2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
* Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/MockAttachmentManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/AVS/IndicatorState.h>
#include <AVSCommon/AVS/Initialization/AlexaClientSDKInit.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/Audio/NotificationsAudioFactoryInterface.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockExceptionEncounteredSender.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockContextManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockDirectiveSequencer.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockDirectiveHandlerResult.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/JSON/JSONUtils.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/Logger/ConsoleLogger.h>
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
#include <RegistrationManager/CustomerDataManager.h>
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
#include "Notifications/NotificationsCapabilityAgent.h"
#include "Notifications/NotificationIndicator.h"
#include "Notifications/NotificationRendererInterface.h"
#include "Notifications/NotificationRendererObserverInterface.h"
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace capabilityAgents {
namespace notifications {
namespace test {
using namespace avsCommon::avs;
using namespace avsCommon::avs::initialization;
using namespace avsCommon::avs::attachment::test;
using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces;
using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::audio;
using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test;
using namespace ::testing;
/// Plenty of time for a test to complete.
static std::chrono::milliseconds WAIT_TIMEOUT(1000);
/// Time to simulate a notification rendering.
static std::chrono::milliseconds RENDER_TIME(900);
/// Notifications namespace
static const std::string NAMESPACE_NOTIFICATIONS("Notifications");
/// Name for Notifications SetIndicator directive
static const std::string NAME_SET_INDICATOR("SetIndicator");
/// Name for Notifications ClearIndicator directive
static const std::string NAME_CLEAR_INDICATOR("ClearIndicator");
/// The @c NamespaceAndName to send to the @c ContextManager
/// Message Id for testing.
static const std::string MESSAGE_ID_TEST("MessageId_Test");
static const std::string MESSAGE_ID_TEST2("MessageId_Test2");
/// Context ID for testing
static const std::string CONTEXT_ID_TEST("ContextId_Test");
/// Test fields for payloads
static const std::string ASSET_ID1("assetId1");
static const std::string ASSET_ID2("assetId2");
static const std::string ASSET_URL1("assetUrl1");
static const std::string ASSET_URL2("assetUrl2");
/// Default "audio" for testing
static const std::string DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_AUDIO{"default notification audio"};
/// Mocking the json config file
// clang-format off
static const std::string NOTIFICATIONS_CONFIG_JSON =
// clang-format on
/// String to identify log entries originating from this file.
static const std::string TAG("NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest");
* Create a LogEntry using this file's TAG and the specified event string.
* @param The event string for this @c LogEntry.
#define LX(event) alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::utils::logger::LogEntry(TAG, event)
* A test class that acts as a NotificationsAudioFactory.
class TestNotificationsAudioFactory : public NotificationsAudioFactoryInterface {
std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> notificationDefault() const override;
static std::unique_ptr<std::istream> defaultNotification() {
return std::unique_ptr<std::stringstream>(new std::stringstream(DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_AUDIO));
std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> TestNotificationsAudioFactory::notificationDefault() const {
return defaultNotification;
* A test class that acts as a NotificationsObserver.
class TestNotificationsObserver : public NotificationsObserverInterface {
* Waits for an IndicatorState change.
* @param state The IndicatorState to wait for.
* @param timeout The amount of time to wait for the state change.
bool waitFor(IndicatorState state, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
void onSetIndicator(IndicatorState state) override;
/// The most recently observed IndicatorState.
IndicatorState m_indicatorState;
/// Serializes access to m_conditionVariable.
std::mutex m_mutex;
/// Used to wait for a particular IndicatorState.
std::condition_variable m_conditionVariable;
TestNotificationsObserver::TestNotificationsObserver() : m_indicatorState{IndicatorState::OFF} {
bool TestNotificationsObserver::waitFor(IndicatorState state, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
return m_conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this, state] { return m_indicatorState == state; });
void TestNotificationsObserver::onSetIndicator(IndicatorState state) {
ACSDK_ERROR(LX("onSetIndicator").d("indicatorState", indicatorStateToInt(state)));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_indicatorState = state;
* A test class that acts as NotificationsStorage. This storage is implemented using a std::queue.
class TestNotificationsStorage : public NotificationsStorageInterface {
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool createDatabase() override;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool open() override;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
void close() override;
bool enqueue(const NotificationIndicator& notificationIndicator) override;
bool dequeue() override;
bool peek(NotificationIndicator* notificationIndicator) override;
bool setIndicatorState(IndicatorState state) override;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool getIndicatorState(IndicatorState* state) override;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool checkForEmptyQueue(bool* empty) override;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
bool clearNotificationIndicators() override;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool getQueueSize(int* size) override;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
* Waits until the queue is a particular size.
