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* AudioInputProcessorTest.cpp
* Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
/// @file AudioInputProcessorTest.cpp
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <climits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockDirectiveSequencer.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockMessageSender.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockContextManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockFocusManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockDirectiveHandlerResult.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockExceptionEncounteredSender.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockUserActivityNotifier.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/UUIDGeneration/UUIDGeneration.h>
#include <AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/MockAttachmentManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/Memory/Memory.h>
#include "AIP/AudioInputProcessor.h"
#include "MockObserver.h"
using namespace testing;
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace capabilityAgents {
namespace aip {
namespace test {
using avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface;
/// The name of the @c FocusManager channel used by @c AudioInputProvider.
static const std::string CHANNEL_NAME = "Dialog";
/// The activityId string used with @c FocusManager by @c AudioInputProvider.
static const std::string ACTIVITY_ID = "SpeechRecognizer.Recognize";
/// The namespace for this capability agent.
static const std::string NAMESPACE = "SpeechRecognizer";
/// The StopCapture directive signature.
static const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName STOP_CAPTURE{NAMESPACE, "StopCapture"};
/// The ExpectSpeech directive signature.
static const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName EXPECT_SPEECH{NAMESPACE, "ExpectSpeech"};
/// The directives @c AudioInputProcessor should handle.
avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName DIRECTIVES[] = {STOP_CAPTURE, EXPECT_SPEECH};
/// The SpeechRecognizer context state signature.
static const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName RECOGNIZER_STATE{NAMESPACE, "RecognizerState"};
/// Number of directives @c AudioInputProcessor should handle.
static const size_t NUM_DIRECTIVES = sizeof(DIRECTIVES) / sizeof(*DIRECTIVES);
/// The @c BlockingPolicy for all @c AudioInputProcessor directives.
static const auto BLOCKING_POLICY = avsCommon::avs::BlockingPolicy::NON_BLOCKING;
/// Sample rate for audio input stream.
static const unsigned int SAMPLE_RATE_HZ = 16000;
/// Integral type of a sample.
using Sample = uint16_t;
/// Number of bytes per word in the SDS circular buffer.
static const size_t SDS_WORDSIZE = sizeof(Sample);
/// Sample size for audio input stream.
static const unsigned int SAMPLE_SIZE_IN_BITS = SDS_WORDSIZE * CHAR_BIT;
/// Number of channels in audio input stream.
static const unsigned int NUM_CHANNELS = 1;
/// Number of milliseconds of preroll applied for cloud-based wakeword verification.
static const std::chrono::milliseconds PREROLL_MS = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
/// Number of words of preroll.
static const size_t PREROLL_WORDS = (SAMPLE_RATE_HZ / 1000) * PREROLL_MS.count();
/// Number of words in wakeword.
static const size_t WAKEWORD_WORDS = PREROLL_WORDS;
/// Number of words to hold in the SDS circular buffer.
static const size_t SDS_WORDS = PREROLL_WORDS + WAKEWORD_WORDS + 1000;
/// Number of test pattern words to write to the SDS circular buffer.
static const size_t PATTERN_WORDS = SDS_WORDS / 2;
/// Maximum number of readers to support in the SDS circular buffer.
static const size_t SDS_MAXREADERS = 3;
/// Boolean value to indicate an AudioProvider is always readable.
static const bool ALWAYS_READABLE = true;
/// Boolean value to indicate an AudioProvider can override another AudioProvider.
static const bool CAN_OVERRIDE = true;
/// Boolean value to indicate an AudioProvider can be overridden by another AudioProvider.
static const bool CAN_BE_OVERRIDDEN = true;
/// JSON key for the wakeword field in SpeechRecognizer context state.
static const std::string STATE_WAKEWORD_KEY = "wakeword";
/// JSON key for the context section of a message.
static const std::string MESSAGE_CONTEXT_KEY = "context";
/// JSON key for the event section of a message.
static const std::string MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY = "event";
/// JSON key for the directive section of a message.
static const std::string MESSAGE_DIRECTIVE_KEY = "directive";
/// JSON key for the header section of a message.
static const std::string MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY = "header";
/// JSON key for the payload section of an message.
static const std::string MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY = "payload";
/// JSON key for the namespace field of a message header.
static const std::string MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_KEY = "namespace";
/// JSON key for the name field of a message header.
static const std::string MESSAGE_NAME_KEY = "name";
/// JSON key for the message ID field of a message header.
static const std::string MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY = "messageId";
/// JSON key for the dialog request ID field of a message header.
static const std::string MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY = "dialogRequestId";
/// JSON value for a recognize event's name.
static const std::string RECOGNIZE_EVENT_NAME = "Recognize";
/// JSON key for the ASR profile field of a recognize event.
static const std::string ASR_PROFILE_KEY = "profile";
/// JSON key for the audio format field of a recognize event.
static const std::string AUDIO_FORMAT_KEY = "format";
/// JSON value for a recognize event's audio format.
static const std::string AUDIO_FORMAT_VALUE = "AUDIO_L16_RATE_16000_CHANNELS_1";
/// JSON key for the initiator field of a recognize event.
static const std::string RECOGNIZE_INITIATOR_KEY = "initiator";
/// JSON key for the type field of a recognize event's initiator.
static const std::string INITIATOR_TYPE_KEY = "type";
/// JSON key for the type field of a recognize event's payload.
static const std::string INITIATOR_PAYLOAD_KEY = "payload";
/// JSON key for the wakeword indices field of a wakeword recognize event's payload.
static const std::string WAKE_WORD_INDICES_KEY = "wakeWordIndices";
/// JSON key for the start index field of a wakeword recognize event's payload.
static const std::string START_INDEX_KEY = "startIndexInSamples";
/// JSON key for the end index field of a wakeword recognize event's payload.
static const std::string END_INDEX_KEY = "endIndexInSamples";
/// Value used in tests for a state request token by the context manager.
static const unsigned int STATE_REQUEST_TOKEN = 12345;
/// Value used in the tests for an expect speech initiator.
static const std::string EXPECT_SPEECH_INITIATOR = R"({opaque:"expectSpeechInitiator"})";
/// JSON key for the timeout field of an expect speech directive.
static const std::string EXPECT_SPEECH_TIMEOUT_KEY = "timeoutInMilliseconds";
/// Value used in the tests for an expect speech timeout.
