contents
ALIGN(4) static const char * wakewordModelBuffer = { 0 }; // should be an array large enough to hold the largest wakeword model
static void loadWakewordModel(const char **model, size_t *sizeofModel)
// In order to detect keywords, the decoder uses a model which defines the parameters,
// neural network weights, classifiers, etc that are used at runtime to process the audio
// and give detection results.
// Each model is packaged in two formats:
// 1. A .bin file that can be loaded from disk (via fopen, fread, etc)
// 2. A .cpp file that can be hard-coded at compile time
*sizeofModel = 1; // example value, will be the size of the binary model byte array
*model = wakewordModelBuffer; // pointer to model in memory
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
// binary fingerprint list buffer, allocated by application
// this buffer can be read-only memory as PryonLite will not modify the contents
ALIGN(4) static const char * fingerprintListBuffer = { 0 }; // should be an array large enough to hold the fingerprint list data.
static void loadFingerprintList(const char **fingerprintList, size_t *sizeofFingerprintList)
// In order to suppress wakes from fingerprinted media, PryonLite uses a binary list which
// tells its engine which audio to suppress.
// Each list is a binary file that can be loaded from disk and should be downloaded
// via a DAVS client.
*sizeofFingerprintList = 1; // example value, will be the size of the binary fingerprint list byte array
*fingerprintList = fingerprintListBuffer; // pointer to fingerprint list in memory
// ---- Watermarking ----
// binary config buffer for watermark based media suppression, allocated by application
// this buffer can be read-only memory as PryonLite will not modify the contents
ALIGN(4) static const char * watermarkConfigBuffer = { 0 }; // should be an array large enough to hold the largest watermark config
static void loadWatermarkConfig(const char **config, size_t *sizeofConfig)
// In order to suppress media generated wakes, the decoder can use a configuration which
// defines some pre-embedded watermarks. These watermarks are searched for at runtime to
// detect and suppress media generated wakes.
// Each configuration is packaged in two formats:
// 1. A .bin file that can be loaded from disk (via fopen, fread, etc)
// 2. A .cpp file that can be hard-coded at compile time
*sizeofConfig = 1; // example value, will be the size of the binary model byte array
*config = watermarkConfigBuffer; // pointer to watermark configuration in memory
// client implemented function to read audio samples
static void readAudio(short* samples, int sampleCount)
// todo - read samples from file, audio system, etc.
//---- Engine callback functions to be implemented by the client --------------
// ---- Voice Activity Detection ----
// VAD event handler
static void vadEventHandler(PryonLiteV2Handle *handle, const PryonLiteVadEvent* vadEvent)
printf("VAD state %d at sample index %lld\n", (int) vadEvent->vadState, vadEvent->beginSampleIndex);
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
// Fingerprint match event handler
static void fingerprintMatchEventHandler(PryonLiteV2Handle *handle, const PryonLiteFingerprintMatchEvent* fingerprintMatchEvent)
printf("Detected fingerprint match with keyword '%s'\n", fingerprintMatchEvent->keyword);
// ---- Wakeword ----
// Wakeword event handler
static void wakewordEventHandler(PryonLiteV2Handle *handle, const PryonLiteWakewordResult* wwEvent)
printf("Detected wakeword '%s'\n", wwEvent->keyword);
/// @brief Callback function triggered by the engine when any event occurs.
/// @param handle [in] Handle for the engine which created the event
/// @param event [in] Event that occurred
/// @return void
static void handleEvent(PryonLiteV2Handle *handle, const PryonLiteV2Event* event)
// ---- Voice Activity Detection ----
if (event->vadEvent != NULL)
vadEventHandler(handle, event->vadEvent);
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
if (event->fingerprintMatchEvent != NULL)
fingerprintMatchEventHandler(handle, event->fingerprintMatchEvent);
// ---- Wakeword ----
if (event->wwEvent != NULL)
wakewordEventHandler(handle, event->wwEvent);
//---- Main processing loop ----------------------------------------------------
// The main loop below shows the full life cycle of the engine. This
// life cycle is broken down into three phases.
// Phase 1 - Initialization
// STEP 1.1 - Load the models
// STEP 1.2 - Configure engine
// STEP 1.3 - Enable engine events
// STEP 1.4 - Query for configuration specific attributes
// STEP 1.5 - Allocate/Check engine buffer
// STEP 1.6 - Initialize engine
// STEP 1.7 - Post-init functionality setup
// STEP 1.8 - Optional : Runtime configuration functions
// Phase 2 - Audio Processing
// STEP 2.1 - Gather audio
// STEP 2.2 - Push audio to engine
// STEP 2.3 - Handle engine events
// Phase 3 - Cleanup
// STEP 3.1 - Functionality specific cleanup
// STEP 3.2 - Engine cleanup
// The sample below is for a single locale/model. To change the locale/model
// being used, complete Phase 3 - Cleanup for the engine instance and then
// create a new instance by going back through Phase 1 - Initialization with
// the new model.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
PryonLiteV2ConfigAttributes configAttributes = {0};
// Start Phase 1 - Initialization
// The initialization phase begins with nothing and ends with a fully
// initialized instance of the engine.