* @param size The size to wait for.
* @param timeout How much time to wait before failing.
bool waitForQueueSizeToBe(size_t size, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = WAIT_TIMEOUT);
/// The underlying NotificationIndicator queue.
std::queue<NotificationIndicator> m_notificationQueue;
/// The currently stored IndicatorState.
IndicatorState m_indicatorState;
/// For waiting on a particular queue size.
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_conditionVariable;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool TestNotificationsStorage::createDatabase() {
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
if (!setIndicatorState(IndicatorState::OFF)) {
ACSDK_ERROR(LX("createTestDatabaseFailed").d("reason", "failed to set default indicator state"));
return false;
return true;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool TestNotificationsStorage::open() {
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
return true;
void TestNotificationsStorage::close() {
// no-op
bool TestNotificationsStorage::enqueue(const NotificationIndicator& notificationIndicator) {
return true;
bool TestNotificationsStorage::dequeue() {
if (m_notificationQueue.empty()) {
return false;
return true;
bool TestNotificationsStorage::peek(NotificationIndicator* notificationIndicator) {
if (m_notificationQueue.empty() || !notificationIndicator) {
return false;
*notificationIndicator = m_notificationQueue.front();
return true;
bool TestNotificationsStorage::setIndicatorState(IndicatorState state) {
m_indicatorState = state;
return true;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool TestNotificationsStorage::getIndicatorState(IndicatorState* state) {
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
if (!state) {
return false;
*state = m_indicatorState;
return true;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool TestNotificationsStorage::checkForEmptyQueue(bool* empty) {
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
*empty = m_notificationQueue.empty();
return true;
bool TestNotificationsStorage::clearNotificationIndicators() {
m_notificationQueue = std::queue<NotificationIndicator>();
return true;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
bool TestNotificationsStorage::getQueueSize(int* size) {
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
if (!size) {
return false;
*size = m_notificationQueue.size();
return true;
bool TestNotificationsStorage::waitForQueueSizeToBe(size_t size, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
return m_conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this, size] { return m_notificationQueue.size() == size; });
class MockNotificationRenderer : public NotificationRendererInterface {
static std::shared_ptr<NiceMock<MockNotificationRenderer>> create() {
auto renderer = std::make_shared<NiceMock<MockNotificationRenderer>>();
// tie the mock methods to mock implementations
ON_CALL(*renderer.get(), renderNotificationShim(_, _))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(renderer.get(), &MockNotificationRenderer::mockRender));
ON_CALL(*renderer.get(), cancelNotificationRenderingShim())
.WillByDefault(InvokeWithoutArgs(renderer.get(), &MockNotificationRenderer::mockCancel));
return renderer;
void addObserver(std::shared_ptr<NotificationRendererObserverInterface> observer) override;
void removeObserver(std::shared_ptr<NotificationRendererObserverInterface> observer) override;
bool renderNotification(std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory, const std::string& url)
bool cancelNotificationRendering() override;
// create shim methods to prevent compiler from complaining
bool(std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory, const std::string& url));
MOCK_METHOD0(cancelNotificationRenderingShim, bool());
* A method mocking renderNotification().
* This method kicks off two threads (for waitForRenderCall() and waitForRenderCallDone()) and then
* notifies those threads. This method may be interrupted by mockCancel().
* Both params are ignored in this mock implementation.
bool mockRender(std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory, const std::string& url);
* A method mocking cancelRenderingNotification().