/// JSON key for the initiator field of an expect speech directive.
static const std::string EXPECT_SPEECH_INITIATOR_KEY = "initiator";
/// JSON value for a expect speech timed out event's name.
static const std::string EXPECT_SPEECH_TIMED_OUT_EVENT_NAME = "ExpectSpeechTimedOut";
/// Value used in the tests for a wakeword recognize event.
static const std::string KEYWORD_TEXT = "ALEXA";
/// Boolean value to indicate a directive being tested has a dialog request ID.
static const bool WITH_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID = true;
/// Boolean value to indicate an expect speech directive should time out.
static const bool VERIFY_TIMEOUT = true;
/// General timeout for tests to fail.
static const std::chrono::seconds TEST_TIMEOUT(10);
/// Utility function to parse a JSON document.
static rapidjson::Document parseJson(const std::string& json) {
rapidjson::Document document;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
<< "rapidjson detected a parsing error at offset:" + std::to_string(document.GetErrorOffset()) +
", error message: " + GetParseError_En(document.GetParseError());
return document;
/// Utility function to look up a JSON string in a container.
static std::string getJsonString(const rapidjson::Value& container, const std::string& key) {
auto member = container.FindMember(key);
if (!member->value.IsString()) {
return "";
return member->value.GetString();
/// Utility function to look up a JSON 'long' in a container.
static int64_t getJsonInt64(const rapidjson::Value& container, const std::string& key) {
auto member = container.FindMember(key);
if (!member->value.IsInt64()) {
return 0;
return member->value.GetInt64();
* Utility class which captures parameters to a Recognize event, and provides functions to send and verify the event
* using those parameters.
class RecognizeEvent {
* Constructs an object which captures the parameters to send in a Recognize Event. Parameters are passed through
* directly to @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize().
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
std::string keyword = "");
* This function sends a recognize event using the provided @c AudioInputProcessor and the recognize parameters
* captured by this instance.
* @param audioInputProcessor The @c AudioInputProcessor to call @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() on.
* @return A future which is @c true if the call succeeded, else @c false.
std::future<bool> send(std::shared_ptr<AudioInputProcessor> audioInputProcessor);
* This function verifies that the JSON state string is correct and matches the captured parameters. This function
* signature matches that of @c ContextManager::setState() so that an @c EXPECT_CALL() can @c Invoke() this
* function directly, but only the jsonState parameter is verified by this function.
* @param jsonState The JSON context state string to verify.
void verifyJsonState(
const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName&,
const std::string& jsonState,
const avsCommon::avs::StateRefreshPolicy&,
const unsigned int);
* This function verifies that JSON content of a recognize @c MessageRequest is correct, and that it has an
* attachment.
* @param request The @c MessageRequest to verify.
* @param pattern Vector of samples holding a test pattern expected from the @c AudioInputStream.
void verifyMessage(std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest> request, const std::vector<Sample>& pattern);
* Accessor function to get the attachment reader for a verified message.
* @return the attachment reader for a verified message.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader> getReader();
/// The audio provider to use for this recognize event.
AudioProvider m_audioProvider;
/// The initiator to use for this recognize event.
Initiator m_initiator;
/// The begin index to use for this recognize event.
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index m_begin;
/// The keyword end index to use for this recognize event.
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index m_keywordEnd;
/// The keyword string to use for this recognize event.
std::string m_keyword;
/// The attachment reader saved by a call to @c verifyMessage().
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader> m_reader;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd,
std::string keyword) :
m_keyword{keyword} {
std::future<bool> RecognizeEvent::send(std::shared_ptr<AudioInputProcessor> audioInputProcessor) {
auto result = audioInputProcessor->recognize(m_audioProvider, m_initiator, m_begin, m_keywordEnd, m_keyword);
return result;
void RecognizeEvent::verifyJsonState(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName&,
const std::string& jsonState,
const avsCommon::avs::StateRefreshPolicy&,
const unsigned int) {
rapidjson::Document document = parseJson(jsonState);
EXPECT_EQ(getJsonString(document, STATE_WAKEWORD_KEY), m_keyword);
void RecognizeEvent::verifyMessage(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest> request,
const std::vector<Sample>& pattern) {
rapidjson::Document document;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
<< "rapidjson detected a parsing error at offset:" + std::to_string(document.GetErrorOffset()) +
", error message: " + GetParseError_En(document.GetParseError());
auto context = document.FindMember(MESSAGE_CONTEXT_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(context, document.MemberEnd());
auto event = document.FindMember(MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(event, document.MemberEnd());
auto header = event->value.FindMember(MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(header, event->value.MemberEnd());
auto payload = event->value.FindMember(MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(payload, event->value.MemberEnd());
EXPECT_NE(getJsonString(header->value, MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY), "");
EXPECT_NE(getJsonString(header->value, MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY), "");
std::ostringstream profile;
profile << m_audioProvider.profile;
EXPECT_EQ(getJsonString(payload->value, ASR_PROFILE_KEY), profile.str());
auto initiator = payload->value.FindMember(RECOGNIZE_INITIATOR_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(initiator, payload->value.MemberEnd());
EXPECT_EQ(getJsonString(initiator->value, INITIATOR_TYPE_KEY), initiatorToString(m_initiator));
auto initiatorPayload = initiator->value.FindMember(INITIATOR_PAYLOAD_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(initiatorPayload, initiator->value.MemberEnd());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
if (m_initiator == Initiator::WAKEWORD && m_begin != AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX &&
m_keywordEnd != AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX) {
auto wakeWordIndices = initiatorPayload->value.FindMember(WAKE_WORD_INDICES_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(wakeWordIndices, initiatorPayload->value.MemberEnd());
if (wakeWordIndices != initiatorPayload->value.MemberEnd()) {
EXPECT_EQ(getJsonInt64(wakeWordIndices->value, START_INDEX_KEY), static_cast<int64_t>(m_begin));
EXPECT_EQ(getJsonInt64(wakeWordIndices->value, END_INDEX_KEY), static_cast<int64_t>(m_keywordEnd));
m_reader = request->getAttachmentReader();
EXPECT_NE(m_reader, nullptr);
std::vector<Sample> samples(PATTERN_WORDS);
size_t samplesRead = 0;
auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
do {
avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader::ReadStatus status;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
auto bytesRead =
m_reader->read(samples.data() + samplesRead, (samples.size() - samplesRead) * SDS_WORDSIZE, &status);
if (avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader::ReadStatus::OK_WOULDBLOCK == status) {
EXPECT_EQ(status, avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader::ReadStatus::OK);
EXPECT_GT(bytesRead, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(bytesRead % 2, 0u);
samplesRead += bytesRead / 2;
} while (samplesRead < samples.size() && t0 - std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < TEST_TIMEOUT);
EXPECT_EQ(samplesRead, samples.size());
EXPECT_EQ(samples, pattern);
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader> RecognizeEvent::getReader() {
return m_reader;
/// Class to monitor DialogUXStateAggregator for the @c THINKING state and automatically move it to @c IDLE.