// STEP 1.1 - Load the models
// This step covers loading the model data from source. Models are
// delivered in two different forms, a C file with an array
// containing the model source or a separate bin file. If using
// the C file, the model source and size are already defined. If
// using the bin file, the model source needs to be read into an
// array and the length needs to be retrieved.
// ---- Wakeword ----
const char *wakewordModel;
size_t wakewordModelSize;
loadWakewordModel(&wakewordModel, &wakewordModelSize);
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
const char* fingerprintList;
size_t sizeofFingerprintList;
loadFingerprintList(&fingerprintList, &sizeofFingerprintList);
// ---- Watermarking ----
const char *watermarkConfigBlob;
size_t sizeofWatermarkConfigBlob;
loadWatermarkConfig(&watermarkConfigBlob, &sizeofWatermarkConfigBlob);
// STEP 1.2 - Configure engine
// PryonLiteV2Config contains initialization-time configuration
// parameters. Each feature to be enabled must be configured
// individually and then hooked to the top level engine
// configuration. For each feature use the _Default macro to set
// up the initial values of the configuration structure. There are
// required fields which must be modified from their default
// values; see the example below.
PryonLiteV2Config engineConfig = {0};
// ---- Wakeword ----
PryonLiteWakewordConfig wakewordConfig = PryonLiteWakewordConfig_Default;
// Required fields: model, sizeofModel loaded in STEP 1
wakewordConfig.model = wakewordModel;
wakewordConfig.sizeofModel = wakewordModelSize;
// Required: Link the wakeword configuration to the engine configuration
engineConfig.ww = &wakewordConfig;
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
PryonLiteFingerprintConfig fingerprintConfig = PryonLiteFingerprintConfig_Default;
// Required fields: fingerprintList, sizeofFingerprintList loaded in STEP 1
fingerprintConfig.fingerprintList = fingerprintList;
fingerprintConfig.sizeofFingerprintList = sizeofFingerprintList;
// Required: Do not configure VAD in the engine config as it is incompatible with fingerprint match suppression
// Required: Link the fingerprinting configuration to the engine configuration
engineConfig.fingerprinter = &fingerprintConfig;
// ---- Voice Activity Detection ----
PryonLiteVadConfig vadConfig = PryonLiteVadConfig_Default;
// Example configuration using the EnergyDetection implementation
PryonLiteEnergyDetectionConfig energyDetection = PryonLiteEnergyDetectionConfig_Default;
energyDetection.enableGate = 1;
vadConfig.energyDetection = &energyDetection;
// Required: Link the voice activity detection configuration to the engine configuration
engineConfig.vad = &vadConfig;
// ---- Watermarking ----
PryonLiteWatermarkConfig watermarkConfig = PryonLiteWatermarkConfig_Default;
// Required fields: config, sizeofConfig loaded in STEP 1
watermarkConfig.config = watermarkConfigBlob;
watermarkConfig.sizeofConfig = sizeofWatermarkConfigBlob;
// Required: Link the watermark configuration to the engine configuration
engineConfig.watermark = &watermarkConfig;
// STEP 1.3 - Enable engine events
// PryonLiteV2EventConfig is used to select which events the
// engine will pass back to the application layer. Each field in
// this structure is a flag that enables or disables the emission
// of the event.
PryonLiteV2EventConfig engineEventConfig = {0};
// ---- Voice Activity Detection ----
engineEventConfig.enableVadEvent = false; // disable VAD event, set to true to receive VAD events
// ---- Fingerprinting ----
engineEventConfig.enableFingerprintMatchEvent = true;
// ---- Wakeword ----
engineEventConfig.enableWwEvent = true;
// STEP 1.4 - Query for configuration specific attributes
// The engine initialization requires a buffer be passed in which
// is owned by the application layer. This instance memory buffer
// must persist for the life of the engine instance. The size of
// this buffer is variable, and dependent on the client-specified
// configuration. Use PryonLite_GetConfigAttributes to determine
// the size of the buffer and other information about the
// configuration.
PryonLiteStatus status = PryonLite_GetConfigAttributes(&engineConfig, &engineEventConfig, &configAttributes);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
// ---- Wakeword ----
// Optional - Sample code showing how to list supported keywords
printf("Supported keywords: ");
int keyword;
for (keyword = 0; keyword < configAttributes.wwConfigAttributes.numKeywords; keyword++)
if (keyword > 0)
printf(", ");
printf("%s", configAttributes.wwConfigAttributes.keywords[keyword]);
// STEP 1.5 - Allocate/Check engine buffer
// Once the size of the engine buffer has been determined, the
// application layer must create the buffer. This example uses
// a statically-defined buffer. If applicable to the device,
// this buffer can be dynamically allocated as well, but must
// remain allocated for the duration that the engine is in use.