* This method attempts to sneak in between waitForRenderCall() and waitForRenderCallDone() by
* triggering m_renderTrigger before m_finishedRendering has been set to true;
bool mockCancel();
* Waits for mockRender() to set m_startedRendering to true.
bool waitForRenderCall();
* Waits for mockRender() to set m_finishedRendering to true.
bool waitForRenderCallDone();
* Waits for the fulfillment of m_renderStartedPromise, then resets any needed variables.
bool waitUntilRenderingStarted(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = WAIT_TIMEOUT);
* Waits for the fulfillment of m_renderFinishedPromise, then resets any needed variables.
bool waitUntilRenderingFinished(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = WAIT_TIMEOUT);
/// The current renderer observer.
std::shared_ptr<NotificationRendererObserverInterface> m_observer;
/// Threads that are kicked off by mockRender() to wait for the rendering to begin and end, respectively.
std::thread m_renderStartedThread;
std::thread m_renderFinishedThread;
/// Used to notify the above threads.
std::condition_variable m_renderTrigger;
/// Flags for the state of the rendering operation.
bool m_startedRendering;
bool m_finishedRendering;
bool m_cancelling;
/// Promise to be fulfilled when @c renderNotification is called.
std::promise<void> m_renderStartedPromise;
/// Future to notify when @c renderNotification is called.
std::future<void> m_renderStartedFuture;
/// Promise to be fulfilled when @c renderNotification is done.
std::promise<void> m_renderFinishedPromise;
/// Future to notify when @c renderNotification is done.
std::future<void> m_renderFinishedFuture;
/// Serializes access to m_renderTrigger;
std::mutex m_mutex;
MockNotificationRenderer::~MockNotificationRenderer() {
if (m_renderStartedThread.joinable()) {
if (m_renderFinishedThread.joinable()) {
MockNotificationRenderer::MockNotificationRenderer() :
m_renderFinishedFuture{m_renderFinishedPromise.get_future()} {
void MockNotificationRenderer::addObserver(std::shared_ptr<NotificationRendererObserverInterface> observer) {
if (observer) {
m_observer = observer;
void MockNotificationRenderer::removeObserver(std::shared_ptr<NotificationRendererObserverInterface> observer) {
m_observer = nullptr;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::renderNotification(
std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory,
const std::string& url) {
return renderNotificationShim(audioFactory, url);
bool MockNotificationRenderer::cancelNotificationRendering() {
return cancelNotificationRenderingShim();
bool MockNotificationRenderer::mockRender(
std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory,
const std::string& url) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (m_renderStartedThread.joinable() && m_renderFinishedThread.joinable()) {
m_renderStartedThread = std::thread(&MockNotificationRenderer::waitForRenderCall, this);
m_renderFinishedThread = std::thread(&MockNotificationRenderer::waitForRenderCallDone, this);
m_startedRendering = true;
m_finishedRendering = true;
return true;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::mockCancel() {
m_cancelling = true;
return true;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::waitForRenderCall() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_renderTrigger.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this]() { return m_startedRendering; });
return true;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::waitForRenderCallDone() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_renderTrigger.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this]() { return m_cancelling || m_finishedRendering; });
return true;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::waitUntilRenderingStarted(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
if (m_renderStartedFuture.wait_for(timeout) == std::future_status::ready) {
m_startedRendering = false;
m_renderStartedPromise = std::promise<void>();
m_renderStartedFuture = m_renderStartedPromise.get_future();
return true;
return false;
bool MockNotificationRenderer::waitUntilRenderingFinished(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
if (m_renderFinishedFuture.wait_for(timeout) == std::future_status::ready) {
m_finishedRendering = false;
m_renderFinishedPromise = std::promise<void>();
m_renderFinishedFuture = m_renderFinishedPromise.get_future();
return true;
return false;
class NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
* Utility function to create the capability agent. This allows modifying of subcomponents before the CA is created.