class TestDialogUXStateObserver : public avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DialogUXStateObserverInterface {
* Constructor
* @param aggregator The @c DialogUXStateAggregator to move from @c THINKING to @c IDLE.
TestDialogUXStateObserver(std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::DialogUXStateAggregator> aggregator);
void onDialogUXStateChanged(DialogUXState newState) override;
/// The @c DialogUXStateAggregator to move from @c THINKING to @c IDLE.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::DialogUXStateAggregator> m_aggregator;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::DialogUXStateAggregator> aggregator) :
m_aggregator(aggregator) {
void TestDialogUXStateObserver::onDialogUXStateChanged(DialogUXState newState) {
if (DialogUXState::THINKING == newState) {
m_aggregator->receive("", "");
/// Test harness for @c AudioInputProcessor class.
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
class AudioInputProcessorTest : public ::testing::Test {
/// Set up the test harness for running a test.
void SetUp() override;
/// Clean up the test harness after running a test.
void TearDown() override;
/// Enumerate different points to call @c stopCapture() during @c testRecognizeSucceeds().
enum class RecognizeStopPoint {
/// Call @c stopCapture() immediately after the @c recognize() call.
/// Call @c stopCapture() immediately after the @c onContextAvailable() call.
/// Call @c stopCapture() immediately after the @c onFocusChanged() call.
/// Call @c stopCapture() immediately after the message is sent.
/// Do not call @c stopCapture() during the test.
* Function to send a recognize event and verify that it fails. Parameters are passed through
* to @c RecognizeEvent::RecognizeEvent().
* @return @c true if the recognize event failed to send correctly, else @c false.
bool testRecognizeFails(
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
std::string keyword = "");
* Function to send a recognize event and verify that it succeeds. All parameters except @c stopPoint are passed
* through to @c RecognizeEvent::RecognizeEvent().
* @param stopPoint Where (if at all) to call @c stopCapture() during this test.
* @return @c true if the recognize event sent correctly, else @c false.
bool testRecognizeSucceeds(
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX,
std::string keyword = "",
RecognizeStopPoint stopPoint = RecognizeStopPoint::NONE);
* Function to call @c AudioInputProcessor::stopCapture() and verify that it succeeds.
* @return @c true if the call works correctly, else @c false.
bool testStopCaptureSucceeds();
* Function to call AudioInputProcessor::onContextFailure() and verify that @c AudioInputProcessor responds to it
* correctly.
* @param error The failure type to test.
* @return @c true if the call works correctly, else @c false.
bool testContextFailure(avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ContextRequestError error);
* Function to receive a StopCapture directive and verify that @c AudioInputProcessor responds to it
* correctly.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to send the directive with a dialog request ID.
* @return @c true if the call works correctly, else @c false.
bool testStopCaptureDirectiveSucceeds(bool withDialogRequestId);
* Function to receive a StopCapture directive and verify that @c AudioInputProcessor rejects it.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to send the directive with a dialog request ID.
* @return @c true if the call fails as expected, else @c false.
bool testStopCaptureDirectiveFails(bool withDialogRequestId);
* Function to send an expect speech event and verify that it succeeds.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to send the directive with a dialog request ID.
* @return @c true if the call works correctly, else @c false.
bool testExpectSpeechSucceeds(bool withDialogRequestId);
* Function to send an expect speech event and optionally verify that it times out.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to send the event with a dialog request ID.
* @param verifyTimeout A flag indicating whether to wait for a timeout.
* @return @c true if the call works correctly, else @c false.
bool testExpectSpeechWaits(bool withDialogRequestId, bool verifyTimeout);
* Function to send an expect speech event and optionally verify that it fails.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to send the event with a dialog request ID.
* @return @c true if the call fails as expected, else @c false.
bool testExpectSpeechFails(bool withDialogRequestId);
* Function to construct an @c AVSDirective for the specified namespace/name.
* @param directive The namespace and name to use for this directive.
* @param withDialogRequestId A flag indicating whether to include a dialog request ID.
* @return the constructed @c AVSDirective.
static std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::AVSDirective> createAVSDirective(
const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName& directive,
bool withDialogRequestId);
* This function verifies that JSON content of an ExpectSpeechTimedOut @c MessageRequest is correct, and that it
* does not have an attachment. This function signature matches that of @c MessageSenderInterface::sendMessage()
* so that an @c EXPECT_CALL() can @c Invoke() this function directly.