// The requirement is that a buffer that is at least
// configAttributes.requiredMem size, in bytes, is created.
if (configAttributes.requiredMem > sizeof(engineBuffer))
// handle error
return -1;
// STEP 1.6 - Initialize engine
// Pass the engine configuration from STEP 2, event configuration
// from STEP 3, and engine buffer from STEP 5 to PryonLite_Initialize
// to create an instance of the engine. After this function is
// called, the engine instance referenced by sHandle is fully
// functional.
status = PryonLite_Initialize(&engineConfig, &sHandle, handleEvent, &engineEventConfig, engineBuffer, sizeof(engineBuffer));
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
// Optional - Check if the engine has been initialized
if (!PryonLite_IsInitialized(&sHandle))
// handle error - PryonLite_Initialize returned success but the engine has not been initialized
return -1;
// STEP 1.7 - Post-init functionality setup
// Some functionalities require additional setup steps after the
// engine is initialized. If such a step is required for a
// functionality it will be implemented here.
// STEP 1.8 - Optional : Runtime configuration functions
// The optional functions below allow for the runtime configuration of
// certain aspects of the engine. These functions can be called on
// an engine instance any time after a successful PryonLite_Initialize
// and before PryonLite_Destroy.
// ---- Wakeword ----
// Set detection threshold for all keywords
int detectionThreshold = 500;
status = PryonLiteWakeword_SetDetectionThreshold(sHandle.ww, NULL, detectionThreshold);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
// Disable a wakeword keyword
// Please note the example uses a random wakeword
// When wanting to disable/enable a specific wakeword, substitute "wakewordKeyword"
// with the specific keyword string (ex. "ALEXA") in the example below
int enableWakewordKeyword = 0;
const char* wakewordKeyword = configAttributes.wwConfigAttributes.keywords[0];
status = PryonLiteWakeword_EnableKeyword(sHandle.ww, wakewordKeyword, enableWakewordKeyword);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
printf("Disabled keyword: %s\n", wakewordKeyword);
// Re-enable a wakeword keyword
enableWakewordKeyword = 1;
status = PryonLiteWakeword_EnableKeyword(sHandle.ww, wakewordKeyword, enableWakewordKeyword);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
printf("Re-enabled keyword: %s\n", wakewordKeyword);
// End Phase 1 - Initialization
// Examples - Optional runtime functions
// The runtime functions below can be called on an engine
// instance any time after a successful PryonLite_Initialize
// and before PryonLite_Destroy.
// ---- General ----
// Call the set client property API to inform the engine of client state changes
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
return -1;
// allocate buffer to hold audio samples
short samples[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME];
// run engine
while (1)
// Start Phase 2 - Audio Processing
// The audio processing phase is where audio is pushed into an initialized
// engine instance, and engine events are emitted for handling by
// registered application/client callbacks.
// STEP 1 - Gather audio
// Audio must be gathered into frames of length
// SAMPLES_PER_FRAME before sending to the engine.
readAudio(samples, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME);
// STEP 2.2 - Push audio to engine
// Once the required amount of audio has been gathered, push
// the frame into the engine using PushAudioSamples. This
// signals the engine to process the audio and invokes callback
// functions to pass any resulting events to the client.
status = PryonLite_PushAudioSamples(&sHandle, samples, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
// STEP 2.3 - Handle engine events
// The engine passes back event information to the application
// layer through a single callback function passed into
// PryonLite_Initialize. The event types emitted depend on the
// event configuration setup in Phase 1 Step 3. See the
// EventConfig structure definition in the header files for more
// information.
// End Phase 2 - Audio Processing
// Examples - Optional runtime loop functions
// The runtime functions below can be invoked any time
// between a successful PryonLite_Initialize and
// PryonLite_Destroy. These functions are typically
// invoked during the core audio processing loop.
if (quit)
// Start Phase 3 - Cleanup
// Cleanup should only occur when the engine is no longer needed
// This will flush any unprocessed audio that has been
// pushed and destroy the engine instance.
// STEP 3.1 - Functionality-specific cleanup
// These functionality-specific cleanup functions should
// be called before engine cleanup. If this step is
// required it will be implemented below.
// STEP 3.2 - Engine cleanup
// This will flush any unprocessed audio that has been
// pushed and destroy the engine instance.
status = PryonLite_Destroy(&sHandle);
if (status.publicCode != PRYON_LITE_ERROR_OK)
// handle error
return -1;
// End Phase 3 - Cleanup
return 0;