void initializeCapabilityAgent();
* Utility function to send SetIndicatorDirective
void sendSetIndicatorDirective(const std::string& payload, const std::string& messageId);
* Utility function to send ClearIndicatorDirective
void sendClearIndicatorDirective(const std::string& messageId);
* Utility function to generate direcive payloads
const std::string generatePayload(
bool persistVisualIndicator,
bool playAudioIndicator,
const std::string& assetId = ASSET_ID1,
const std::string& assetUrl = ASSET_URL1);
/// @c A test observer to wait for @c AudioPlayer state changes
std::shared_ptr<TestNotificationsObserver> m_testNotificationsObserver;
/// @c NotificationsCapabilityAgent to test
std::shared_ptr<NotificationsCapabilityAgent> m_notificationsCapabilityAgent;
/// @c Storage for notifications
std::shared_ptr<TestNotificationsStorage> m_notificationsStorage;
/// Player to play notification audio assets
std::shared_ptr<MockNotificationRenderer> m_renderer;
/// @c ContextManager to provide state and update state.
std::shared_ptr<MockContextManager> m_mockContextManager;
/// A directive handler result to send the result to.
std::unique_ptr<MockDirectiveHandlerResult> m_mockDirectiveHandlerResult;
/// An exception sender used to send exception encountered events to AVS.
std::shared_ptr<MockExceptionEncounteredSender> m_mockExceptionSender;
/// An audio factory for testing.
std::shared_ptr<TestNotificationsAudioFactory> m_testNotificationsAudioFactory;
/// Serializes access to m_setIndicatorTrigger.
std::mutex m_mutex;
/// Triggers threads waiting on a SetIndicator directive to be processed.
std::condition_variable m_setIndicatorTrigger;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
/// Shared pointer to @c CustomerDataManager
std::shared_ptr<registrationManager::CustomerDataManager> m_dataManager;
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
/// A count of how many SetIndicator directives have been processed.
unsigned int m_numSetIndicatorsProcessed;
void NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::initializeCapabilityAgent() {
m_notificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
void NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::SetUp() {
Version 1.7.0 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:
* `AuthDelegate` and `AuthServer.py` have been replaced by `CBLAUthDelegate`, which provides a more straightforward path to authorization.
* Added a new configuration property called [`cblAuthDelegate`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L2). This object specifies parameters for `CBLAuthDelegate`.
* Added a new configuration property called [`miscDatabase`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L34), which is a generic key/value database to be used by various components.
* Added a new configuration property called [`dcfDelegate`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L17) This object specifies parameters for `DCFDelegate`. Within this object, values were added for the 'endpoint' and `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`. 'endpoint' is the endpoint to connect to in order to send device capabilities. `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`is the message that will get sent out to the Capabilities API. Note: values within the `dcfDelegate` object will only work in `DEBUG` builds.
* Added a new configuration property called [`deviceInfo`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L9) which specifies device-identifying information for use by the Device Capability Framework (DCF), and for authorization (CBLAuthDelegate).
* Updated the Directive Sequencer to support wildcard directive handlers. This allows a handler for a given AVS interface to register at the namespace level, rather than specifying the names of all directives within that namespace.
* Updated the Raspberry Pi installation script to include `alsasink` in the configuration file.
* Added `audioSink` as a configuration option. This allows users to override the audio sink element used in `Gstreamer`.
* Added an interface for monitoring internet connection status: `InternetConnectionMonitorInterface.h`.
* The Alexa Communications Library (ACL) is no longer required to wait until authorization has succeeded before attempting to connect to AVS. Instead, `HTTP2Transport` handles waiting for authorization to complete.
* Added the Device Capabilities Framework (DCF) delegate. Device capabilities can now be sent for each capability interface using DCF publish messages.
* The sample app has been updated to send DCF publish messages, which will automatically occur when the sample app starts. Note: a DCF publish message must be successfully sent in order for communication with AVS to occur.
* The SDK now supports HTTP PUT messages.
* Added support for opt-arg style arguments and multiple configuration files. Now, the sample app can be invoked by either of these commands: `SampleApp <configfile> <debuglevel>` OR `SampleApp -C file1 -C file2 ... -L loglevel`.
**Bug Fixes**
* Issues [447](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/447) and [553](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/553) Fixed the `AttachmentRenderSource`'s handling of `BLOCKING` `AttachmentReaders`.
* Updated the `Logger` implementation to be more resilient to `nullptr` string inputs.