* @param request The @c MessageRequest to verify.
static void verifyExpectSpeechTimedOut(std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest> request);
/// This function replace @c m_audioInputProcessor with a new one that does not have a default @c AudioProvider.
void removeDefaultAudioProvider();
* This function replace @c m_audioInputProcessor with a new one that has an @c AudioProvider that is not
* @c alwaysReadable.
void makeDefaultAudioProviderNotAlwaysReadable();
* Function to call @c onFocusChanged() and verify that @c AudioInputProcessor responds correctly.
* @param state The focus state to test with.
* @return @c true if the @c AudioInputProcessor responds as expected, else @c false.
bool testFocusChange(avsCommon::avs::FocusState state);
/// The mock @c DirectiveSequencerInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveSequencer> m_mockDirectiveSequencer;
/// The mock @c MessageSenderInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockMessageSender> m_mockMessageSender;
/// The mock @c ContextManagerInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockContextManager> m_mockContextManager;
/// The mock @c FocusManagerInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockFocusManager> m_mockFocusManager;
/// The @c DialogUXStateAggregator to test with.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::DialogUXStateAggregator> m_dialogUXStateAggregator;
/// A @c TestDialogUXStateObserver track when the @c DialogUXStateAggregator is thinking.
std::shared_ptr<TestDialogUXStateObserver> m_dialogUXStateObserver;
/// The mock @c ExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockExceptionEncounteredSender> m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender;
/// The mock @c UserActivityNotifierInterface.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockUserActivityNotifier> m_mockUserActivityNotifier;
/// A @c AudioInputStream::Writer to write audio data to m_audioProvider.
std::unique_ptr<avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Writer> m_writer;
/// The @c AudioProvider to test with.
std::unique_ptr<AudioProvider> m_audioProvider;
/// The @c AudioInputProcessor to test.
std::shared_ptr<AudioInputProcessor> m_audioInputProcessor;
/// The mock @c ObserverInterface.
std::shared_ptr<MockObserver> m_mockObserver;
/// The @c RecognizeEvent from the last @c testRecognizeSucceeds() call.
std::shared_ptr<RecognizeEvent> m_recognizeEvent;
/// Vector of samples holding a test pattern to feed through the @c AudioInputStream.
std::vector<Sample> m_pattern;
void AudioInputProcessorTest::SetUp() {
m_mockDirectiveSequencer = std::make_shared<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveSequencer>();
m_mockMessageSender = std::make_shared<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockMessageSender>();
m_mockContextManager = std::make_shared<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockContextManager>();
m_mockFocusManager = std::make_shared<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockFocusManager>();
m_dialogUXStateAggregator = std::make_shared<avsCommon::avs::DialogUXStateAggregator>();
m_dialogUXStateObserver = std::make_shared<TestDialogUXStateObserver>(m_dialogUXStateAggregator);
m_mockExceptionEncounteredSender =
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
m_mockUserActivityNotifier = std::make_shared<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockUserActivityNotifier>();
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
size_t bufferSize = avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::calculateBufferSize(SDS_WORDS, SDS_WORDSIZE, SDS_MAXREADERS);
auto buffer = std::make_shared<avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Buffer>(bufferSize);
auto stream = avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::create(buffer, SDS_WORDSIZE, SDS_MAXREADERS);
ASSERT_NE(stream, nullptr);
m_writer = stream->createWriter(avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Writer::Policy::NONBLOCKABLE);
ASSERT_NE(m_writer, nullptr);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
avsCommon::utils::AudioFormat format = {avsCommon::utils::AudioFormat::Encoding::LPCM,
m_audioProvider = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<AudioProvider>(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, setStateProvider(RECOGNIZER_STATE, Ne(nullptr)));
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
ASSERT_NE(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
// Note: StrictMock here so that we fail on unexpected AIP state changes
m_mockObserver = std::make_shared<StrictMock<MockObserver>>();
ASSERT_NE(m_mockObserver, nullptr);
// Populate the test pattern with values that correspond to indexes for easy verification.
std::iota(m_pattern.begin(), m_pattern.end(), 0);
void AudioInputProcessorTest::TearDown() {
if (m_audioInputProcessor) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _)).Times(AtLeast(0));
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testRecognizeFails(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd,
std::string keyword) {
RecognizeEvent recognize(audioProvider, initiator, begin, keywordEnd, keyword);
return !recognize.send(m_audioInputProcessor).get();
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testRecognizeSucceeds(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
AudioProvider audioProvider,
Initiator initiator,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin,
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index keywordEnd,
std::string keyword,
RecognizeStopPoint stopPoint) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
bool bargeIn = m_recognizeEvent != nullptr;
// If a valid begin index is provided, preload the SDS buffer with the test pattern.