* Fixed a `TimeUtils` utility-related compile issue.
* Fixed a bug in which alerts failed to activate if the system was restarted without network connection.
* Fixed Android 64-bit build failure issue.
**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Some ERROR messages may be printed during start-up event if initialization proceeds normally and successfully.
* If an unrecoverable authorization error or an unrecoverable DCF error is encountered, the sample app may crash on shutdown.
* If a non-CBL `clientId` is included in the `deviceInfo` section of `AlexaClientSDKConfig.json`, the error will be reported as an unrecoverable authorization error, rather than a more specific error.
2018-04-18 22:17:28 +00:00
auto inString = std::shared_ptr<std::istringstream>(new std::istringstream(NOTIFICATIONS_CONFIG_JSON));
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
m_notificationsStorage = std::make_shared<TestNotificationsStorage>();
m_renderer = MockNotificationRenderer::create();
m_mockContextManager = std::make_shared<NiceMock<MockContextManager>>();
m_mockExceptionSender = std::make_shared<NiceMock<MockExceptionEncounteredSender>>();
m_testNotificationsAudioFactory = std::make_shared<TestNotificationsAudioFactory>();
m_testNotificationsObserver = std::make_shared<TestNotificationsObserver>();
m_mockDirectiveHandlerResult = std::unique_ptr<MockDirectiveHandlerResult>(new MockDirectiveHandlerResult);
m_numSetIndicatorsProcessed = 0;
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
m_dataManager = std::make_shared<registrationManager::CustomerDataManager>();
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
void NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::TearDown() {
if (m_notificationsCapabilityAgent) {
void NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::sendSetIndicatorDirective(
const std::string& payload,
const std::string& messageId) {
auto avsMessageHeader = std::make_shared<AVSMessageHeader>(NAMESPACE_NOTIFICATIONS, NAME_SET_INDICATOR, messageId);
auto mockAttachmentManager = std::make_shared<MockAttachmentManager>();
std::shared_ptr<AVSDirective> setIndicatorDirective =
AVSDirective::create("", avsMessageHeader, payload, mockAttachmentManager, CONTEXT_ID_TEST);
// cast to DirectiveHandlerInterface so the compiler can find the correct preHandleDirective signature
std::shared_ptr<DirectiveHandlerInterface> agentAsDirectiveHandler = m_notificationsCapabilityAgent;
agentAsDirectiveHandler->preHandleDirective(setIndicatorDirective, std::move(m_mockDirectiveHandlerResult));
void NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::sendClearIndicatorDirective(const std::string& messageId) {
auto avsMessageHeader =
std::make_shared<AVSMessageHeader>(NAMESPACE_NOTIFICATIONS, NAME_CLEAR_INDICATOR, messageId);
auto mockAttachmentManager = std::make_shared<MockAttachmentManager>();
std::shared_ptr<AVSDirective> clearIndicatorDirective =
AVSDirective::create("", avsMessageHeader, "", mockAttachmentManager, CONTEXT_ID_TEST);
// cast to DirectiveHandlerInterface so the compiler can find the correct preHandleDirective signature
std::shared_ptr<DirectiveHandlerInterface> agentAsDirectiveHandler = m_notificationsCapabilityAgent;
agentAsDirectiveHandler->preHandleDirective(clearIndicatorDirective, std::move(m_mockDirectiveHandlerResult));
const std::string NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest::generatePayload(
bool persistVisualIndicator,
bool playAudioIndicator,
const std::string& assetId,
const std::string& assetUrl) {
std::string stringPersistVisualIndicator(persistVisualIndicator ? "true" : "false");
std::string stringPlayAudioIndicator(playAudioIndicator ? "true" : "false");
// clang-format off
const std::string payload =
"\"persistVisualIndicator\":" + stringPersistVisualIndicator + ","
"\"playAudioIndicator\":" + stringPlayAudioIndicator + ","
"\"asset\": {"
"\"assetId\":\"" + assetId + "\","
"\"url\":\"" + assetUrl + "\""
// clang-format on
return payload;
* Test create() with nullptrs
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testCreate) {
std::shared_ptr<NotificationsCapabilityAgent> testNotificationsCapabilityAgent;
testNotificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(testNotificationsCapabilityAgent, nullptr);
testNotificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(testNotificationsCapabilityAgent, nullptr);
testNotificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(testNotificationsCapabilityAgent, nullptr);
testNotificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(testNotificationsCapabilityAgent, nullptr);
testNotificationsCapabilityAgent = NotificationsCapabilityAgent::create(
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
m_notificationsStorage, m_renderer, m_mockContextManager, m_mockExceptionSender, nullptr, m_dataManager);
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(testNotificationsCapabilityAgent, nullptr);
* Test starting up the capability agent with a non-empty queue.