if (begin != AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX) {
EXPECT_EQ(m_writer->write(m_pattern.data(), m_pattern.size()), static_cast<ssize_t>(m_pattern.size()));
rapidjson::Document contextDocument(rapidjson::kObjectType);
rapidjson::Value contextArray(rapidjson::kArrayType);
contextDocument.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_CONTEXT_KEY), contextArray, contextDocument.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::StringBuffer contextBuffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> contextWriter(contextBuffer);
std::string contextJson = contextBuffer.GetString();
m_recognizeEvent = std::make_shared<RecognizeEvent>(audioProvider, initiator, begin, keywordEnd, keyword);
if (keyword.empty()) {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, getContext(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([this] {
setState(RECOGNIZER_STATE, _, avsCommon::avs::StateRefreshPolicy::NEVER, STATE_REQUEST_TOKEN))
Invoke(m_recognizeEvent.get(), &RecognizeEvent::verifyJsonState),
InvokeWithoutArgs([this, contextJson, stopPoint] {
if (RecognizeStopPoint::AFTER_CONTEXT == stopPoint) {
return avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::SetStateResult::SUCCESS;
} else {
Version 1.2.0 alexa-client-sdk Changes in this update * **Enhancements** * Updated MediaPlayer to solve stability issues * All capability agents were refined to work with the updated MediaPlayer * Added the TemplateRuntime capability agent * Added the SpeakerManager capability agent * Added a configuration option ("sampleApp":"endpoint") that allows the endpoint that SampleApp connects to to be specified without changing code or rebuilding * Added very verbose capture of libcurl debug information * Added an observer interface to observer audio state changes from AudioPlayer * Added support for StreamMetadataExtracted Event. Stream tags found in the stream are represented in JSON and sent to AVS * Added to the SampleApp a simple GuiRenderer as an observer to the TemplateRuntime Capability Agent * Moved shared libcurl functionality to AVSCommon/Utils * Added a CMake option to exclude tests from the "make all" build. Use "cmake <absolute-path-to-source> -DACSDK_EXCLUDE_TEST_FROM_ALL=ON" to enable it. When this option is enabled "make unit" and "make integration" still could be used to build and run the tests * **Bug fixes**: * Previously scheduled alerts now play following a restart * General stability fixes * Bug fix for CertifiedSender blocking forever if the network goes down while it's trying to send a message to AVS * Fixes for known issue of Alerts integration tests fail: AlertsTest.UserLongUnrelatedBargeInOnActiveTimer and AlertsTest.handleOneTimerWithVocalStop * Attempting to end a tap-to-talk interaction with the tap-to-talk button wouldn't work * SharedDataStream could encounter a race condition due to a combination of a blocking Reader and a Writer closing before writing any data * Bug-fix for the ordering of notifications within alerts scheduling. This fixes the issue where a local-stop on an alert would also stop a subsequent alert if it were to begin without delay * **Known Issues** * Capability agent for Notifications is not included in this release * Inconsistent playback behavior when resuming content ("Alexa, pause." / "Alexa, resume."). Specifically, handling playback offsets, which causes the content to play from the start. This behavior is also occasionally seen with "Next" / "Previous". * `ACL`'s asynchronous receipt of audio attachments may manage resources poorly in scenarios where attachments are received but not consumed.
2017-10-30 22:14:38 +00:00
// Enforce the sequence; setState needs to be called before getContext, otherwise ContextManager will not
// include the new state in the context for this recognize.
InSequence dummy;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, setState(RECOGNIZER_STATE, _, avsCommon::avs::StateRefreshPolicy::NEVER, 0))
.WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke(m_recognizeEvent.get(), &RecognizeEvent::verifyJsonState), InvokeWithoutArgs([] {
return avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::SetStateResult::SUCCESS;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, getContext(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([this, contextJson, stopPoint] {
if (RecognizeStopPoint::AFTER_CONTEXT == stopPoint) {
if (!bargeIn) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockUserActivityNotifier, onUserActive()).Times(2);
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::RECOGNIZING));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, acquireChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _, ACTIVITY_ID))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([this, stopPoint] {
if (RecognizeStopPoint::AFTER_FOCUS == stopPoint) {
return true;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockDirectiveSequencer, setDialogRequestId(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMessageSender, sendMessage(_))
Invoke([this](std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest> request) {
m_recognizeEvent->verifyMessage(request, m_pattern);
InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
if (RecognizeStopPoint::AFTER_SEND == stopPoint) {
} else if (RecognizeStopPoint::NONE == stopPoint) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
if (stopPoint != RecognizeStopPoint::NONE) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::BUSY));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
auto sentFuture = m_recognizeEvent->send(m_audioInputProcessor);
// If a valid begin index was not provided, load the SDS buffer with the test pattern after recognize() is sent.
if (AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX == begin) {
EXPECT_EQ(m_writer->write(m_pattern.data(), m_pattern.size()), static_cast<ssize_t>(m_pattern.size()));
auto sent = sentFuture.get();
if (!sent) {
return false;
if (RecognizeStopPoint::AFTER_RECOGNIZE == stopPoint) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testStopCaptureSucceeds() {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::BUSY));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
auto stopCaptureResult = m_audioInputProcessor->stopCapture();
if (!stopCaptureResult.valid() && stopCaptureResult.get()) {
return false;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testContextFailure(avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ContextRequestError error) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
RecognizeEvent recognize(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, getContext(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([this, error] {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::RECOGNIZING));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockUserActivityNotifier, onUserActive()).Times(2);
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
if (recognize.send(m_audioInputProcessor).get()) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
return false;
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testStopCaptureDirectiveSucceeds(bool withDialogRequestId) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
auto avsDirective = createAVSDirective(STOP_CAPTURE, withDialogRequestId);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
auto result = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveHandlerResult>();
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DirectiveHandlerInterface> directiveHandler = m_audioInputProcessor;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::BUSY));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
if (withDialogRequestId) {
EXPECT_CALL(*result, setCompleted());
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
if (!withDialogRequestId) {
} else {
directiveHandler->preHandleDirective(avsDirective, std::move(result));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testStopCaptureDirectiveFails(bool withDialogRequestId) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
auto avsDirective = createAVSDirective(STOP_CAPTURE, withDialogRequestId);
auto result = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveHandlerResult>();
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*result, setFailed(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DirectiveHandlerInterface> directiveHandler = m_audioInputProcessor;
if (!withDialogRequestId) {
} else {
directiveHandler->preHandleDirective(avsDirective, std::move(result));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testExpectSpeechSucceeds(bool withDialogRequestId) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
auto avsDirective = createAVSDirective(EXPECT_SPEECH, withDialogRequestId);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
auto result = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveHandlerResult>();
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DirectiveHandlerInterface> directiveHandler = m_audioInputProcessor;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::EXPECTING_SPEECH));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::RECOGNIZING));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockUserActivityNotifier, onUserActive()).Times(2);
if (withDialogRequestId) {
EXPECT_CALL(*result, setCompleted());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, getContext(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
if (!withDialogRequestId) {
} else {
directiveHandler->preHandleDirective(avsDirective, std::move(result));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testExpectSpeechWaits(bool withDialogRequestId, bool verifyTimeout) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
auto avsDirective = createAVSDirective(EXPECT_SPEECH, withDialogRequestId);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
auto result = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveHandlerResult>();
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DirectiveHandlerInterface> directiveHandler = m_audioInputProcessor;
if (withDialogRequestId) {
EXPECT_CALL(*result, setCompleted());
if (verifyTimeout) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::EXPECTING_SPEECH));
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockMessageSender, sendMessage(_)).WillOnce(Invoke(&verifyExpectSpeechTimedOut));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
} else {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::EXPECTING_SPEECH))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
if (!withDialogRequestId) {
} else {
directiveHandler->preHandleDirective(avsDirective, std::move(result));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testExpectSpeechFails(bool withDialogRequestId) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
auto avsDirective = createAVSDirective(EXPECT_SPEECH, WITH_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID);
auto result = avsCommon::utils::memory::make_unique<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::test::MockDirectiveHandlerResult>();
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_CALL(*result, setFailed(_)).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::DirectiveHandlerInterface> directiveHandler = m_audioInputProcessor;
return true;
} else {
directiveHandler->preHandleDirective(avsDirective, std::move(result));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::AVSDirective> AudioInputProcessorTest::createAVSDirective(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
const avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName& directive,
auto header = std::make_shared<avsCommon::avs::AVSMessageHeader>(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
rapidjson::Document document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
rapidjson::Value directiveJson(rapidjson::kObjectType);
rapidjson::Value headerJson(rapidjson::kObjectType);
rapidjson::Value payloadJson(rapidjson::kObjectType);
rapidjson::Value namespaceJson(header->getNamespace(), document.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value nameJson(header->getName(), document.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value messageIdJson(header->getMessageId(), document.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value dialogRequestIdJson(header->getDialogRequestId(), document.GetAllocator());
if (EXPECT_SPEECH == directive) {
rapidjson::Value timeoutInMillisecondsJson(EXPECT_SPEECH_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS);
rapidjson::Value initiatorJson(rapidjson::StringRef(EXPECT_SPEECH_INITIATOR));
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
rapidjson::StringRef(EXPECT_SPEECH_TIMEOUT_KEY), timeoutInMillisecondsJson, document.GetAllocator());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
rapidjson::StringRef(EXPECT_SPEECH_INITIATOR_KEY), initiatorJson, document.GetAllocator());
headerJson.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_KEY), namespaceJson, document.GetAllocator());
headerJson.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_NAME_KEY), nameJson, document.GetAllocator());
headerJson.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY), messageIdJson, document.GetAllocator());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY), dialogRequestIdJson, document.GetAllocator());
directiveJson.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY), headerJson, document.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::StringBuffer payloadBuffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> payloadWriter(payloadBuffer);
directiveJson.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY), payloadJson, document.GetAllocator());
document.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(MESSAGE_DIRECTIVE_KEY), directiveJson, document.GetAllocator());
rapidjson::StringBuffer documentBuffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> documentWriter(documentBuffer);
auto mockAttachmentManager = std::make_shared<avsCommon::avs::attachment::test::MockAttachmentManager>();
return avsCommon::avs::AVSDirective::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
documentBuffer.GetString(), header, payloadBuffer.GetString(), mockAttachmentManager, "");
void AudioInputProcessorTest::verifyExpectSpeechTimedOut(std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::avs::MessageRequest> request) {
rapidjson::Document document = parseJson(request->getJsonContent());
auto event = document.FindMember(MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(event, document.MemberEnd());
auto header = event->value.FindMember(MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(header, event->value.MemberEnd());
auto payload = event->value.FindMember(MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY);
EXPECT_NE(payload, event->value.MemberEnd());
EXPECT_NE(getJsonString(header->value, MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY), "");
EXPECT_EQ(request->getAttachmentReader(), nullptr);
void AudioInputProcessorTest::removeDefaultAudioProvider() {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, setStateProvider(RECOGNIZER_STATE, Ne(nullptr)));
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_NE(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
void AudioInputProcessorTest::makeDefaultAudioProviderNotAlwaysReadable() {
m_audioProvider->alwaysReadable = false;
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, setStateProvider(RECOGNIZER_STATE, Ne(nullptr)));
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_NE(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
bool AudioInputProcessorTest::testFocusChange(avsCommon::avs::FocusState state) {
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable conditionVariable;
bool done = false;
bool recognizeSucceeded = testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP);
if (!recognizeSucceeded) {
return false;
if (state != avsCommon::avs::FocusState::NONE) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE))
.WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs([&] {
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
done = true;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
return conditionVariable.wait_for(lock, TEST_TIMEOUT, [&done] { return done; });
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid @c DirectiveSequencerInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutDirectiveSequencer) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid @c MessageSenderInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutMessageSender) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid @c ContextManagerInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutContextManager) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid @c FocusManagerInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutFocusManager) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid @c DialogUXStateAggregator.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutStateAggregator) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
* Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid
* @c ExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutExceptionSender) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
* Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() errors out with an invalid
* @c UserActivityNotifierInterface.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutUserActivityNotifier) {
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::create() succeeds with a null @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, createWithoutAudioProvider) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockContextManager, setStateProvider(RECOGNIZER_STATE, Ne(nullptr)));
m_audioInputProcessor = AudioInputProcessor::create(
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
EXPECT_NE(m_audioInputProcessor, nullptr);
/// Function to verify that @c AudioInputProcessor::getconfiguration() returns the expected configuration data.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, getConfiguration) {
auto configuration = m_audioInputProcessor->getConfiguration();
EXPECT_EQ(configuration.size(), NUM_DIRECTIVES);
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
for (auto namespaceAndName : DIRECTIVES) {
auto directive = configuration.find(namespaceAndName);
EXPECT_NE(directive, configuration.end());
if (configuration.end() == directive) {
EXPECT_EQ(directive->second, BLOCKING_POLICY);
* Function to verify that observers can be added/removed. Nothing is directly asserted here, but this test verifies
* that these functions work without crashing.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, addRemoveObserver) {
// Null pointer detection.