* Expect that the next item in the queue will be played.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testNonEmptyStartupQueue) {
NotificationIndicator ni(true, true, ASSET_ID1, ASSET_URL1);
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1)).Times(1);
* Test a single SetIndicator directive with persistVisualIndicator and playAudioIndicator set to false.
* Expect that the NotificationsObserver is notified of the indicator's state remaining OFF.
* Expect no calls to render notifications since playAudioIndicator is false.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testSendSetIndicator) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, _)).Times(0);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, false), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// check that the NotificationIndicator was dequeued as expected
* Test a single SetIndicator directive with with playAudioIndicator set to true.
* Expect the renderer to start playback of the Notification.
* Expect that the NotificationsObserver is notified of the indicator's state being OFF.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testSendSetIndicatorWithAudio) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1));
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(false, true, ASSET_ID1, ASSET_URL1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test a single SetIndicator directive with with persistVisualIndicator set to true.
* Expect that the NotificationsObserver is notified of the indicator's state being ON.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testSendSetIndicatorWithVisualIndicator) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, _)).Times(0);
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, false), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test sending two SetIndicator directives where the second has the same assetId as the first.
* Expect that the renderer only gets one call to renderNotification().
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testSameAssetId) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1))
.WillOnce(Invoke([this](std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>()> audioFactory, const std::string& url) {
unsigned int expectedNumSetIndicators = 2;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (!m_setIndicatorTrigger.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this, expectedNumSetIndicators]() {
return m_numSetIndicatorsProcessed == expectedNumSetIndicators;
})) {
return false;
m_renderer->mockRender(audioFactory, url);
return true;
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, ASSET_ID1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
// send a second SetIndicator with the same assetId but persistVisualIndicator set to false.
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(false, true, ASSET_ID1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST2);
// the IndicatorState should not have changed since the second directive should have been ignored.
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test that the persistVisualIndicator setting is preserved and used across shutdown.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testPersistVisualIndicatorPreserved) {
// set IndicatorState to ON
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, false, ASSET_ID1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// reboot and check that the persistVisualIndicator value has been preserved
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// same test but with IndicatorState set to OFF
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(false, false, ASSET_ID1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test sending a ClearIndicator directive with an empty queue, expecting nothing to happen.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testClearIndicatorWithEmptyQueue) {
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test sending a ClearIndicator directive with an empty queue and the indicator state set to ON.
* Expect that the indicator is set to OFF.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testClearIndicatorWithEmptyQueueAndIndicatorOn) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1)).Times(1);
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, ASSET_ID1), MESSAGE_ID_TEST);
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::ON, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
ASSERT_TRUE(m_testNotificationsObserver->waitFor(IndicatorState::OFF, WAIT_TIMEOUT));
* Test sending a ClearIndicator directive after multiple SetIndicator directives.
* Expect that the indicator is set to OFF.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testClearIndicatorAfterMultipleSetIndicators) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), cancelNotificationRenderingShim()).Times(1);
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "assetId1"), "firstIndicatorMessageId");
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "assetId2"), "secondIndicatorMessageId");
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "assetId3"), "thirdIndicatorMessageId");
// the renderer still calls onNotificationRenderingFinished() when a notification has been cancelled
* Test sending multiple SetIndicators and letting them all render.
* Expect multiple calls to renderNotification().