// Add/remove single observer.
auto observer = std::make_shared<MockObserver>();
// Add multiple observers.
auto observer2 = std::make_shared<MockObserver>();
// Remove both observers (out of order).
// Try to re-remove an observer which is no longer registered.
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails when given a null @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeNullStream) {
auto result = m_audioInputProcessor->recognize(AudioProvider::null(), Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD);
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails when given invalid @c AudioFormats.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeInvalidAudioFormat) {
AudioProvider audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.format.endianness = avsCommon::utils::AudioFormat::Endianness::BIG;
EXPECT_FALSE(m_audioInputProcessor->recognize(audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD).get());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.format.sampleRateHz = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(m_audioInputProcessor->recognize(audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD).get());
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.format.sampleSizeInBits = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(m_audioInputProcessor->recognize(audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD).get());
audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.format.numChannels = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(m_audioInputProcessor->recognize(audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD).get());
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizePressAndHold) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c Initiator::TAP.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeTap) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails with @c Initiator::WAKEWORD and no keyword.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWakewordWithoutKeyword) {
EXPECT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::WAKEWORD));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails with @c Initiator::WAKEWORD and invalid begin
* index.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWakewordWithBadBegin) {
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = SDS_WORDS + 1;
auto end = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX;
EXPECT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::WAKEWORD, begin, end, KEYWORD_TEXT));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c Initiator::WAKEWORD and keyword.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWakewordWithKeyword) {
auto begin = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX;
auto end = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX;
EXPECT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::WAKEWORD, begin, end, KEYWORD_TEXT));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c Initiator::WAKEWORD valid begin.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWakewordWithGoodBegin) {
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = 0;
auto end = AudioInputProcessor::INVALID_INDEX;
EXPECT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::WAKEWORD, begin, end, KEYWORD_TEXT));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c Initiator::WAKEWORD valid begin and
* end indices.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWakewordWithGoodBeginAndEnd) {
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index begin = PREROLL_WORDS;
avsCommon::avs::AudioInputStream::Index end = PREROLL_WORDS + WAKEWORD_WORDS;
EXPECT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::WAKEWORD, begin, end, KEYWORD_TEXT));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeCloseTalk) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c ASRProfile::NEAR_FIELD.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeNearField) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::NEAR_FIELD;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with @c ASRProfile::FAR_FIELD.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeFarField) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::FAR_FIELD;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works in @c State::EXPECTING_SPEECH.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeWhileExpectingSpeech) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with a call to @c stopCapture() immediately
* after the @c recognize() call.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeStopAfterRecognize) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with a call to @c stopCapture() immediately
* after the @c onContextAvailable() call.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeStopAfterContext) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with a call to @c stopCapture() immediately
* after the @c onFocusChanged() call.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeStopAfterFocus) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works with a call to @c stopCapture() immediately
* after the message is sent.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeStopAfterSend) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() works in @c State::RECOGNIZING when the previous
* recognize used the CLOSE_TALK profile.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeBargeInWhileRecognizingCloseTalk) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::CLOSE_TALK;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails in @c State::RECOGNIZING when the previous
* recognize used the NEAR_FIELD profile.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeBargeInWhileRecognizingNearField) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::NEAR_FIELD;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails in @c State::RECOGNIZING when the previous
* recognize used the FAR_FIELD profile.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeBargeInWhileRecognizingFarField) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.profile = ASRProfile::FAR_FIELD;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails in @c State::RECOGNIZING when the second
* @c AudioProvider can't override.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeBargeInWhileRecognizingCantOverride) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.canOverride = false;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::recognize() fails in @c State::RECOGNIZING when the
* first @c AudioProvider can't be overridden.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, recognizeBargeInWhileRecognizingCantBeOverridden) {
auto audioProvider = *m_audioProvider;
audioProvider.canBeOverridden = false;
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeFails(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::stopCapture() fails in @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, stopCaptureWhenIdle) {
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::stopCapture() fails in @c State::EXPECTING_SPEECH.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, stopCaptureWhenExpectingSpeech) {
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::stopCapture() works in @c State::RECOGNIZING.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, stopCaptureWhenRecognizing) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
auto readStatus = avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader::ReadStatus::OK;
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(SDS_WORDS * SDS_WORDSIZE);
EXPECT_EQ(m_recognizeEvent->getReader()->read(buf.data(), buf.size(), &readStatus), 0U);
ASSERT_EQ(readStatus, avsCommon::avs::attachment::AttachmentReader::ReadStatus::CLOSED);
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::resetState() works in @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, resetStateWhenIdle) {
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::resetState() works in @c State::EXPECTING_SPEECH.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, resetStateWhenExpectingSpeech) {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE));
/// This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor::resetState() works in @c State::RECOGNIZING.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, resetStateWhenRecognizing) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE));
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor responds correctly to
* @c ContextRequestError::STATE_PROVIDER_TIMEDOUT.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, contextFailureStateProviderTimedout) {
* This function verifies that @c AudioInputProcessor responds correctly to
* @c ContextRequestError::BUILD_CONTEXT_ERROR.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, contextFailureBuildContextError) {
/// This function verifies that StopCapture directives fail in @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveStopCaptureWhenIdle) {
/// This function verifies that StopCapture directives with dialog request ID work in @c State::RECOGNIZING.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveStopCaptureWhenRecognizing) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
/// This function verifies that StopCapture directives fail in @c State::EXPECTING_SPEECH.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveStopCaptureWhenExpectingSpeech) {
/// This function verifies that StopCapture directives without dialog request ID work in @c State::RECOGNIZING.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, handleDirectiveImmediatelyStopCaptureWhenRecognizing) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives with dialog request ID work in @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveExpectSpeechWhenIdle) {
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives without dialog request ID work in @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, handleDirectiveImmediatelyExpectSpeechWhenIdle) {
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives fail in @c State::RECOGNIZING.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveExpectSpeechWhenRecognizing) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives fail in @c State::EXPECTING_SPEECH.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, preHandleAndHandleDirectiveExpectSpeechWhenExpectingSpeech) {
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives wait with no default and no previous @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, expectSpeechNoDefaultNoPrevious) {
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives wait with unreadable default and no previous @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, expectSpeechUnreadableDefaultNoPrevious) {
* This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives wait with unreadable default and unreadable previous
* @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, expectSpeechUnreadableDefaultUnreadablePrevious) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD, 0));
/// This function verifies that ExpectSpeech directives work with no default and readable previous @c AudioProvider.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, expectSpeechNoDefaultReadablePrevious) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::PRESS_AND_HOLD, 0));
/// This function verifies that a focus change to @c FocusState::BACKGROUND causes the @c AudioInputProcessor to
/// release the channel and go back to @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, focusChangedBackground) {
/// This function verifies that a focus change to @c FocusState::NONE causes the @c AudioInputProcessor to
/// release the channel and go back to @c State::IDLE.
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, focusChangedNone) {
Version 1.2.0 alexa-client-sdk Changes in this update * **Enhancements** * Updated MediaPlayer to solve stability issues * All capability agents were refined to work with the updated MediaPlayer * Added the TemplateRuntime capability agent * Added the SpeakerManager capability agent * Added a configuration option ("sampleApp":"endpoint") that allows the endpoint that SampleApp connects to to be specified without changing code or rebuilding * Added very verbose capture of libcurl debug information * Added an observer interface to observer audio state changes from AudioPlayer * Added support for StreamMetadataExtracted Event. Stream tags found in the stream are represented in JSON and sent to AVS * Added to the SampleApp a simple GuiRenderer as an observer to the TemplateRuntime Capability Agent * Moved shared libcurl functionality to AVSCommon/Utils * Added a CMake option to exclude tests from the "make all" build. Use "cmake <absolute-path-to-source> -DACSDK_EXCLUDE_TEST_FROM_ALL=ON" to enable it. When this option is enabled "make unit" and "make integration" still could be used to build and run the tests * **Bug fixes**: * Previously scheduled alerts now play following a restart * General stability fixes * Bug fix for CertifiedSender blocking forever if the network goes down while it's trying to send a message to AVS * Fixes for known issue of Alerts integration tests fail: AlertsTest.UserLongUnrelatedBargeInOnActiveTimer and AlertsTest.handleOneTimerWithVocalStop * Attempting to end a tap-to-talk interaction with the tap-to-talk button wouldn't work * SharedDataStream could encounter a race condition due to a combination of a blocking Reader and a Writer closing before writing any data * Bug-fix for the ordering of notifications within alerts scheduling. This fixes the issue where a local-stop on an alert would also stop a subsequent alert if it were to begin without delay * **Known Issues** * Capability agent for Notifications is not included in this release * Inconsistent playback behavior when resuming content ("Alexa, pause." / "Alexa, resume."). Specifically, handling playback offsets, which causes the content to play from the start. This behavior is also occasionally seen with "Next" / "Previous". * `ACL`'s asynchronous receipt of audio attachments may manage resources poorly in scenarios where attachments are received but not consumed.
2017-10-30 22:14:38 +00:00
/// Test that the @c AudioInputProcessor correctly transitions to @c State::IDLE
/// if @c Status::TIMEDOUT is received
TEST_F(AudioInputProcessorTest, resetStateOnTimeOut) {
ASSERT_TRUE(testRecognizeSucceeds(*m_audioProvider, Initiator::TAP, 0));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockFocusManager, releaseChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mockObserver, onStateChanged(AudioInputProcessorObserverInterface::State::IDLE));
Version 1.1.0 alexa-client-sdk - Changes in this update: - Better GStreamer error reporting. MediaPlayer used to only report `MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN`, now reports more specific errors as defined in `ErrorType.h`. - Codebase has been formatted for easier reading. - `DirectiveRouter::removeDirectiveHandler()` signature changed and now returns a bool indicating if given handler should be successfully removed or not. - Cleanup of raw and shared pointers in the creation of `Transport` objects. - `HTTP2Stream`s now have IDs assigned as they are acquired as opposed to created, making associated logs easier to interpret. - `AlertsCapabilityAgent` has been refactored. - Alert management has been factored out into an `AlertScheduler` class. - Creation of Reminder (implements Alert) class. - Added new capability agent for `PlaybackController` with unit tests. - Added Settings interface with unit tests. - Return type of `getOffsetInMilliseconds()` changed from `int64_t` to `std::chronology::milliseconds`. - Added `AudioPlayer` unit tests. - Added teardown for all Integration tests except Alerts. - Implemented PlaylistParser. - Bug fixes: - AIP getting stuck in `LISTENING` or `THINKING` and refusing user input on network outage. - SampleApp crashing if running for 5 minutes after network disconnect. - Issue where on repeated user barge-ins, `AudioPlayer` would not pause. Specifically, the third attempt to “Play iHeartRadio” would not result in currently-playing music pausing. - Utterances being ignored after particularly long TTS. - GStreamer errors cropping up on SampleApp exit as a result of accessing the pipeline before it’s been setup. - Crashing when playing one URL after another. - Buffer overrun in Alerts Renderer. - [SampleApp crashing when issuing "Alexa skip" command with iHeartRadio.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/153) - [`HTTP2Transport` network thread triggering a join on itself.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/127) - [`HTTP2Stream` request handling truncating exception messages.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/67) - [`AudioPlayer` was attempting an incorrect state transition from `STOPPED` to `PLAYING` through a `playbackResumed`.](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/138)
2017-10-02 22:59:05 +00:00
} // namespace test
} // namespace aip
} // namespace capabilityAgents
} // namespace alexaClientSDK