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testMultipleSetIndicators) {
EXPECT_CALL(*(m_renderer.get()), renderNotificationShim(_, ASSET_URL1)).Times(3);
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "id1"), "firstIndicatorMessageId");
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "id2"), "secondIndicatorMessageId");
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "id3"), "thirdIndicatorMessageId");
2018-03-09 00:55:39 +00:00
* Test that @c clearData() removes all notifications and sets the indicator to OFF.
TEST_F(NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest, testClearData) {
sendSetIndicatorDirective(generatePayload(true, true, "assetId1"), "firstIndicatorMessageId");
// Check that indicator is ON
IndicatorState state = IndicatorState::UNDEFINED;
ASSERT_EQ(state, IndicatorState::ON);
// Check that the notification queue is not empty
int queueSize;
ASSERT_GT(queueSize, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(state, IndicatorState::OFF);
2018-01-12 23:45:42 +00:00
} // namespace test
} // namespace notifications
} // namespace capabilityAgents
} // namespace alexaClientSDK
Version 1.7.0 of the avs-device-sdk
Changes in this update:
* `AuthDelegate` and `AuthServer.py` have been replaced by `CBLAUthDelegate`, which provides a more straightforward path to authorization.
* Added a new configuration property called [`cblAuthDelegate`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L2). This object specifies parameters for `CBLAuthDelegate`.
* Added a new configuration property called [`miscDatabase`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L34), which is a generic key/value database to be used by various components.
* Added a new configuration property called [`dcfDelegate`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L17) This object specifies parameters for `DCFDelegate`. Within this object, values were added for the 'endpoint' and `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`. 'endpoint' is the endpoint to connect to in order to send device capabilities. `overridenDcfPublishMessageBody`is the message that will get sent out to the Capabilities API. Note: values within the `dcfDelegate` object will only work in `DEBUG` builds.
* Added a new configuration property called [`deviceInfo`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L9) which specifies device-identifying information for use by the Device Capability Framework (DCF), and for authorization (CBLAuthDelegate).
* Updated the Directive Sequencer to support wildcard directive handlers. This allows a handler for a given AVS interface to register at the namespace level, rather than specifying the names of all directives within that namespace.
* Updated the Raspberry Pi installation script to include `alsasink` in the configuration file.
* Added `audioSink` as a configuration option. This allows users to override the audio sink element used in `Gstreamer`.
* Added an interface for monitoring internet connection status: `InternetConnectionMonitorInterface.h`.
* The Alexa Communications Library (ACL) is no longer required to wait until authorization has succeeded before attempting to connect to AVS. Instead, `HTTP2Transport` handles waiting for authorization to complete.
* Added the Device Capabilities Framework (DCF) delegate. Device capabilities can now be sent for each capability interface using DCF publish messages.
* The sample app has been updated to send DCF publish messages, which will automatically occur when the sample app starts. Note: a DCF publish message must be successfully sent in order for communication with AVS to occur.
* The SDK now supports HTTP PUT messages.
* Added support for opt-arg style arguments and multiple configuration files. Now, the sample app can be invoked by either of these commands: `SampleApp <configfile> <debuglevel>` OR `SampleApp -C file1 -C file2 ... -L loglevel`.
**Bug Fixes**
* Issues [447](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/447) and [553](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/553) Fixed the `AttachmentRenderSource`'s handling of `BLOCKING` `AttachmentReaders`.
* Updated the `Logger` implementation to be more resilient to `nullptr` string inputs.
* Fixed a `TimeUtils` utility-related compile issue.
* Fixed a bug in which alerts failed to activate if the system was restarted without network connection.
* Fixed Android 64-bit build failure issue.
**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Some ERROR messages may be printed during start-up event if initialization proceeds normally and successfully.
* If an unrecoverable authorization error or an unrecoverable DCF error is encountered, the sample app may crash on shutdown.
* If a non-CBL `clientId` is included in the `deviceInfo` section of `AlexaClientSDKConfig.json`, the error will be reported as an unrecoverable authorization error, rather than a more specific error.
2018-04-18 22:17:28 +00:00
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
// ACSDK-1367 - Some tests fail on Windows
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(RESOLVED_ACSDK_1367)
::testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter) = "-NotificationsCapabilityAgentTest.testSameAssetId";
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();